Sample JOBs / Documentation --------------------------------------------------------------- $$$$READ - Disclaimer $$$INDEX - Index of all members $$CHANGE - CBT File 434 change log $$INSTAL - General installation documentation for this file $ONEPAK - Doc for using DFSMSdss instead of FDRCOPY for ONEPAK / TWOPAK jobs. $ROOTSHR - Doc for setting up a shared UNIX root file $RXINTRO - Doc to download and use RXINTRO member $SNGLTSO - Doc for using the same TSO USERID in a shared environment. $WLMMONO - Doc for setting up WLM in a MONOPLEX CLONERES - Sample jobstream to clone a two volume sysres set and SMP/E target zones. CLONERSO - Old version of CLONERES. ISPDFLTS - ISPF defaults source update needed for single TSO USERID (described in $SNGLTSO). ISPEX16 - ISPXDT and ISPF exit 16 source needed for single TSO USERID (described in $SNGLTSO). ONEPAKZ3 - Sample jobstream to build a one pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 1.3 driving system. ONEPAKZ6 - Sample jobstream to build a one pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 1.6 driving system. ONEPAKZ8 - Sample jobstream to build a one pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 1.7 - z/OS 1.11 driving system. ONEPAKZD - Sample jobstream to build a one pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 1.12 - z/OS 1.13 driving system. ONEPAK21 - Sample jobstream to build a one pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.1 driving system. ONEPAK22 - Sample jobstream to build a one pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.1 driving system. ONEPAK22 - Sample jobstream to build a one pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.2 driving system. ONEPAK43 - Sample jobstream to build a one pack "rescue" system (created for ESA 4.3, but is still a good sample of the required steps). RXINTRO - "Introduction to TSO/E REXX" Word document SMPBLD1 - Job to build an SMP/E environment from scratch. All VSAM SMP/E zones are created within the same physical VSAM data set. SMPBLD2 - Job to build an SMP/E environment from scratch. The VSAM SMP/E zones are created as separate physical VSAM data sets. SMPBLD3 - Job to build a new SMP/E target zone, dlib zone, and other required SMP/E data sets into an existing global zone. SMPDELF - Sample job to delete a FMID from a set of SMP/E zones and libraries. TWOPAKZ3 - Sample jobstream to build a two pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 1.3 driving system. Same as ONEPAKZ3 but also includes Unix System Services, TCP/IP, and ISHELL. TWOPAKZ6 - Sample jobstream to build a two pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 1.6 driving system. Same as ONEPAKZ6 but also includes Unix System Services, TCP/IP, and ISHELL. TWOPAKZ8 - Sample jobstream to build a two pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 1.7 - z/OS 1.11 driving system. Same as ONEPAKZ8 but also includes Unix System Services, TCP/IP, and ISHELL. TWOPAKZD - Sample jobstream to build a two pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 1.12 - z/OS 1.13 driving system. Same as ONEPAKZD but also includes Unix System Services, TCP/IP, and ISHELL. TWOPAK21 - Sample jobstream to build a two pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.1 driving system. Same as ONEPAK21 but also includes Unix System Services, TCP/IP, and ISHELL. TWOPAK22 - Sample jobstream to build a two pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.2 driving system. Same as ONEPAK22 but also includes Unix System Services, TCP/IP, and ISHELL. TWOPAK23 - Sample jobstream to build a two pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.3 driving system. TWOPAK24 - Sample jobstream to build a two pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.4 driving system. TWOPAK25 - Sample jobstream to build a two pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.4 or z/OS 2.5 driving system. UMJES01 - JES2 source update needed for single TSO USERID (OS/390 R10 & z/OS R1 - described in $SNGLTSO). UMJES012 - JES2 source update needed for single TSO USERID (z/OS R2 and above - described in $SNGLTSO). UMJES01O - JES2 source update needed for single TSO USERID (prior to OS/390 R10 - described in $SNGLTSO). UMJES06 - JES3 source update needed for single TSO USERID (described in $SNGLTSO). CLISTS / Edit Macros / REXX execs / Programs --------------------------------------------------------------- ACBCHECK - ASM PGM to check if a VTAM APPLID is available AMBCLIST - CLIST to invoke interactive AMBLIST with panel I/P APFVER - REXX exec to verify APF list ASIDLIST - ASM PGM to list ASIDs & MAXUSER/RSVSTRT/RSVNONR ASIDLRX - REXX PGM to list ASIDs & MAXUSER/RSVSTRT/RSVNONR BLKCLIST - CLIST to invoke BLKDISK command with panel input CAT - REXX exec to invoke CATSRCH via CATSRCHP panel CATSRCH - REXX exec to invoke Catalog Search Interface (CSI) CMD34 - REXX exec to process commands against a DSLIST COLADD - Edit macro to add numbers from a column range COLUTIL - Edit macro to manipulate columns CRPL - Edit macro to create or replace a member in the current PDS with the contents of the editor and then edit that member. DB - Edit macro to delete lines from the cursor line to the bottom line DELDUPS - Edit macro to delete duplicate lines DELDUPS2 - REXX duplicate record deletion program DELNX - Edit macro to delete all of a certain string DELX - Edit macro to delete everything but a certain string DT - Edit macro to delete lines from the cursor line to the top line EDMACALL - REXX exec to run an edit macro against every member of a PDS. EXCL - Edit macro to exclude all of certain string FILL - Edit macro to fill columns with a character FINDMOD - REXX exec (command) to find what library(s) a module is in FINDASYS - Sample search list for FINDMOD CLIST FVE - REXX exec (command) - Fast View/Edit of DSNs HLISTB - REXX exec to browse o/p of HLIST DA BCDS (BACKUP) HLISTBL - REXX exec to browse o/p of HLIST DA LEVEL BCDS HLISTM - REXX exec to browse o/p of HLIST DA MCDS (MIGRATE) HLISTML - REXX exec to browse o/p of HLIST DA LEVEL MCDS INCL - Edit macro to include all of a certain string INDIRECR - REXX exec to create IDCAMS control cards for indirectly catalogging a list of data set names INSLINE - Edit macro to insert a string after or before lines IPLHIST - REXX exec to create a history of IPLs. This exec calls IPLINFO as a function. IPLINFO - REXX exec to show various system information ISPCMDSA - CLIST to add temporary cmds to ISPF command table JOBCHECK - ASM PGM to find if a JOB is active on the system JOBCHKRX - REXX PGM to find if a JOB is active on the system KEYSWAP - REXX exec to swap PFKEYS 1-12 with PFKEYS 13-24 LASTIPL - REXX exec to display last (latest) IPLHIST info LINEMAC - REXX exec - used with Doug Nadel's / IBM's LMAC PGM LINETBL - Sample ISPF table to use with ISPF line edit macros LMPREXX - REXX exec to help manage CA LMP KEYS LOGRREXX - REXX program to build logstream DELETE/DEFINE cards using the output from IXCMIAPU LIST LOGSTREAM. LNKVER - REXX exec to verify LNKLST syntax and libs LPROG - REXX exec - displays LNKLST, LPA list, & APF list PREFIX - Edit macro to add a prefix to the front of a line PREFIX2 - Edit macro to add a prefix to the front of a line RACFUDEL - REXX program to remove obsolete RACF users RDATE - REXX date conversion routine RDATEF - REXX function version of RDATE REXXMEM - REXX program to browse memory in "dump" format REXXSCAN - REXX program to scan an input file for string(s) REXXSTOR - REXX exec to show virtual storage usage of invoker REXXSTOJ - Sample JCL to run REXXSTOR in batch RXSTOR64 - REXX exec to show 64-bit MEMLIMIT and storage use SDSF@DR - REXX program to that uses the SDSF REXX environment to copy output from the spool into data sets. SUFFIX - Edit macro to add a suffix to the end of a line SW - Edit macro to switch from VIEW to EDIT or visa versa TAPESTAK - REXX tape stacking program (works with CA-1) TSOB - REXX exec (command) to BROWSE o/p of any TSO cmd TSOE - REXX exec (command) to EDIT o/p of any TSO cmd TSOR - REXX exec (command) to REVIEW o/p of any TSO cmd TSOV - REXX exec (command) to VIEW o/p of any TSO cmd VIEWREP - Edit macro to replace the contents of the PDS member or flat file currently being viewed in ISPF. VTOCTOT - REXX program to summarize VTOC cmd output by HLQ XBROWSE - REXX (command) to browse any dataset XDSLIST - REXX (command) to display a data set list (ISPF 3.4) XEDIT - REXX (command) to edit any dataset XEF - REXX exec to start eXtended Editor Facility dialog XEFLIBD - REXX exec to start eXtended Editor Facility dialog XEFCLIST - eXtended Editor Facility mainline code XLISTC - REXX (command) to LISTCAT ALL any dataset XMEMLIST - REXX (command) to bring up member list on any DSN XVIEW - REXX (command) to view any dataset ZBROWSE - Edit macro to browse dataset that the cursor is on ZEDIT - Edit macro to edit dataset that the cursor is on ZVIEW - Edit macro to view dataset that the cursor is on ISPF Panels --------------------------------------------------------------- AMBPANEL - Interactive AMBLIST panel for AMBCLIST BLKPANEL - Interactive BLKDISK panel for BLKCLIST CATSRCHP - Optional panel for invoking CATSRCH REXX exec XEFMENU - eXtended Editor Facility Main Menu XEFMENUB - eXtended Editor Facility Main Menu (optional) XEFHELP - eXtended Editor Facility Help Panel #1 XEFHELP2 - eXtended Editor Facility Help Panel #2 XEFHELP3 - eXtended Editor Facility Help Panel #3 XEFHELP4 - eXtended Editor Facility Help Panel #4 XEFINF - eXtended Editor Facility Dataset Info Panel-SEQ XEFINFD - eXtended Editor Facility Dataset Info Panel-PDS XEFINFE - eXtended Editor Facility Dataset Info Panel-PDSE XEFINFP - eXtended Editor Facility Dataset Info Panel-PDS SMS XEFINFS - eXtended Editor Facility Dataset Info Panel-SEQ SMS ISPF MESSAGEs --------------------------------------------------------------- XEF00 - eXtended Editor Facility Messages Miscellaneous --------------------------------------------------------------- XEF62 - XEF V6.2 in TSO XMIT format