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Welcome to The Zelden's Homepage

Mark Zelden

Mark Zelden Mark is an Advisor System Engineer and z/OS Team Lead for DXC Technology (formerly CSC / Computer Sciences Corporation) specializing in OS/390 and z/OS (IBM's "large scale" mainframe operating systems).

Mark lives in Schaumburg, Illinois - U.S.A. with his daughter and two cats Running black cat Phillip and Eragon. You can see all of our pictures by clicking here.

Animated cat playing with bug picture

Musical Notes Treble Clef

To stop MIDI music playback - click here

To restart MIDI music playback - click here

You can email Mark.

Email Mark at

Please email Mark about any dead links found on this page.

Other Cool Sign sites to visit:

Mark's MVS Utilities Page Angry Dino

"Never a Doubt" - my pool team


CSC (Computer Sciences Corporation) - my employer
Zurich North America
NaSPA Association for Corporate Computing Technical Professionals
Eric Loriaux's System/390 home page. (MVS, VM, VSE, OS/390)

Family and Friends

Rabbi Doug - Rabbi Doug's Homepage
Richard ViPond - Richard ViPond's Homepage
Evelyn Stone - Turning Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones
Deborah Bindler - Life Choices

Audio and Video

Progressive Networks Homepage - RealAudio and RealVideo
Steve Dahl
Warner Bros. Records Jukebox
The XYZZY Huge WAV Collection - This site is Excelent
The Daily .WAV
Yard Productions, Inc. - videos main page
Ebert & Roper Movie Reviews

:-) *Chat* And Other Fun

The Columbus Home PageŽ WWW Chat Forums
Chat House
The Offical Joke of the Day!
Digital City: Chicago
George Carlin's Website

News and Sports

Chicago Sun-Times Online
The Chicago Tribune
CNN Interactive
SportsLine USA
The Sporting News

Search Services


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This page has been accessed 367303 times since January 1, 1997.
Changes last made on: 02/28/2018