//USZCZT0P JOB (ADSS),'#07B42 ZELDEN', // NOTIFY=&SYSUID, // CLASS=M,MSGCLASS=H,MSGLEVEL=(1,1) //* //*JOBPARM SYSAFF=???? //* //***************************************************************** //* **WARNING: DO NOT SET "NUMBER ON" IN THIS MEMBER OR RENUMBER //***************************************************************** //* THIS SAMPLE CAN BE USED FOR Z/OS 2.4 AND Z/OS 2.5 //* FOR Z/OS 2.3 SEE TWOPAK23 //* FOR Z/OS 2.2 SEE TWOPAK22 //* FOR Z/OS 2.1 SEE TWOPAK21 //* FOR Z/OS 1.8 THOUGH Z/OS 1.13, SEE TWOPAKZ* //* //* PLEASE READ ALL COMMENTS BELOW!! //* //* SAMPLE LAST UPDATED ON 09/16/2024 //* //***************************************************************** //* YOU MUST USE NEWLY INITIALIZED DASD VOLUMES FOR OUTPUT //* BEFORE SUBMITTING THIS JOB //*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* //* While this sample is named "TWOPAKxx" due to OS changes //* over the years, it is now configured to all be on a single //* volume which must be a 3390-9 or bigger. //* //* On my own environment, about 600 CYL were left free on a //* 3390-9 using this sample. You can adjust JES2 SPOOL space //* up or down depending on your own environment. //*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* //* GLOBALLY CHANGE SY2PKA TO DESIRED TWOPAK VOLSER #1 //* GLOBALLY CHANGE TARGSYS TO DESIRED SSA (NEED ALTER ACCESS) //* GLOBALLY CHANGE SYS1.ICFCAT.MSTRDRVR TO DRIVER SYS MCAT NAME //* GLOBALLY CHANGE SYS1.IODF53 TO DRIVER SYS / CURRENT IODF //* GLOBALLY CHANGE OMVS.ROOT TO DRIVER SYS OMVS ROOT //* GLOBALLY CHANGE OMVS.ETC TO DRIVER SYS OMVS ETC //* GLOBALLY CHANGE SYS1.RACF.LOCAL.PRIMARY to DRIVER RACF PRIM //* GLOBALLY CHANGE SYS1.RACF.LOCAL.BACKUP to DRIVER RACF BKUP //***************************************************************** //* REVIEW ALL PARMLIB, PROCLIB & VTAMLST MEMBERS (STEPS 15-17) //* REVIEW TCPIP PARM MEMBERS (STEP 20) //* - CONSOL00 AND LCL3270A ADDRESSES MUST MATCH LOCAL 3270 CONFIG //* - LOAD00 MUST HAVE A VALID OS CONFIG AND EDT CONFIG //* - CHECK SPOOLDEF IN JES2PARM FOR CORRECT 5 CHAR. VOLUME PREFIX //* - TCPIP ACCESS NEEDS PROFILE CUSTOMZIATION AND PROBABLY //* ADDITIONAL VTAM OSA / TRLE MEMBERS ADDED TO THE JOB //* AND NODES ACTIVATED BASED ON LOCAL CONFIG. //***************************************************************** //* THE TWOPAK SYSTEM INCLUDES (AT LEAST) THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS //* (IN ADDITION TO Z/OS BCP AND DFSMS): JES2, TSO/E, RACF, VTAM, //* TCP/IP, ISPF, SDSF, ICKDSF, HCD, LE, HLASM, UNICODE PLUS //* ISV PRODUCTS: SYNCSORT (FDR NO LONGER AVAILABLE) //* //* A 3390-3 IS REQUIRED FOR THE PRIMARY SYSTEM VOLUME. //* YOU MAY BE ABLE TO USE A 3390-2 OR 3380-K DEPENDING ON THE //* SIZE OF YOUR RACF DATA SETS, IODF DSN, HOW BIG YOU ALLOCATE //* YOUR SPOOL AND LOCAL PAGE DATA SET, AND BY NOT INCLUDING //* SYS1.MACLIB AND SYS1.MODGEN. ALTERNATIVLY, YOU CAN MOVE SOME //* OF THE DATASETS IN THE COPY STEP TO THE SECONDARY VOLUME. //* //* IF YOUR CURRENT OMVS ROOT DOES NOT FIT ON A 3390-3, THEN //* YOU CAN NOT BUILD THIS SYSTEM WITH 2 VOLUMES. IN THAT //* CASE, USE A SINGLE 3390-9 AND "CHANGE SY2PKB SY2PKA ALL". //* THIS WOULD ALSO GIVE YOU PLENTY OF ROOM TO ENLARGE THE //* JES2 SPOOL OR LOCAL PAGE DATASET IF NEEDED. //* //* IF YOU ARE NOT USING ZFS, YOU DON'T NEED HLQ.SIOELMOD AND //* THE STARTUP OF ZFS NEEDS TO BE REMOVED FROM BPXPRM00. THIS //* CAN ALSO SAVE 100+ CYLINDERS. //* //* UNICODE (SYS1.SCUN*) CAN PROBABLY BE REMOVED IF NOT USING //* THIS SAMPLE FOR Z/OS 1.9 (OR ABOVE) AND YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT //* BEING ABLE TO TELNET INTO UNIX. THIS CAN SAVE ABOUT 150 CYLS. //* BE SURE TO REMOVE SYS1.SCUNIMG FROM THE LNKLST IN PROG00. //***************************************************************** //* SMS IS ACTIVATED IN A NULL CONFIGURATION TO ALLOW TCP/IP TO //* DYNAMICALLY ALLOCATE Z/OS UNIX FILES. WITHOUT IT SOME TCP/IP //* FUNCTIONS THAT REQUIRE TO READ THEIR CONFIG FILES FROM UNIX //* VIA DYNALLOC WITH PATHNAME WILL FAIL (RC=4, ERRORCODE=04D0) //* (/ETC/SERVICES IS REQUIRED FOR INETD FOR EXAMPLE AND CAN'T //* BE READ). THIS ISN'T REQUIRED FOR A "RESCUE" SYSTEM, BUT IS //* INCLUDED IN THE CONFIGURATION ANYWAY AND ALLOWS TELNET INTO //* Z/OS UNIX IF DESIRED (AND CONFIGURED). //* //* NOTE THAT WHEN TESTING Z/OS 1.8 I SAW AN ABEND AT IPL TIME //* DURING OMVS STARTUP IN CEEBINIT. THIS TURNED OUT TO BE FROM //* SYSLOGD WHICH WAS STARTED VIA /ETC/RC IN MY ETC FILE SYSTEM. //* SYSLOGD NEEDS SCEERUN2 WHICH IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SAMPLE //* DUE TO ITS SIZE. IF YOU WANT TO INCLUDE IT YOU MAY NEED TO MOVE //* SOME OF THE SECONDARY VOLUME DATA SETS (TCP/IP, ISHELL, /ETC) TO //* THE PRIMARY VOLUME. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE TO DECREASE THE SIZE OF //* SOME OF THE OPERATIONAL DATA SETS AS NOTED ABOVE AND LEAVE OUT //* SYS1.MACLIB / SYS1.MODGEN AS THEY ARE NOT NEEDED FOR THE RUNNING //* SYSTEM. OTHER OPTIONS ARE TO USE A 3RD VOLUME OR A SINGLE //* 3390-9 (OR BIGGER) - "CHANGE SY2PKB SY2PKA ALL". //***************************************************************** //* //* THE FOLLOWING STEPS COPY THE RUNNING SYSTEM TO SY2PKA AND ...... //* //* 1. DEFINE MASTER CATALOG AND SSA //* 2. ALLOCATE RACF DSNS //* 3. REPRO COPY RACF DSNS //* 4. DEFINE PAGE DATA SETS, SMF DATA SETS, VIO DSN, AND SMS DSNS //* 5. FORMAT SMF DATASETS //* 6. DSS COPY THE CURRENT/RUNNING SYSTEM TO SY2PKA AND CATLG DSNS //* 7. ZAP RACF DATA SET NAME TABLE //* 8. PUT IPL TEXT ON IPL VOLUME USING ICKDSF //* 9. ALLOCATE NEW LOGREC, BRODCAST, SPOOL AND CKPT DSNS //* 10. RENAME NEW LOGREC, BRODCAST, SPOOL AND CKPT DSNS //* 11. CATALOG NEW LOGREC, BRODCAST, SPOOL AND CKPT DSNS //* 12. INITIALIZE LOGREC //* 13. RENAME ALL OTHER DSNS TO REMOVE SSA //* 14. COMPRESS SYS1.PARMLIB ON SY2PKA //* 15. UPDATE PARMLIB WITH REQUIRED MEMBERS //* 16. UPDATE PROCLIB WITH REQUIRED MEMBERS //* 17. UPDATE VTAMLST WITH REQUIRED MEMBERS //* 18. UPDATE SISPCLIB WITH REQUIRED MEMBERS //* 19. UPDATE SISPPENU WITH REQUIRED MEMBERS //* 20. UPDATE TCPPARMS WITH REQUIRED MEMBERS //* 21. LIST THE SY2PKA MASTER CATALOG //* 22. CLEANUP - REMOVE SSA AND EXPORT DISCONNECT SY2PKA MCAT //* //* AFTER THE FIRST IPL: //* 1) REPLY "CONTINUE" to MSG ICH586A FOR PRIMARY AND BACKUP RACF //* DATABASE IF SEEN (NEW IN Z/OS 