Pool Team's Guestbook (as of 03-20-2012)
Total: 39 guests
The Zelden's Homepage
Name: D
Website: i'm not telling
Referred by:
From: Mark, you truly are a sick man.... resurrecting this site??"
Time: 6/4/2007 19:05

Name: Dale
Website: imadumbass2@hotmail.com
Referred by: Nipples, Florida
From: What did you do Mark get a new stick? 7 and 0???
Time: 4/10/2005 20:05

Name: Jerome K. Johnson
Website: jkjohnson_57@hotmail.com
Referred by: Yeadon
From: Viewing websites for ideas to create my own
Time: 4/3/2005 12:34

Name: David Thornton
Website: david@onemorereail.com
Referred by: Baltimore
From: Site looks good. I am looking to start an APA web ring to link the APA nation together. I'm in Baltimore, Maryland. e-mail me back at david@onemorerail.com if you're interested."
Time: 1/8/2004 13:42

Name: PoolStats
Website: poolstats@comcast.net
Referred by: nationwide
From: Actually found your site on the Baltimore local APA site. Wanted to leave you our website. We offer online APA stat keeping with printable reports each week, including a record of every match your team has played against the other teams your play each week. Team members can view and print their win/loss record and view all their matches as well. Check us out."
Time: 9/8/2003 23:49

Name: Kelly
Website: KellyCarroll847@hotmail.com or PetSitter@PawsRUs.us
Referred by: Buffalo Grove
From: Greetings from one of the two Kelly's, the newest team members. I'm not sure who will have their hands the fullest, you guys or us chicks! One thing's for sure....we'll bring the good looks, you bring the talent. See 'ya next week."
Time: 8/21/2003 17:02

Website: germeisen@hotmail.com
Referred by: Sittard - The Netherlands
From: Take a look to my website?
More than 1500 pictures of billiardbabes, from all over the world!!!
With love from The Netherlands"
Time: 1/24/2003 8:48

Name: DeAnna
Website: deedeeml@attbi.com
Referred by: Palatine
From: Hey Mark - Bet you're suprised to hear from me. Or you're thinking really hard about who this is. I like your creativity - especially the pictures.
Keep up the good work.
Time: 1/22/2003 14:19

Name: joe blow
Referred by: dank
From: your team fucking sucks
Time: 8/26/2002 2:54

Name: QQQQ2 Webmaster
Referred by:
From: That's what we get for letting Anderson do our accounting. The error has been corrected and they have been terminated. Even though our stock has gone down to almost nothing, I promise it will rebound by the end of next session."
Time: 7/18/2002 19:08

Name: A. Anderson
Referred by: soon to be out of.....
From: Regarding Dave:
It's an accounting trick. It's trying to make up for some of the games he probably should have won last session.
Time: 7/17/2002 19:01

Name: Reptile
Referred by:
From: Damn, that Dave guy is good. He has only played 4 times and he has 5 wins. Every team needs someone like that."
Time: 7/14/2002 23:51

Name: tommy coogan
Website: tcoogan3@cox.net
Referred by: new orleans, la.
From: hey guys, liked your website. I just want to mention to ya'll if you are as big pool nuts as me check out this new league I found, www.tapleague.com. They handicap similar to APA, have a 25 rule, and are having there first las vegas championships this october.they also offer easy start-up if any of you have ever wanted to try and run your own league.

good job"
Time: 6/28/2002 9:42

Name: Reptile
Referred by:
From: Are Dale and John twins? I notice they pose the same way for pictures
Time: 6/26/2002 18:42

Name: Professional Spectator
Website: unlisted
Referred by: B.F., E.
From: Dale Marner must be a pool god! He hasn't lost a match all session!
Time: 6/20/2002 8:39

Name: Observer
Referred by: newport tipperary
From: Dale Marner is 0 and 3!! HE MUST REALLY SUCK!! Even worse than that Rafter guy
Time: 4/17/2002 18:30

Name: Mike Sprinkle
Website: info@uspapool.com
Referred by: St. Petersburg, Florida
From: Your team reminds me of a team we have here in St. Pete called three cards short. They are always having fun.
Time: 4/14/2002 19:08

Name: some pool player
Referred by:
From: You guys rule and so does your website!!!
Time: 4/3/2002 15:52

Name: cat
Website: paul.colbert@fiserv.com
Referred by: city
From: I got a glass as big as Paulie's(that really is me) I think we're going to Vegas one day(I hope I'm still living)
Time: 3/12/2002 14:53

Name: Just Somebody
Website: somebody@aol.com
Referred by: City
From: It's february 10 and John Rafter is still undefeated. Unbelievable!
Time: 2/10/2002 11:26

