Name |
Comments |
154) |
JimDooey  |
jsnellen55(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: Bardstown, KY |
Very nice set of utilities! I'm using IPLINFO and will look into using others as well.
153) |
Gustavo Brossard  |
brossardgustavo(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)ar |
Location: Argentina |
Nice info, im starting in REXX world, and i see a lot of functional code.
thanks for your great work!!
152) |
Mike S. Ward Jr.  |
ward007(at)swbell(dot)net |
Location: San Antonio Texas |
Thanks for allowing me access to the website.
151) |
Brian  |
Location: New Jersey |
 Monday, October 2, 2023 10:18 AM
Mark, I have used your site for many years, I appreciate everything you do. Your code has served me well over the years and it is greatly appreciated! However, I don't see any code for a retirement calculator, I can use one! Thank you again, this site is invaluable! Brian
If I create one, I'll be the first to use it! :) - Mark
150) |
Sunil Sukumaran  |
sunil390(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: Bangalore |
 Visited this page after 20 years. Mark's code is as useful as ever. This visit was fruitful, it helped me to pull few variables from cvt using the code in IPLINFO for the ansible coding effort. Thank You! Mark!
149) |
Arturo Serralde Llanas  |
asl_serralde(at)hotmail(dot)com |
Location: Ciudad de Mexico |
 Super! Excelentes programas y en general modulos. Felicidades y gracias Mark muchas gracias.
148) |
Patrick Tan  |
Location: Melbourne, Australia |
 Wednesday, June 28, 2023 10:04 PM
I've marked your website in my favourite. Keep up the good work.
147) |
Alberto Locati  |
alberto(dot)locati(at)ti(dot)ch |
Location: Bellinzona (Switzerland) |
Many thanks for your useful tools!
146) |
Shashank Dewangan  |
itsmeshashank(dot)dewangan(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: India |
Thanks for the Great Stuff.
Mainframe Assembler Developer
145) |
Roberto Halais  |
roberto(dot)halais(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: San juan, Puerto Rico |
Thanks for all the great stuff and the help you provide others. Excellent!
144) |
Derek Powe  |
Location: - |
 Wednesday, August 4, 2021 12:19 PM
Been visiting the website over the last decade. Thanks for putting it together and keeping it active.
143) |
Ron Wood  |
rlwood(at)rejis(dot)org |
Location: Saint Louis, MO |
Thanks for providing such great mainframe tools.
142) |
Joe DeChirico  |
joe(dot)dechirico(at)csi-international(dot)com |
Location: Williamsport Oh |
Thanks for all your hard work!
141) |
David Astemborski  |
astemdw(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: Denver, CO |
Mark, what is the Hex CVTOSLV6 code used on z/OS 2.3? I can see the RUCSA value today but have to use 'D IPLINFO,RUCSA'. I wound rather use your IPLINFO REXX program. Thanks
Hi David. I'm not sure I understand the question. CVTOSLV6 is just a flag byte in the CVT used to determine the OS level of the running system. The latest level of IPLINFO for z/OS 2.4 does show the value of RUCSA if it is coded in IEASYSxx.
140) |
Daniel  |
danielpacarvalho(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: - |
Thanks a lot, those Rexx are lifesavers
139) |
Anselmo Pacolo  |
apacolo(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: Brazil |
I like your tools
138) |
Michael Deboodt  |
mdeboodt77(at)gmail(dot)com |
Location: Las Vegas |
 Just here reading and learning. New to the mainframe world. First real job.
137) |
Dale Slaughter  |
Location: - |
 Monday, December 23, 2019 03:47 PM
XREF is great!
I assume you mean XEF. Thanks!
136) |
Roger Webster  |
Location: Salem, Oregon |
 Thursday, October 31, 2019 06:38 AM
 Lots of stuff to look over and learn from. Thanks.
135) |
Matt Gilliam  |
matthew_gilliam(at)yahoo(dot)com |
Location: MARYLAND |
I have been visiting this page for decades now. Great information and great tools. I especially appreciate all of the REXX tools.