1.10) //* 2) REPLY "FORMAT,NOREQ" TO JES2 STARTUP OPTION (MSG $HASP426) //* 3) LOGON TO TSO BY USING "LOGON APPLID(TSO)" FROM VTAM TERMINAL //* 4) FROM TSO READY OR ISPF OPT. 6 ISSUE THE SYNC COMMAND TO //* FORMAT THE BRODCAST DATASET. IF USING UADS, BE SURE TO FIRST //* "ALLOC FI(SYSUADS)" THEN "SYNC BOTH", OTHERWISE "SYNC RACF". //***************************************************************** //* CHANGES FROM Z/OS 1.3 VERSION FOR Z/OS 1.6: //* 1. DEL SEUVFLPA AND REPLACE WITH SEUVLPA in COPY / LPALST00 //* 2. DEL SEUVFLNK AND REPLACE WITH SEUVLINK in COPY / PROG00 //* 3. ADD SEAGALT to COPY / ALTER / LPALST00 //* 4. ADD SIEALNKE to COPY / ALTER / LNKLST and APF in PROG00 //* 5. REMOVE ILM PARMS FROM IEASYS00 //***************************************************************** //* CHANGES FROM Z/OS 1.6 VERSION FOR Z/OS 1.8: //* 1. DEL REFERENCES TO SISPSASC (1.8 CHANGE) //* (Add to COPY/ALTER/LNKLST/APF to use this sample for z/OS 1.7) //* 2. DEL SHASLINK AND REPLACE WITH SHASLNKE (1.7 CHANGE) //* 3. ADD SIEAMIGE TO COPY/ALTER/LNKLST/APF IN PROG00 (1.7 CHANGE) //* 4. REMOVE RDINUM= AND RELADDR= FROM JES2PARM (1.7 CHANGE) //* 5. CHANGE TMP HFS TO A TFS (UNRELATED TO OS LEVEL CHANGE) //* 6. ADDED HLQ.SIOELMOD FOR ZFS (UNRELATED TO OS LEVEL CHANGE) //* ADDED IT TO COPY/ALTER/APF/LNKLST //* 7. ASSUME UNIX ROOT / ETC ARE ZFS (ALTER STEP CHANGE AND //* BPXPRM00 CHANGE - UNRELATED TO OS LEVEL CHANGE) //* 8. ADDED TN3270 AS A SEPARATE ASID (REQUIRED A/O Z/OS 1.9 BUT //* VALID A/O Z/OS 1.6) //* 9. ADDED UNICODE DSNS SYS1.SCUN*. SYS1.SCUNIMG to LNKLST //* (REQUIRED A/O Z/OS 1.9 FOR SOME TCP/IP FUNCTIONS - TELNET //* TO UNIX WOULD NOT WORK WITHOUT IT) //***************************************************************** //* CHANGES FROM Z/OS 1.8 VERSION FOR Z/OS 1.9: //* (NONE REQUIRED, USE SAMPLE AS IS) //***************************************************************** //* CHANGES FROM Z/OS 1.8 VERSION FOR Z/OS 1.10: //* MOVED HLQ.SEZALOAD FROM SY2PKB TO SY2PKA DUE TO BIGGER OMVS //* ROOT. NO OTHER CHANGES WERE MADE BUT TO USE THIS SAMPLE FOR //* Z/OS 1.10 YOU MUST MODIFY THIS JOB TO ADD NEW HLQ.SISFMOD1 //* FOR SDSF TO THE COPY/ALTER/LNKLST STEPS. //* //* YOU MAY SEE MESSAGE ICH586A AT THE FIRST IPL IF YOUR INPUT //* RACF DATABASE THAT YOU COPIED WAS IN DATA SHARING MODE. //***************************************************************** //* CHANGES FROM Z/OS 1.8 VERSION FOR Z/OS 1.11: //* MAKE THE SAME CHANGES AS FOR Z/OS 1.10 - NO OTHER CHANGES //***************************************************************** //* CHANGES FROM Z/OS 1.8 VERSION FOR Z/OS 1.13 (ALREADY INCORPORATED): //* (NOTE THAT YOU PROBABLY NEED A SINGLE 3390-9 FOR THIS BUILD AND //* WILL NEED TO "CHANGE SY2PKB SY2PKA ALL") //* ADD HLQ.SISFMOD1 TO COPY/ALTER/LNKLST (NEED A/O 1.10) //* DEL HLQ.HASPINDX FROM COPY/ALTER & ISFPRM00 (NOT NEEDED A/O 1.11) //* DEL HLQ.SCUNIMG FROM COPY/ALTER/LNKLST (NOT NEEDED A/O 1.12) //* DEL HLQ.SEUVLINK FROM COPY/ALTER/LNKLST/APF (NOT NEEDED A/O 1.13) //* DEL HLQ.SEUVLPA FROM COPY/ALTER/LPA (NOT NEEDED A/O 1.13) //* DEL HLQ.SIOELMOD FROM COPY/ALTER/LNKLST/APF (NOT NEEDED A/O 1.13) //* DEL HLQ.SIOELMOD FROM ZFS PROC (comment) (NOT NEEDED A/O 1.13) //* MOVED ALL FILES FROM SY2PKB TO SY2PKA EXCEPT THE OMVS ROOT //* INCREASED LOCAL PAGE DATASET FROM 200 CYL TO 300 CYL //***************************************************************** //* CHANGES FROM Z/OS 1.13 VERSION FOR Z/OS 2.1 (ALREADY INCORPORATED): //* (NOTE THAT YOU PROBABLY NEED A SINGLE 3390-9 FOR THIS BUILD AND //* WILL NEED TO "CHANGE SY2PKB SY2PKA ALL") //* DO NOT COPY ALL OF SYS1.SCUNTBL. SIZE INCREASED FROM ABOUT 1000 //* TRACKS TO 37500 DUE TO THE THE UNICODE DYNAMIC LOCALE SERVICE. //* INSTEAD IEBCOPY ONLY CUN* PDS MEMBERS. //* REMOVE COPY OF SCUNTBL FROM STEP 6 //* ADD ALLOCATE OF SCUNTBL TO STEP 9 //* ADD RENAME OF SCUNTBL TO STEP 10 //* ADD CATALOG OF SCUNTBL TO STEP 11 //* INSERT NEW IEBCOPY STEP OF SCUNTBL CUN* MEMBERS AS STEP 12 //* RENUMBER ALL STEPS AFTER STEP 12. //* REMOVE ALTER OF SCUNTBL FROM (RENUMBERED) STEP 14 //* PARMLIB CHANGES: //* IEASYS00 - ADD HZSPROC=NONE //* IFAPRD00 - NEW ID - ID(5650-ZOS) //* JES2PARM - RMV BRODCAST= FROM OUTDEF, RMV JCLERR= FROM JOBDEF //***************************************************************** //* CHANGES FROM Z/OS 2.1 VERSION FOR Z/OS 2.2 (ALREADY INCORPORATED): //* REMOVE ISF.SISFMOD1 FROM COPY/ALTER/LNKLST //* PARMLIB CHANGES: //* CONSOL00 - ADDED HMCS AND SYSCONS //* IEASYS00 - ADD SMFLIM=00 //* SMFPRM00 - REMOVE REFERENCES TO IEFUSI //* SMFLIM00 - NEW MEMBER TO CONTROL REGION DEFAULTS //***************************************************************** //* CHANGES FROM Z/OS 2.2 VERSION FOR Z/OS 2.3 (ALREADY INCORPORATED): //* REMOVE NETVTM.SCNMLPA1 FROM COPY/ALTER/LNKLST and LPALST00 //* PARMLIB CHANGES: //* LPALST00 - Remove NETVTM.SCNMLPA1 //* IEASYS00 - Add "IZU=00" and "RACF=00" //* ISFPRM00 - Add "CONNECT" statement for SDSFAUX //* IZUPRM00 - New member for z/OSMF (so it doesn't start) //* IRRPRM00 - New member for RACF Data Set Name table //* JES2PARM - (THESE ARE NOT REQUIRED CHANGES) //* CKPTDEF DUPLEX=OFF //* SPOOLDEF BUFSIZE=3992,TGSPACE=(MAX=162880), //* SPOOLDEF - REMOVED TGBPERVL (OBSOLETE) //* TPDEF - REMOVED STATEMENT //* PROCLIB CHANGES: //* SDSFAUX - New member added to SYS1.PROCLIB //* CHANGED STEP: //* ZAP STEP OF RACF DATA SET NAME TABLE (DSNT now in IRRPRM00) //* - STEP IS LEFT IN BUT IS NOW PGM=IEFBR14 //***************************************************************** //* CHANGES FROM Z/OS 2.3 VERSION FOR Z/OS 2.4 (ALREADY INCORPORATED): //* REMOVE EPH.SEPHTAB FROM COPY/ALTER + ADD OF PARMLIB MEMBER EPHWP00 //* ADD SCSFMOD1 TO COPY / ALTER / LNKLST AND APF IN PROG00 //* PARMLIB CHANGES: //* IKJTSO00 - REMOVE IOEDFSXP FROM AUTHPGM //* PROG00 - ADD CSF.SCSFMOD1 TO APF/LNKLST //***************************************************************** //* CHANGES FROM Z/OS 2.4 VERSION FOR Z/OS 2.5 (ALREADY INCORPORATED): //* All changes are cosmetic due to FDR no longer available. //* //* 1) A single volume is used - SY2PKA. //* 2) Changed FDRCOPY to ADRDSSU (DFDSS) in step COPY6. //* 3) Removed rename of SYS1.FDR.LINKLIB in RENAME14 step //* 4) Removed SYS1.FDR.LINKLIB from APF and LNKLST in UPARM16 step //***************************************************************** //* //* ADDITIONAL