/* REXX */ /* */ /* AUTHOR: Mark Zelden */ /* */ /* Last Updated 01/11/2025 */ /* */ help_start = HELP_INCL() /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* This EDIT macro totals numbers in a specified column range. */ /* An optional parameter of "HEX", "ZONE", "PACK", or "BIN" is */ /* needed to add hexadecimal, zoned decimal, packed decimal, or */ /* binary data. "DEC" is the default addition type. */ /* */ /* If the DECimal numbers being added have commas, this is */ /* valid and the commas will be ignored (enhancement - 1/9/2025) */ /* */ /* Hexadecimal numbers to be added may be represented with or */ /* without an "X". In other words, x'1E' and 1E can both be */ /* processed and are treated the same. */ /* */ /* The result is displayed as an ISPF short message in the top */ /* right hand corner in the same format as the addition type */ /* (decimal or hexadecimal). If extended help is chosen after */ /* the result is displayed (normally PF1), then the result is */ /* displayed in both decimal and hexadecimal and the average */ /* is also displayed. */ /* */ /* Line range labels can be used, and excluded lines are always */ /* omitted. */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /* COMMAND SYNTAX AND USAGE NOTES: */ /* */ /* COLADD begcol endcol (.L1) (.L2) */ /* ** DEC is the default */ /* */ /* ** NOTE 1: If you execute COLADD with no parms or with a parm */ /* of "?", the comment section of this code with syntax */ /* and usage notes will be displayed as "help" note */ /* lines. Use the "RESET" command to remove them. */ /* */ /* ** NOTE 2: If using line range labels then DEC, HEX, ZONE, */ /* PACK, or BIN must be specified as the 3rd positional */ /* parameter. */ /* */ /* ** NOTE 3: Excluded lines are ALWAYS omitted. */ /* */ /* ** NOTE 4: Commas are valid & ignored if adding DECimal numbers. */ /* */ /* ** NOTE 5: DEC, HEX, ZONE, PACK, and BIN may be abbreviated by */ /* using one or more of their characters. HEX may also */ /* be abbreviated as "X". */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /* EXAMPLES: */ /* */ /* COLADD 10 25 */ /* COLADD 33 40 HEX */ /* COLADD 25 30 DEC .A .B */ /* COLADD 10 29 ZONE */ /* COLADD 10 16 PACK */ /* COLADD 40 44 BIN */ /* COLADD 44 57 X .FROM .TO */ /*********************************************************************/ help_end = HELP_INCL() /* TRACE ?R */ Address ISREDIT "MACRO (begcol endcol type label1 label2)" /* Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL ERRORS RETURN" */ /***********************************************/ /* VERIFY INPUT PARAMETERS */ /***********************************************/ begcol = Translate(begcol) /* chage to upper case if alpha */ "(width) = DATA_WIDTH " /* length of line */ width = Format(width) /* remove leading zeros */ If begcol = '?' then do Call HELP_NOTELINES Exit 1 /* return cursor to command line */ End If begcol = '' then do zedsmsg = 'MISSING PARAMETER' zedlmsg = 'A BEGINNING COLUMN NUMBER', 'MUST BE SPECIFIED.' Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ001)" /* msg - with alarm */ Call HELP_NOTELINES Exit 4 End Select When Datatype(begcol,Number) = 1 & endcol = '' then do zedsmsg = 'NO ENDING COLUMN' zedlmsg = 'AN ENDING COLUMN NUMBER', 'MUST BE SPECIFIED.' Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ001)" /* msg - with alarm */ Exit 12 End /* when */ When Datatype(begcol,Number) <> 1 | , Datatype(endcol,Number) <> 1 then do zedsmsg = 'COL NUMBER NOT NUMERIC' zedlmsg = 'THE BEGINNING AND ENDING COLUMN NUMBERS', 'MUST BE NUMERIC.' Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ001)" /* msg - with alarm */ Exit 12 End /* when */ When Datatype(begcol,Number) =1 & Datatype(endcol,Number) =1 then do If endcol < begcol then do zedsmsg = 'END COL < START COL' zedlmsg = 'THE ENDING COLUMN MUST BE GREATER THAN OR', 'EQUAL TO THE STARTING COLUMN.' Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ001)" /* msg - with alarm */ Exit 12 End If type = '' then type = 'DEC' /* default add type is DEC */ else do type = Translate(type) /* change to upper case */ If Abbrev('DECIMAL',type,1) = 0 & , Abbrev('HEXADECIMAL',type,1) = 0 & , Abbrev('ZONE',type,1) = 0 & , Abbrev('PACK',type,1) = 0 & , Abbrev('BIN',type,1) = 0 & , type <> 'X' then do zedsmsg = 'INVALID ADDITION TYPE' zedlmsg = 'ADDITION TYPE MUST BE "DEC", "HEX",' , '"ZONE", "PACK", or "BIN".' Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ001)" /* msg - with alarm */ Exit 12 End End /* else do */ If begcol < 1 | endcol < 1 then do zedsmsg = 'INVALID COLUMN NUMBER' zedlmsg = 'ALL COLUMN SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE' , 'BETWEEN 1 AND' width Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ001)" /* msg - with alarm */ Exit 12 End If begcol > width | endcol > width then do zedsmsg = 'INVALID COLUMN NUMBER' zedlmsg = 'ALL COLUMN SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE' , 'BETWEEN 1 AND' width Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ001)" /* msg - with alarm */ Exit 12 End End /* when */ End /* select */ /***********************************************/ /* FIND OUT IF LABELS ARE BEING USED */ /***********************************************/ Call FIND_LABELS /***************************************************/ /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES NEEDED IN PROCESSING LOOP */ /***************************************************/ Numeric digits 15 /* default of 9 not enough */ count = 0 /* count of added lines */ not_counted = 0 /* count of "not counted" lines */ total = 0 /* total of numbers added */ tgtlen = endcol-begcol+1 /* length of mumbers to add */ /*********************************************************************/ /* Begin column addition loop */ /*********************************************************************/ Do until lastln = firstln-1 /* copy the data in the current line to variable 'data1' */ "(data1) = LINE "firstln "ISREDIT (chkexcl) = XSTATUS" firstln If chkexcl = "NX" then do /* only process non-excluded lines */ add_data = Substr(data1,begcol,tgtlen) /* find data */ If add_data = '' then do /* no data within cols specified */ warnmsg = "'*** WARNING - NEXT LINE WAS NOT COUNTED ***'" "ISREDIT LINE_BEFORE" firstln "= NOTELINE " warnmsg not_counted = not_counted + 1 /* bump up "not counted" counter */ firstln = firstln + 1 /* bump up line counter */ iterate /* get next record */ End /* if add_data = '' */ count = count + 1 /* add one to line count */ Signal on SYNTAX /* trap errors */ /*****************************************************************/ /* Binary data */ /*****************************************************************/ If Abbrev('BIN',type,1) <> 0 then , /* add bin numbers */ add_data = C2d(add_data) /* convert to dec */ /*****************************************************************/ /* Packed decimal data */ /*****************************************************************/ If Abbrev('PACK',type,1) <> 0 then do /* add packed dec numbers */ add_data = Strip(add_data) /* remove blanks */ add_data = C2x(add_data) /* convert to hex */ len_add_data = Length(add_data) /* length of data */ sign = Substr(add_data,len_add_data,1) /* sign portion */ If Verify(sign,'CFD') <> 0 then do /* valid sign? */ warnmsg = "'*** ERROR - NEXT LINE HAS BAD SIGN ***'" "ISREDIT LINE_BEFORE" firstln "= NOTELINE " warnmsg zedsmsg = 'CAN''T ADD LINE' firstln zedlmsg = 'ERROR - THE DATA TO ADD ON LINE' firstln 'IS NOT', 'VALID PACKED DECIMAL - BAD SIGN.' Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ001)" /* msg - with alarm */ Exit 12 End /* If Verify(sign */ add_data = Left(add_data,len_add_data-1) /* remove sign */ If sign = 'D' then add_data = '-' || add_data /* negative num */ End /* If Abbrev('PACK' */ /*****************************************************************/ /* Zoned decimal data */ /*****************************************************************/ If Abbrev('ZONE',type,1) <> 0 then do /* add zone dec. numbers */ add_data = Strip(add_data) /* remove blanks */ len_add_data = Length(add_data) /* length of data */ zone = Substr(add_data,len_add_data,1) /* zone portion */ add_data = Substr(add_data,1,len_add_data-1) /* non-zone part */ If Datatype(add_data,N) <> 1 then , /* valid number? */ call SYNTAX /* no, call error routine */ zonedtab = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR{}' If Verify(zone,zonedtab) <> 0 then do /* valid zone? */ warnmsg = "'*** ERROR - NEXT LINE HAS BAD ZONE ***'" "ISREDIT LINE_BEFORE" firstln "= NOTELINE " warnmsg zedsmsg = 'CAN''T ADD LINE' firstln zedlmsg = 'ERROR - THE DATA TO ADD ON LINE' firstln 'IS NOT', 'VALID ZONED DECIMAL - BAD ZONE.' Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ001)" /* msg - with alarm */ Exit 12 End /* If Verify(zone */ outxtab = '012345678912345678912345678900' add_xzone = Translate(zone,outxtab,zonedtab) If Verify(zone,'JKLMNOPQR}') <> 0 then , add_data = add_data || add_xzone /* concat zone */ Else add_data = '-' || add_data || add_xzone /* concat zone (neg)*/ End /* If Abbrev('ZONE' */ /*****************************************************************/ /* Hexadecimal data */ /*****************************************************************/ If Abbrev('HEXADECIMAL',type,1) <> 0 | , /* add */ type = 'X' then do /* hex numbers */ add_data = Translate(add_data,"","xX'") /* remove hex notation */ add_data = Strip(add_data) /* remove blanks */ add_data = X2d(add_data) /* translate to dec. */ End /* If Abbrev('HEXADECIMAL' */ /*****************************************************************/ /* Decimal data */ /*****************************************************************/ /* /* routine to remove commas from number string */ add_data2 = '' /* init string to null */ do rmv_blnks = 1 to length(add_data) char = substr(add_data,rmv_blnks,1) /* Get the current char */ /* If the character is not a comma, concat to number string */ if char <> ',' then add_data2 = add_data2 || char end total = total + add_data2 /* add to prev. total */ */ /* routine to remove commas from number string */ add_data = Translate(add_data,'',',') /* remove commas */ add_data = Space(add_data,0) /* remove blanks */ total = total + add_data End /* of chkexcl */ firstln = firstln + 1 /* bump up line counter */ End /* do until */ /*********************************************************************/ /* End column addition loop */ /*********************************************************************/ If not_counted = 0 then do /* all lines counted */ endmsg = 'ISRZ000' /* message - no alarm */ endrc = 0 /* RC=0 */ End Else do /* some lines not counted */ endmsg = 'ISRZ001' /* message - with alarm */ endrc = 4 /* RC=4 */ End If Abbrev('HEXADECIMAL',type,1) <> 0 | type = 'X' then do zedsmsg = "Total = x'"D2x(total)"'" zedlmsg = "Total = x'"D2x(total)"' ("total" decimal," , "Avg =" Format(total / count,,5) / 1 || ")." , count "lines were counted (" || , not_counted "not counted)." Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG("|| endmsg ||")" Exit endrc End /* If abbrev */ Else do total = total / 1 /* remove trailing zeros */ zedsmsg = "Total =" total If total >= 0 & total < 999999999999999 & , total=Trunc(total,0) then , zedlmsg = "Total =" total "(x'"D2x(total)"' hex)," , "Avg =" Format(total / count,,5) / 1 || "." , count "lines were counted (" || , not_counted "not counted)." Else , zedlmsg = "Total =" total "(hex not available)," , "Avg =" Format(total / count,,5) / 1 || "." , count "lines were counted (" || , not_counted "not counted)." Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG("|| endmsg ||")" Exit endrc End /* else do */ /*********************************/ /* HELP SUB-ROUTINES */ /*********************************/ HELP_INCL: Return SIGL HELP_NOTELINES: "(helpln) = DISPLAY_LINES" Do hlp = help_end-1 to help_start+1 by -1 hline = Sourceline(hlp) "ISREDIT LINE_AFTER " helpln " = NOTELINE (hline)" End hline2 = '===================' hline3 = '=== H E L P ===' "ISREDIT LINE_AFTER " helpln " = NOTELINE (hline2)" "ISREDIT LINE_AFTER " helpln " = NOTELINE (hline3)" "ISREDIT LINE_AFTER " helpln " = NOTELINE (hline2)" Return /*********************************/ /* Sub-routine to find labels */ /*********************************/ FIND_LABELS: Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL ERRORS RETURN" If label1 = '' then do firstln = 1 "(lastln) = LINENUM .ZLAST" End Else do If label2 = '' then label2 = label1 "(firstsv) = LINENUM" label1 If RC >= 8 then do zedsmsg = 'RANGE LABEL ERROR' zedlmsg = 'THE SPECIFIED RANGE LABEL "' || label1 '" WAS', 'NOT FOUND' Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ001)" /* msg - with alarm */ Exit 12 End "(lastsv) = LINENUM" label2 If RC >= 8 then do zedsmsg = 'RANGE LABEL ERROR' zedlmsg = 'THE SPECIFIED RANGE LABEL "' || label2 '" WAS', 'NOT FOUND' Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ001)" /* msg - with alarm */ Exit 12 End firstln = Min(firstsv,lastsv) lastln = Max(firstsv,lastsv) Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL ERRORS" End /* else do */ Return /*********************************/ /* error sub-routine */ /*********************************/ SYNTAX: warnmsg = "'*** ERROR - NEXT LINE HAS BAD DATA ***'" "ISREDIT LINE_BEFORE" firstln "= NOTELINE " warnmsg zedsmsg = 'CAN''T ADD LINE' firstln zedlmsg = 'ERROR - THE DATA TO ADD ON LINE' firstln 'IS NOT', 'VALID FOR THE ADDITION TYPE.' Address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ001)" /* msg - with alarm */ Exit 12