Name: Just litlle ole me, the Reptile
Website: sure if you want to
Referred by: The outer reaches of the nebulus
From: So Mark, we all see the expediency with which you made sure to put that captainship beside your name. And you all say that you dont want to be captain. HAHAHAHA"
Time: 2/9/2002 13:26

Name: anonamousII
Website: dtm3@prodigy.com
Referred by: country
From: It's february 5 and John Rafter is undefeated. Thats good to see.
Time: 2/6/2002 0:15

Name: Phil
Website: PhilWatch@juno.com
Referred by: Morton Grove
From: Your web site doesn't mention which form of billards your playing. Currently playing on tuesday on an eight-ball team and would like also to play on a Wed. team. If your looking for another player please let me know for up comming spring season. Thanks again, Phil "
Time: 1/14/2002 20:14

Name: The best female GT player in the world!
Website: Lutek@aol.com
Referred by: As far away from you guys as possible
From: I GOTTA find out where to get a glass like Paulie's... damn.

Okay... I surfed.. I came.. I saw. .I signed... now gimme my money!!!!
Time: 12/21/2001 13:17

Name: jimbomba
Website: jasmorrow@earthlink.net
Referred by: mexico city west (elgin)
From: Pool is actually good for your health. you get plenty of fluids, get to play with you balls and carry big sticks. this website also rocks!"
Time: 11/28/2001 16:07

Name: Anonymous
Website: dtm3@prodigy.net
Referred by: The rolling acres of Nunda Township
From: I was just looking through the site and noticed there was only one player who hasn't won a match all session. He must really suck.
Time: 11/23/2001 13:34

Name: Ross T. Fari
Website: rosstfaripool@yahoo.com
Referred by: New York City
From: Nice site!
Keep up the good work!

Time: 10/31/2001 14:05

Name: mike anglum
Website: mike anglum@yahoo.com
Referred by: virginia il
Time: 10/10/2001 6:17

Name: Promotions Manager, QQQQ2 Pool Team
Referred by: City. I've never milked a cow.
From: For some reason, Jaegermeister (or however it's spelled) has been reluctant to sponsor anything to do with us, even though we have a team member or two who are still trying to win their support by convincing them that we could use their help in eliminating our many unnecessary brain cells. I believe that it MAY be some contract snag with ESPN, the Fox Sports Network, or the National Enquirer, but then it could be something entirely different."
Time: 10/8/2001 9:09

Name: Rich Grooms
Website: rgrooms1@home.com
Referred by: Cheeseland
From: I'll try to attend on the promo nights.

Maybe Jagermeister ??
Time: 10/7/2001 19:06

Name: Marc Emrick
Website: hemmor@aol.com
Referred by: Streamwood
From: Hey...mz...my name needs to be corrected. (You'll thank me when it's in lights in Vegas.) Marc Emrick. Other than that, the site is pretty cool!"
Time: 7/29/2001 0:30

Name: Jered Wenderoth
Website: jered@home.com
Referred by: Baltimore, MD
From: Nice web site. Now what was this about a free T-shirt? :)

Time: 7/17/2001 17:09

Name: The Reptile
Website: djlindy@mediaone.net
Referred by:
From: Yes, that picture is really me. I am the lost relative of Barney (that stupid purple dinosaur)."
Time: 7/4/2001 12:58

Name: Dave
Website: djlindy@mediaone.net
Referred by:
From: Just in case anyone should actually visit this page and read this guestbook, If you haven't figured it out by now we are a crazy lot and enjoy having fun with our pool playing. But, don't take us too lightly, you never know when you might get snake bitten."
Time: 6/30/2001 11:37

Name: don krist
Website: don.krist@fiserv.com
Referred by: hanover park il.
From: just thought i'd check things out since i'm in 2nd shift jail till sept. 2001.getting out on wed. is not that easy anymore till we get someone trained on 2nd shift. i hate when that happens, but i wish you guys good luck. d.k."
Time: 6/27/2001 17:25

Name: paul colbert
Website: paul.colbert@fiserv.com
Referred by: Schaumburg
From: I play too!
Time: 6/27/2001 17:05

Name: Bruce Moore
Website: MisterMooreSir@aol.com
Referred by: Palatine, Illinois
From: No, the t-shirt goes to the second visitor. The first one gets to pay for it."
Time: 6/26/2001 23:29

Name: Mark Zelden
Website: mzelden@flash.net
Referred by: Chicago, IL
From: Hey, I'm the first one. Do I get the T-shirt?"
Time: 6/26/2001 21:20

Total: 39 guests