THINGS YOU MAY WANT TO DO AFTER THE FIRST IPL: //* //* 1) Set up some userids with special non-expiring passwords //* with no password change interval: //* //* PASSWORD USER(userid) NOINTERVAL //* ALU userid PASSWORD(newpass) NOEXP //* //* ** NOTE: even though RACF will accept NEWPASS as being //* the same as the userid, you can't logon with it //* //* //* 2) Turn off RACF inactive auto-revoke: SETR NOINACTIVE //* //* 3) Remove the data sharing profile (auto created in z/OS 1.10 //* and above). This will prevent ICH586A that you will see //* during the first IPL if the RACF database you copied was //* in data sharing mode. //* //* RDELETE GXFACILI IRRPLEX_sysplex-name //* (sysplex-name is from the RACF database you copied) //* //***************************************************************** //* DEFINE MASTER CATALOG AND SSA //***************************************************************** //MCATSSA1 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=4M //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * EXP SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA DISCONNECT IF LASTCC=12 THEN SET MAXCC=0 DEF MCAT(NAME(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) VOL(SY2PKA) - STORCLAS(SCNONSMS) - CYL(3 1) ICFCAT - SHR(3 4) STRNO(3) BUFND(4) BUFNI(4) FSPC(10 10)) - DATA( CISZ(4096)) - CAT(SYS1.ICFCAT.MSTRDRVR) /* CHANGE */ IF LASTCC=0 THEN DO DEF ALIAS(NAME(TARGSYS) RELATE(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA)) - CAT(SYS1.ICFCAT.MSTRDRVR) /* CHANGE */ END /* //***************************************************************** //* ALLOCATE RACF DSNS //***************************************************************** //RACFALC2 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //RACFPRIM DD DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.RACF.PRIMARY, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=SY2PKA, // SPACE=(CYL,(300),,CONTIG), // STORCLAS=SCNONSMS, /* CAN'T USE WITH DSORG=PSU */ // DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=F,LRECL=4096,BLKSIZE=4096) //* DCB=(DSORG=PSU,RECFM=F,LRECL=4096,BLKSIZE=4096) //RACFBKUP DD DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.RACF.BACKUP, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=SY2PKA, // SPACE=(CYL,(300),,CONTIG), // STORCLAS=SCNONSMS, /* CAN'T USE WITH DSORG=PSU */ // DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=F,LRECL=4096,BLKSIZE=4096) //* DCB=(DSORG=PSU,RECFM=F,LRECL=4096,BLKSIZE=4096) //***************************************************************** //* REPRO COPY RACF DSNS //***************************************************************** //RACFCPY3 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //IN1 DD DSN=SYS1.RACF.LOCAL.PRIMARY,DISP=SHR //IN2 DD DSN=SYS1.RACF.LOCAL.BACKUP,DISP=SHR //OUT1 DD DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.RACF.PRIMARY,DISP=SHR //OUT2 DD DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.RACF.BACKUP,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * REPRO INFILE(IN1) OUTFILE(OUT1) REPRO INFILE(IN2) OUTFILE(OUT2) /* //***************************************************************** //* DEFINE PAGE DATA SETS, SMF DATASETS, AND VIO DSN //***************************************************************** //PAGSMFV4 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DEF PGSPC(NAME(TARGSYS.SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.PLPA) - STORCLAS(SCNONSMS) - VOL(SY2PKA) CYLINDERS(85)) DEF PGSPC(NAME(TARGSYS.SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.COMMON) - STORCLAS(SCNONSMS) - VOL(SY2PKA) CYLINDERS(25)) DEF PGSPC(NAME(TARGSYS.SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.LOCAL) - STORCLAS(SCNONSMS) - VOL(SY2PKA) CYLINDERS(300)) DEF CL (CISZ(4096) CYLINDERS(25) - STORCLAS(SCNONSMS) - NAME(TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN1) NIXD RECSZ(4086,32767)- REUSE SHR(2) SPANNED SPEED VOL(SY2PKA)) - DATA (NAME(TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN1.DATA)) DEF CL (CISZ(4096) CYLINDERS(25) - STORCLAS(SCNONSMS) - NAME(TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN2) NIXD RECSZ(4086,32767)- REUSE SHR(2) SPANNED SPEED VOL(SY2PKA)) - DATA (NAME(TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN2.DATA)) DEF CL (BUFSP(20480) CYL(5) - STORCLAS(SCNONSMS) - KEYS(12,8) NAME(TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.STGINDEX) - RECSZ(2041,2041) REUSE VOL(SY2PKA)) - DATA(CISZ(2048)) INDEX(CISZ(4096)) DEF CL (TRK(1 1) - STORCLAS(SCNONSMS) - LINEAR NAME(TARGSYS.SYS1.SMS.ACDS1) - SHR(3,3) REUSE VOL(SY2PKA)) - DATA (NAME(TARGSYS.SYS1.SMS.ACDS1.DATA)) DEF CL (TRK(1 1) - STORCLAS(SCNONSMS) - LINEAR NAME(TARGSYS.SYS1.SMS.COMMDS1) - SHR(3,3) REUSE VOL(SY2PKA)) - DATA (NAME(TARGSYS.SYS1.SMS.COMMDS1.DATA)) /* //***************************************************************** //* FORMAT SMF DATASETS //***************************************************************** //SMFFMT5 EXEC PGM=IFASMFDP,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //MAN1 DD DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN1,DISP=SHR //MAN2 DD DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN2,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * INDD(MAN1,OPTIONS(CLEAR)) INDD(MAN2,OPTIONS(CLEAR)) /* //***************************************************************** //* DSS COPY THE CURRENT/RUNNING SYSTEM TO SYS1PK AND CATLG DSNS //***************************************************************** //COPY6 EXEC PGM=ADRDSSU,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * COPY DS( - INCLUDE( - SYS1.IODF53.CLUSTER - CSF.SCSFMOD1 - SYS1.CMDLIB - SYS1.DAE - SYS1.HELP - SYS1.IMAGELIB - SYS1.LINKLIB - SYS1.MIGLIB - SYS1.CSSLIB - SYS1.SIEALNKE - SYS1.SIEAMIGE - SYS1.LPALIB - SYS1.MACLIB - SYS1.MODGEN - SYS1.NUCLEUS - SYS1.SHASLNKE - SYS1.SHASMIG - ASM.SASMMOD1 - SYS1.PARMLIB - SYS1.PROCLIB - SYS1.SAMPLIB - SYS1.SISTCLIB - SYS1.SVCLIB - CEE.SCEERUN - SYS1.VTAMLIB - SYS1.UADS - SYS1.VTAMLST - SYS1.SCBDCLST - SYS1.SCBDPENU - SYS1.SCBDMENU - SYS1.SCBDTENU - SYS1.SCBDHENU - SYS1.SDWWDLPA - SYS1.DBBLIB - REXX.SEAGALT - ISF.SISFEXEC - ISF.SISFLINK - ISF.SISFLOAD - ISF.SISFLPA - ISF.SISFMLIB - ISF.SISFPLIB - ISF.SISFSLIB - ISF.SISFTLIB - ISP.SISPCLIB - ISP.SISPEXEC - ISP.SISPLOAD - ISP.SISPLPA - ISP.SISPMENU - ISP.SISPPENU - ISP.SISPSENU - ISP.SISPSLIB - ISP.SISPTENU - SYS1.IBM.PROCLIB - SYS1.IBM.PARMLIB - SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCLPA - SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCRENT - SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCAUTH - SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCLINK - SYS2.LOCAL.LPALIB - SYS2.LOCAL.LINKLIB - SYS1.SCUNLOCL - TCPIP.SEZALPA - TCPIP.SEZALOAD - TCPIP.SEZALNK2 - TCPIP.SEZATCP - SYS1.TCPPARMS - SYS1.SBPXEXEC - SYS1.SBPXPENU - SYS1.SBPXMENU - SYS1.SBPXTENU - OMVS.ROOT - OMVS.ETC - ) - ) - RENAMEU( - (SYS1.IODF53.CLUSTER, - TARGSYS.SYS1.IODF53.CLUSTER) - (CSF.SCSFMOD1, - TARGSYS.CSF.SCSFMOD1) - (SYS1.CMDLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.CMDLIB) - (SYS1.DAE, - TARGSYS.SYS1.DAE) - (SYS1.HELP, - TARGSYS.SYS1.HELP) - (SYS1.IMAGELIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.IMAGELIB) - (SYS1.LINKLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.LINKLIB) - (SYS1.MIGLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.MIGLIB) - (SYS1.CSSLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.CSSLIB) - (SYS1.SIEALNKE, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SIEALNKE) - (SYS1.SIEAMIGE, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SIEAMIGE) - (SYS1.LPALIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.LPALIB) - (SYS1.MACLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.MACLIB) - (SYS1.MODGEN, - TARGSYS.SYS1.MODGEN) - (SYS1.NUCLEUS, - TARGSYS.SYS1.NUCLEUS) - (SYS1.SHASLNKE, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SHASLNKE) - (SYS1.SHASMIG, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SHASMIG) - (ASM.SASMMOD1, - TARGSYS.ASM.SASMMOD1) - (SYS1.PARMLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.PARMLIB) - (SYS1.PROCLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.PROCLIB) - (SYS1.SAMPLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SAMPLIB) - (SYS1.SISTCLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SISTCLIB) - (SYS1.SVCLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SVCLIB) - (CEE.SCEERUN, - TARGSYS.CEE.SCEERUN) - (SYS1.VTAMLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.VTAMLIB) - (SYS1.UADS, - TARGSYS.SYS1.UADS) - (SYS1.VTAMLST, - TARGSYS.SYS1.VTAMLST) - (SYS1.SCBDCLST, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SCBDCLST) - (SYS1.SCBDPENU, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SCBDPENU) - (SYS1.SCBDMENU, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SCBDMENU) - (SYS1.SCBDTENU, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SCBDTENU) - (SYS1.SCBDHENU, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SCBDHENU) - (SYS1.SDWWDLPA, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SDWWDLPA) - (SYS1.DBBLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.DBBLIB) - (REXX.SEAGALT, - TARGSYS.REXX.SEAGALT) - (ISF.SISFEXEC, - TARGSYS.ISF.SISFEXEC) - (ISF.SISFLINK, - TARGSYS.ISF.SISFLINK) - (ISF.SISFLOAD, - TARGSYS.ISF.SISFLOAD) - (ISF.SISFLPA, - TARGSYS.ISF.SISFLPA) - (ISF.SISFMLIB, - TARGSYS.ISF.SISFMLIB) - (ISF.SISFPLIB, - TARGSYS.ISF.SISFPLIB) - (ISF.SISFSLIB, - TARGSYS.ISF.SISFSLIB) - (ISF.SISFTLIB, - TARGSYS.ISF.SISFTLIB) - (ISP.SISPCLIB, - TARGSYS.ISP.SISPCLIB) - (ISP.SISPEXEC, - TARGSYS.ISP.SISPEXEC) - (ISP.SISPLOAD, - TARGSYS.ISP.SISPLOAD) - (ISP.SISPLPA, - TARGSYS.ISP.SISPLPA) - (ISP.SISPMENU, - TARGSYS.ISP.SISPMENU) - (ISP.SISPPENU, - TARGSYS.ISP.SISPPENU) - (ISP.SISPSENU, - TARGSYS.ISP.SISPSENU) - (ISP.SISPSLIB, - TARGSYS.ISP.SISPSLIB) - (ISP.SISPTENU, - TARGSYS.ISP.SISPTENU) - (SYS1.IBM.PROCLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.IBM.PROCLIB) - (SYS1.IBM.PARMLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.IBM.PARMLIB) - (SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCLPA, - TARGSYS.SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCLPA) - (SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCRENT, - TARGSYS.SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCRENT) - (SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCAUTH, - TARGSYS.SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCAUTH) - (SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCLINK, - TARGSYS.SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCLINK) - (SYS2.LOCAL.LPALIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.LPALIB) - (SYS2.LOCAL.LINKLIB, - TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.LINKLIB) - (SYS1.SCUNLOCL, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SCUNLOCL) - (TCPIP.SEZALPA, - TARGSYS.TCPIP.SEZALPA) - (TCPIP.SEZALOAD, - TARGSYS.TCPIP.SEZALOAD) - (TCPIP.SEZALNK2, - TARGSYS.TCPIP.SEZALNK2) - (TCPIP.SEZATCP, - TARGSYS.TCPIP.SEZATCP) - (SYS1.TCPPARMS, - TARGSYS.SYS1.TCPPARMS) - (SYS1.SBPXEXEC, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SBPXEXEC) - (SYS1.SBPXPENU, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SBPXPENU) - (SYS1.SBPXMENU, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SBPXMENU) - (SYS1.SBPXTENU, - TARGSYS.SYS1.SBPXTENU) - (OMVS.ROOT, - TARGSYS.SYS1.OMVS.ROOT) - (OMVS.ETC, - TARGSYS.SYS1.OMVS.ETC) - ) - SHARE TOL(ENQF) - STORCLAS(SCNONSMS) - OUTDYNAM(SYS1PK,SYSALLDA) - REPLACEU - CATALOG - PROCESS(SYS1) SPHERE - WAIT(2,2) ALLDATA(*) ALLEXCP /* /* //* //*************************************************************** //* OPTIONAL (SEPARATE TMP AND SCEERUN2 - SEE NOTES ABOVE): //* //* ADD THE FOLLOWING TO "INCLUDE" above: //* //* OMVS.TMP - //* CEE.SCEERUN2 - //* //* ADD THE FOLLOWING TO "RENAMEU" above: " //* //* (OMVS.TMP, - //* TARGSYS.SYS1.OMVS.TMP) - //* (CEE.SCEERUN2, - //* TARGSYS.CEE.SCEERUN2) - //* //***************************************************************** //* ZAP RACF DATA SET NAME TABLE TO DISABLE SYSPLEX MODE //* AND CHANGE PRIMARY DATA SET NAME TO SYS1.RACF.PRIMARY //* AND CHANGE BACKUP DATA SET NAME TO SYS1.RACF.BACKUP //***************************************************************** //*RACFZAP7 EXEC PGM=AMASPZAP,PARM=IGNIDRFULL,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //RACFZAP7 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14,PARM=IGNIDRFULL,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSLIB DD DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.LINKLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * NAME