Name |
Comments |
114) |
Jim Noha  |
jimnoha(at)cheqnet(dot)net |
Location: Madeline Island, WI |
Thanks for sharing you knowledge all these years.
113) |
Lionel B. Dyck  |
lbdyck(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: - |
Hi Mark - have enjoyed your code for years and wanted to thank you for your contributions to the z/OS community.
112) |
Walter Pachl  |
Location: Vienna |
 Wednesday, June 15, 2016 12:10 PM
May I enter a link to your page on
Hi Walter. Sorry it took so long to get back to you, but yes.
111) |
Edward Ng  |
Location: - |
 Thursday, May 5, 2016 02:57 AM
Get the sample jcl to build 2.1 one pack system, very useful. Thankyou
110) |
Peter McKellar  |
pmckellar(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: Canberra, Australia |
Great page and reference source.
109) |
Santosh Kumar  |
santoshkr1378(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: Pune |
Thanks for sharing all these.
108) |
Mike Kovach  |
mrmachine(at)yahoo(dot)com |
Location: Raleigh, NC |
Thanks for collecting all this stuff.
107) |
Tohru Nishikata  |
Location: Japan |
 Friday, December 25, 2015 08:59 PM
"IPLINFO" is powerful tool. Many thanks!
106) |
David Evans  |
devans(at)trustmark(dot)com |
Location: Jackson, MS. |
 Thanks for being such a wonderful resource. I am surprised I had never heard of this site before today.
 Saturday, October 3, 2015 08:00 AM
Great Job Mark...Very usefull Stuff
104) |
ReferatMD  |
Location: - |
 Monday, September 28, 2015 08:07 PM
Wonderful web site.
103) |
Alan Playford  |
alanplayford(at)ntlworld(dot)com |
Location: Nottingham, UK |
Thanks again for all superby useful stuff for us struggling Sys Progs.
Doesn't matter hold old you are - you can STILL forget some basics!
102) |
Kim Tyson  |
tyson(at)tysonsystems(dot)com |
Location: Toronto |
Pretty decent set of EXECs. Was looking for examples for extracting MVSCBs. Should find something good in here.
101) |
Neha  |
neha(dot)suman427(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: India |
Thanks.. Good Tools. I have so much to learn...
100) |
Toby Rolvag  |
toby(dot)rolvag(at)wi(dot)gov |
Location: Madison WI |
A lot of useful utilities, indeed!
99) |
Doug F  |
Location: Columbia, SC |
 Wednesday, July 1, 2015 11:36 AM
thanks so much for supplying all these utilities. Can't tell you how many I have used and how much time it has saved!
Thanks again!!
98) |
Roy Mitchell  |
roymitch45(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: Raleigh, NC |
Lots of useful tools. Thanks much.
97) |
Dave Cox  |
dcox(at)essendant(dot)com |
Location: Chicago |
Good work. Thanks Mark!
96) |
Gil Kozlowski  |
gilbert(dot)kozlowski(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: United States |
Great stuff Mark!
95) |
Andrew  |
andrew(dot)miles(dot)p(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: FLA |
Great stuff. Thanks for sharing.