ICHRDSNT ICHRDSNT REP 005A 80 REP 0001 E2,E8E2 REP 0004 F14B,D9C1,C3C6,4BD7,D9C9,D4C1,D9E8 REP 0012 4040 REP 0014 4040,4040,4040,4040,4040,4040 REP 0020 4040,4040,4040,4040,4040,4040,40 REP 002D E2,E8E2 REP 0030 F14B,D9C1,C3C6,4BC2,C1C3,D2E4,D740 REP 003E 4040 REP 0040 4040,4040,4040,4040,4040,4040 REP 004C 4040,4040,4040,4040,4040,4040,40 /* //***************************************************************** //* PUT IPL TEXT ON IPL VOLUME USING ICKDSF //***************************************************************** //IPLTEXT8 EXEC PGM=ICKDSF,PARM=NOREPLYU,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //IPLTEXT DD DISP=SHR,VOL=SER=SY2PKA,UNIT=SYSALLDA, // DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.SAMPLIB(IPLRECS) // DD DISP=SHR,VOL=SER=SY2PKA,UNIT=SYSALLDA, // DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.SAMPLIB(IEAIPL00) //SYSIN DD * REFORMAT DDNAME(IPLTEXT) - IPLDD(IPLTEXT) - NOVERIFY - BOOTSTRAP /* IPLRECS OF IPLTEXT DD WILL SUPPLY IT */ /* //***************************************************************** //* ALLOCATE NEW LOGREC, BRODCAST, SPOOL, CKPT AND SCUNTBL DSNS //***************************************************************** //ALLOC9 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14,COND=(0,NE) //LOGREC DD DISP=(NEW,KEEP),DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.LOGREC, // VOL=SER=SY2PKA,UNIT=SYSALLDA, // STORCLAS=SCNONSMS, // SPACE=(CYL,1) //HASPCKPT DD DISP=(NEW,KEEP),DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.HASPCKPT, // VOL=SER=SY2PKA,UNIT=SYSALLDA, // STORCLAS=SCNONSMS, // SPACE=(CYL,5) //HASPACE DD DISP=(NEW,KEEP),DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.HASPACE, // VOL=SER=SY2PKA,UNIT=SYSALLDA, // STORCLAS=SCNONSMS, // SPACE=(CYL,250) //BRODCAST DD DISP=(NEW,KEEP),DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.BRODCAST, // VOL=SER=SY2PKA,UNIT=SYSALLDA, // STORCLAS=SCNONSMS, // SPACE=(CYL,5) //SCUNTBL DD DISP=(NEW,KEEP),DSN=TARGSYS.SYS1.SCUNTBL, // VOL=SER=SY2PKA,UNIT=SYSALLDA, // STORCLAS=SCNONSMS, // DSNTYPE=PDS, // DCB=(DSORG=PO,RECFM=FB,LRECL=256,BLKSIZE=0), // SPACE=(CYL,(75,5,900)) //***************************************************************** //* RENAME NEW LOGREC, BRODCAST, SPOOL, CKPT AND SCUNTBL DSNS //***************************************************************** //RENAME10 EXEC PGM=IEHPROGM,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SY2PKA DD DISP=OLD,VOL=SER=SY2PKA,UNIT=SYSALLDA //SYSIN DD * RENAME VOL=SYSDA=SY2PKA,DSNAME=TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.LOGREC, X NEWNAME=SYS1.VSY2PKA.LOGREC RENAME VOL=SYSDA=SY2PKA,DSNAME=TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.HASPCKPT, X NEWNAME=SYS1.VSY2PKA.HASPCKPT RENAME VOL=SYSDA=SY2PKA,DSNAME=TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.HASPACE, X NEWNAME=SYS1.VSY2PKA.HASPACE RENAME VOL=SYSDA=SY2PKA,DSNAME=TARGSYS.SYS1.BRODCAST, X NEWNAME=SYS1.BRODCAST RENAME VOL=SYSALLDA=SY2PKA,DSNAME=TARGSYS.SYS1.SCUNTBL, X NEWNAME=SYS1.SCUNTBL /* //***************************************************************** //* CATALOG NEW LOGREC, BRODCAST, SPOOL, CKPT AND SCUNTBL DSNS //***************************************************************** //CATLG11 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DEF NVSAM(NAME(SYS1.VSY2PKA.LOGREC) VOL(SY2PKA) DEVT(3390)) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) DEF NVSAM(NAME(SYS1.VSY2PKA.HASPACE) VOL(SY2PKA) DEVT(3390)) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) DEF NVSAM(NAME(SYS1.VSY2PKA.HASPCKPT) VOL(SY2PKA) DEVT(3390)) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) DEF NVSAM(NAME(SYS1.BRODCAST) VOL(SY2PKA) DEVT(3390)) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) DEF NVSAM(NAME(SYS1.SCUNTBL) VOL(SY2PKA) DEVT(3390)) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) /* //***************************************************************** //* IEBCOPY DRIVING SYSTEM SCUNTBL CUN* MEMBERS TO TARGET //***************************************************************** //CPYCUN12 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=4M,PARM='WORK=4M' //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) //IN1 DD DSN=SYS1.SCUNTBL,DISP=SHR //OUT1 DD DSN=SYS1.SCUNTBL,DISP=SHR, // VOL=SER=SY2PKA,UNIT=SYSALLDA //SYSIN DD * COPYGROUP INDD=IN1,OUTDD=OUT1 SELECT MEMBER=(CUN*) /* //***************************************************************** //* INITIALIZE LOGREC //***************************************************************** //LOGREC13 EXEC PGM=IFCDIP00,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SERERDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.VSY2PKA.LOGREC, // VOL=SER=SY2PKA,UNIT=SYSALLDA //***************************************************************** //* RENAME ALL OTHER DSNS TO REMOVE SSA //***************************************************************** //RENAME14 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.RACF.PRIMARY - NEWNAME(SYS1.RACF.PRIMARY) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.RACF.BACKUP - NEWNAME(SYS1.RACF.BACKUP) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.PLPA - NEWNAME(SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.PLPA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.PLPA.DATA - NEWNAME(SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.PLPA.DATA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.COMMON - NEWNAME(SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.COMMON) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.COMMON.DATA - NEWNAME(SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.COMMON.DATA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.LOCAL - NEWNAME(SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.LOCAL) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.LOCAL.DATA - NEWNAME(SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.LOCAL.DATA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN1 - NEWNAME(SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN1) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN1.DATA - NEWNAME(SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN1.DATA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN2 - NEWNAME(SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN2) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN2.DATA - NEWNAME(SYS1.VSY2PKA.MAN2.DATA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.STGINDEX - NEWNAME(SYS1.VSY2PKA.STGINDEX) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.STGINDEX.DATA - NEWNAME(SYS1.VSY2PKA.STGINDEX.DATA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.STGINDEX.INDEX - NEWNAME(SYS1.VSY2PKA.STGINDEX.INDEX) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SMS.ACDS1 - NEWNAME(SYS1.SMS.ACDS1) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SMS.ACDS1.DATA - NEWNAME(SYS1.SMS.ACDS1.DATA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SMS.COMMDS1 - NEWNAME(SYS1.SMS.COMMDS1) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SMS.COMMDS1.DATA - NEWNAME(SYS1.SMS.COMMDS1.DATA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.IODF53.CLUSTER - NEWNAME(SYS1.IODF00.CLUSTER) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.IODF53 - NEWNAME(SYS1.IODF00) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.CSF.SCSFMOD1 - NEWNAME(CSF.SCSFMOD1) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.CMDLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.CMDLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.DAE - NEWNAME(SYS1.DAE) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.HELP - NEWNAME(SYS1.HELP) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.IMAGELIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.IMAGELIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.LINKLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.LINKLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.MIGLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.MIGLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.CSSLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.CSSLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SIEALNKE - NEWNAME(SYS1.SIEALNKE) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SIEAMIGE - NEWNAME(SYS1.SIEAMIGE) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.LPALIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.LPALIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.MACLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.MACLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.MODGEN - NEWNAME(SYS1.MODGEN) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.NUCLEUS - NEWNAME(SYS1.NUCLEUS) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SHASLNKE - NEWNAME(SYS1.SHASLNKE) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SHASMIG - NEWNAME(SYS1.SHASMIG) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ASM.SASMMOD1 - NEWNAME(ASM.SASMMOD1) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.PARMLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.PARMLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.PROCLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.PROCLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SAMPLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.SAMPLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SISTCLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.SISTCLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SVCLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.SVCLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.CEE.SCEERUN - NEWNAME(CEE.SCEERUN) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) /* ALTER TARGSYS.CEE.SCEERUN2 - */ /* NEWNAME(CEE.SCEERUN2) - */ /* CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) */ ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.VTAMLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.VTAMLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.UADS - NEWNAME(SYS1.UADS) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.VTAMLST - NEWNAME(SYS1.VTAMLST) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SCBDCLST - NEWNAME(SYS1.SCBDCLST) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SCBDPENU - NEWNAME(SYS1.SCBDPENU) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SCBDMENU - NEWNAME(SYS1.SCBDMENU) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SCBDTENU - NEWNAME(SYS1.SCBDTENU) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SCBDHENU - NEWNAME(SYS1.SCBDHENU) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SDWWDLPA - NEWNAME(SYS1.SDWWDLPA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.DBBLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.DBBLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.REXX.SEAGALT - NEWNAME(REXX.SEAGALT) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISF.SISFEXEC - NEWNAME(ISF.SISFEXEC) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISF.SISFLINK - NEWNAME(ISF.SISFLINK) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISF.SISFLOAD - NEWNAME(ISF.SISFLOAD) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISF.SISFLPA - NEWNAME(ISF.SISFLPA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISF.SISFMLIB - NEWNAME(ISF.SISFMLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISF.SISFPLIB - NEWNAME(ISF.SISFPLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISF.SISFSLIB - NEWNAME(ISF.SISFSLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISF.SISFTLIB - NEWNAME(ISF.SISFTLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISP.SISPCLIB - NEWNAME(ISP.SISPCLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISP.SISPEXEC - NEWNAME(ISP.SISPEXEC) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISP.SISPLOAD - NEWNAME(ISP.SISPLOAD) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISP.SISPLPA - NEWNAME(ISP.SISPLPA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISP.SISPMENU - NEWNAME(ISP.SISPMENU) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISP.SISPPENU - NEWNAME(ISP.SISPPENU) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISP.SISPSENU - NEWNAME(ISP.SISPSENU) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISP.SISPSLIB - NEWNAME(ISP.SISPSLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.ISP.SISPTENU - NEWNAME(ISP.SISPTENU) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.IBM.PROCLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.IBM.PROCLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.IBM.PARMLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.IBM.PARMLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCLPA - NEWNAME(SYS1.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCLPA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCRENT - NEWNAME(SYS1.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCRENT) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCAUTH - NEWNAME(SYS1.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCAUTH) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYSV.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCLINK - NEWNAME(SYS1.SYNCSORT.ZOS.SYNCLINK) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.LPALIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.VSY2PKA.LPALIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.VSY2PKA.LINKLIB - NEWNAME(SYS1.VSY2PKA.LINKLIB) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SCUNLOCL - NEWNAME(SYS1.SCUNLOCL) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.TCPIP.SEZALPA - NEWNAME(TCPIP.SEZALPA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.TCPIP.SEZALOAD - NEWNAME(TCPIP.SEZALOAD) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.TCPIP.SEZALNK2 - NEWNAME(TCPIP.SEZALNK2) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.TCPIP.SEZATCP - NEWNAME(TCPIP.SEZATCP) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.TCPPARMS - NEWNAME(SYS1.TCPPARMS) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SBPXEXEC - NEWNAME(SYS1.SBPXEXEC) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SBPXPENU - NEWNAME(SYS1.SBPXPENU) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SBPXMENU - NEWNAME(SYS1.SBPXMENU) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.SBPXTENU - NEWNAME(SYS1.SBPXTENU) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.OMVS.ROOT - NEWNAME(SYS1.OMVS.ROOT) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.OMVS.ROOT.DATA - NEWNAME(SYS1.OMVS.ROOT.DATA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.OMVS.ETC - NEWNAME(SYS1.OMVS.ETC) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.OMVS.ETC.DATA - NEWNAME(SYS1.OMVS.ETC.DATA) - CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) /* ALTER TARGSYS.SYS1.OMVS.TMP - */ /* NEWNAME(SYS1.OMVS.TMP) - */ /* CAT(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) */ /* //***************************************************************** //* COMPRESS SYS1.PARMLIB ON SY2PKA //***************************************************************** //COMP15 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //IN1 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.PARMLIB, // UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=SY2PKA //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(10,5)) //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(10,5)) //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=IN1,OUTDD=IN1,LIST=NO /* //***************************************************************** //* UPDATE PARMLIB WITH REQUIRED MEMBERS //***************************************************************** //UPARM16 EXEC PGM=IEBUPDTE,PARM=NEW,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSUT2 DD DSN=SYS1.PARMLIB,DISP=SHR, // UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=SY2PKA //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DATA,DLM=@# ./ ADD NAME=CLOCK00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL OPERATOR NOPROMPT TIMEZONE W.05.00.00 ETRMODE NO ETRZONE NO ETRDELTA 10 ./ ADD NAME=COFVLF00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL /*Start of specifications ********************************************/ /* */ /* Name: COFVLF00 */ /* */ /* Descriptive Name: Virtual Lookaside Facility (VLF) */ /* default SYS1.PARMLIB member */ /* */ /* Copyright = */ /* 5685-001 */ /* This macro is "RESTRICTED MATERIALS OF IBM" */ /* (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1988 */ /* Licensed materials - Property of IBM */ /* */ /* Status: JBB3311 */ /* */ /* Function: */ /* COFVLF00 specifies the VLF CLASS and Major Name used for */ /* objects stored by Library Lookaside (LLA). The class @P2C*/ /* of objects is named "CSVLLA" with a single major name of @P1C*/ /* "LLA". */ /* */ /* Change activity: */ /* $L0=VLF HBB3310 871023 PDAM: Virtual Lookaside Facility */ /* $P1=VLF HBB3310 880209 PDAM: Change LLA class name */ /* $P2=PCG0085 JBB3311 880419 PDAM: Library Lookaside name */ /* */ /*End of Specifications **********************************************/ CLASS NAME(CSVLLA) /* Class name for Library Lookaside @P2C*/ EMAJ(LLA) /* Major name for Library Lookaside @P2C*/ /* */ CLASS NAME(IRRGTS) /* CLASS NAME FOR RACF 1.9 GTS */ EMAJ(GTS) /* MAJOR NAME OF IRRGTS class */ /* */ CLASS NAME(IRRACEE) /* RACF 1.9.2 ACEE Data in Memory */ EMAJ(ACEE) /* Major name = ACEE */ /* */ CLASS NAME(IRRGMAP) /* OPENMVS-RACF GMAP TABLE */ EMAJ(GMAP) /* MAJOR NAME GMAP */ /* */ CLASS NAME(IRRSMAP) /* OPENMVS-RACF SMAP TABLE */ EMAJ(SMAP) /* MAJOR NAME SMAP */ /* */ CLASS NAME(IRRUMAP) /* OPENMVS-RACF UMAP TABLE */ EMAJ(UMAP) /* MAJOR NAME UMAP */ /* */ ./ ADD NAME=COMMND00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL COM='S VLF,SUB=MSTR' COM='S EZAZSSI,SUB=MSTR' COM='DD ADD,VOL=SY2PKA' COM='DD NAME=SYS1.&SYSNAME..DMP&SEQ' COM='DD ALLOC=ACTIVE' COM='S IRRDPTAB' COM='SETLOGRC IGNORE' COM='S NET' COM='S SDSF' COM='S TSO' COM='S TCPIP' COM='S TN3270' ./ ADD NAME=CONSOL00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL INIT AMRF(N) CMDDELIM(;) MLIM(3000) MMS(NO) MONITOR(DSNAME) RLIM(9999) DEFAULT HOLDMODE(NO) RMAX(9999) ROUTCODE(ALL) HARDCOPY DEVNUM(SYSLOG) ROUTCODE(ALL) CMDLEVEL(CMDS) /********************************************************************/ /* MASTER AND ALTERNATE CONSOLES */ /********************************************************************/ CONSOLE DEVNUM(120) ROUTCODE(ALL) /* MASTER - 0120 */ ALTERNATE(720) AUTH(MASTER) AREA(NONE) UNIT(3270-X) NAME(MASTER) MSCOPE(*) CMDSYS(*) MONITOR(JOBNAMES-T,SESS-T) CON(N) DEL(RD) RNUM(20) RTME(1/4) MFORM(J,T,S) SEG(20) CONSOLE DEVNUM(720) ROUTCODE(ALL) /* ALTERNATE - 0720 */ ALTERNATE(120) AUTH(ALL) AREA(NONE) UNIT(3270-X) NAME(ALT) MSCOPE(*) CMDSYS(*) MONITOR(JOBNAMES-T,SESS-T) CON(N) DEL(RD) RNUM(20) RTME(1/4) MFORM(J,T,S) SEG(20) CONSOLE DEVNUM(HMCS) ROUTCODE(ALL) /* HMC 3270 CONS */ AUTH(MASTER) AREA(NONE) NAME(HMCCONS) MSCOPE(*) CMDSYS(*) MONITOR(JOBNAMES-T,SESS-T) CON(N) DEL(RD) RNUM(20) RTME(1/4) MFORM(J,T,S) SEG(20) CONSOLE DEVNUM(SYSCONS) NAME(HMCSYSC) ROUTCODE(1,2,10) MSCOPE(*) CMDSYS(*) ALLOWCMD(Y) /********************************************************************/ /* SUBSYS CONSOLES */ /********************************************************************/ CONSOLE DEVNUM(SUBSYSTEM) NAME(SUB1) AUTH(ALL) CONSOLE DEVNUM(SUBSYSTEM) NAME(SUB2) AUTH(ALL) ./ ADD NAME=COUPLE00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL COUPLE SYSPLEX(LOCAL) ./ ADD NAME=DEVSUP00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL COMPACT=YES, VOLNSNS=YES ./ ADD NAME=GRSCNF00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL GRSDEF RESMIL(10) TOLINT(180) ACCELSYS(99) /* RESTART(YES) - Defaulted */ /* REJOIN(YES) - Defaulted */ /* CTRACE(CTIGRS00) - Defaulted */ ./ ADD NAME=IEACMD00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL COM='CHNGDUMP SET,SDUMP=(LSQA,TRT,XESDATA),ADD' COM='SET SLIP=00' COM='SET DAE=01' COM='START LLA,SUB=MSTR' COM='START BLSJPRMI,SUB=MSTR' ./ ADD NAME=IEAFIX00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL INCLUDE LIBRARY(SYS1.LPALIB) MODULES(IEFBR14) ./ ADD NAME=IEALPA00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL INCLUDE LIBRARY (SYS1.VSY2PKA.LINKLIB) MODULES(ICHRDSNT,ICHRFR01,ICHRRCDE,ICHRIN03) ./ ADD NAME=IEAOPT00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL CNTCLIST=YES, ERV=5000 ./ ADD NAME=IEAPAK00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL (IEFBR14) ./ ADD NAME=IEASVC00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL SVCPARM 245,REPLACE,TYPE(3) /* SYNCSORT */ ./ ADD NAME=IEASYM00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL SYSDEF SYSCLONE(00) /* SYSTEM CLONE */ SYSNAME(EMRG) /* SYSTEM NAME */ SYSPARM(00,L) /* USE IEASYS00 */ ./ ADD NAME=IEASYS00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL CMB=(UNITR,COMM,GRAPH,CHRDR), ADDITIONAL CMB ENTRIES CON=(00,NOJES3), CONSOLE MEMBER - CONSOL00 COUPLE=00, COUPLE00 CLOCK=00, CLOCK00 CLPA, CLPA CMD=(00,L), COMMND00 CSA=(2048,80000), SIZE IN K FOR CSA DEVSUP=00, DEVSUP00 DIAG=00, DIAG00 DUMP=(DASD), PLACE SVC DUMPS ON DASD DEVICES FIX=00, IEAFIX00 GRS=NONE, NO GRS GRSCNF=00, GRSCNF00 HZSPROC=*NONE, DO NOT START HEALTH CHECKER IZU=00, IZUPRM00 FOR Z/OSMF LICENSE=Z/OS, LICENSE Z/OS LNKAUTH=LNKLST, LNKLST IS APF AUTHORIZED LOGCLS=L, SYSOUT L FOR PRINT OF SYSLOG LOGLMT=999999, MAXIMUM WTL MESSAGES QUEUED LOGREC=SYS1.VSY2PKA.LOGREC, LOGREC DSN LPA=(00,L), LPALST00 MAXUSER=300, MAXIMUM # ADDRESS SPACES MLPA=(00,L), IEALPA00 MSTRJCL=(00,L), MSTJCL00 OMVS=00, BPXPRM00 OPI=YES, ALLOW OPERATOR OVERRIDE TO IEASYS00 OPT=00, IEAOPT00 PAGE=(SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.PLPA, PLPA PAGE DATA SET SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.COMMON, COMMON PAGE DATA SET SYS1.PAGE.VSY2PKA.LOCAL,L), LOCAL PAGE DATA SET PAK=00, IEAPAK00 PLEXCFG=XCFLOCAL, SYSPLEX CONFIG PROD=00, IFAPRD00 SPECIFIED PROG=(00,L), PROG00 - APF LIST AND LNKLST RACF=00, IRRPRM00 - RACF DATA SET NAME TABLE REAL=0, V=R SIZE RSU=00, NO RECONFIG STORAGE UNITS RSVNONR=50, RESERVED ASIDS FOR NON-REUSABLE RSVSTRT=10, RESERVED ASIDS FOR START SMF=00, SMFPRM00 SMFLIM=00, SMFLIM00 SMS=00, IGDSMS00 SQA=(15,200), SIZE IN 64K INCREMENTS FOR SQA SSN=(00), IEFSSN00 SVC=00, IEASVC00 VAL=00, VATLST00 VIODSN=SYS1.VSY2PKA.STGINDEX, VIO DSN VRREGN=0 DEFAULT REAL-STORAGE REGION SIZE ./ ADD NAME=IEFSSN00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL SUBSYS SUBNAME(SMS) INITRTN(IGDSSIIN) INITPARM('ID=00') /* SMS */ SUBSYS SUBNAME(JES2) /* JES2 AS PRIMARY SUBSYSTEM */ PRIMARY(YES) START(YES) SUBSYS SUBNAME(RACF) INITRTN(IRRSSI00) INITPARM('RACF,M') SUBSYS SUBNAME(TNF) /* TCPIP SUBSYSTEM */ SUBSYS SUBNAME(VMCF) /* TCPIP SUBSYSTEM */ ./ ADD NAME=IFAPRD00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL /* ========== IBM LICENSING TERMS AND CONDITIONS NOTICE ========== */ /* */ /* THIS IFAPRD00 MEMBER HAS BEEN CUSTOMIZED BY IBM TO REFLECT THE */ /* IBM PRODUCTS AND OPTIONAL INTEGRATED FEATURES SPECIFICALLY */ /* ORDERED BY YOU. */ /* */ /* THE PRODUCTS AND OPTIONAL FEATURES WHICH WERE ORDERED HAVE BEEN */ /* 'ENABLED' IN THIS MEMBER. THOSE OPTIONAL FEATURES, WHICH WERE */ /* NOT ORDERED BUT SHIPPED TO YOU AS A PART OF THE INTEGRATED */ /* PRODUCT, HAVE BEEN 'DISABLED'. */ /* */ /* CHANGES TO THE 'ENABLED' OR 'DISABLED' STATE OF ANY OF THE IBM */ /* PRODUCTS AND OPTIONAL FEATURES PROVIDED IN THIS MEMBER MUST BE */ /* DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH IBM'S LICENSING TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS */ /* DESCRIBED IN SUCH PRODUCT'S LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS AND */ /* THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR z/OS DESCRIBED IN "z/OS */ /* LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS" GA32-0888. SEE "Z/OS MVS */ /* PRODUCT MANAGEMENT" GC28-1730 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. */ /* */ /* ================================================================ */ /* */ /* CHANGE ACTIVITY: */ /* OS/390 : - Dynamic Enablement support was introduced */ /* since OS/390. For detailed information */ /* on using dynamic enablement, please refer */ /* to "Planning for Installation" GC28-1726. */ /* z/OS V1R1: - Changes required: */ /* ID(5647-0A1) changed to ID(5694-A01)) */ /* NAME(OS/390) changed to NAME('z/OS') */ /* */ /* z/OS V1R2: - Changes required: */ /* 1. DFSORT became exclusive in z/OS V1R2 */ /* 2. SOMobjects ADE was no longer an element, it */ /* has been removed from this list. */ /* */ /* z/OS V1R3: - Changes required: */ /* 1. Added program number for z/OS.e */ /* ID(5655-G52) - NAME remains as ('z/OS') */ /* */ /* z/OS V1R5: - Changes required: */ /* 1. Added DFSMStvs */ /* 2. Removed C/C++ with DEBUG */ /* */ /* z/OS V1R6: - Changes required: */ /* 1. Added DFSMStvs in z/OS.e section */ /* 2. Removed C/C++ with DEBUG from z/OS.e section */ /* */ /* z/OS V1R7: - Changes required: */ /* 1. Added High Level Assembler Toolkit DISASSEM, */ /* SUPERC, XRF */ /* */ /* z/OS V1R8: - Changes required: */ /* 1. Removed Infoprint Server Transforms since it */ /* is no longer service supported. */ /* */ /* z/OS V1R9: - Changes required: */ /* 1. z/OS.e is no longer supported */ /* */ /* z/OS V1R11:- Changes required: */ /* 1. removed PSF for OS/390, IBM COBOL OS/390, */ /* IBM COBOL MVS/VM, IBM PL/I MVS/VM */ /* since these products are no longer supported */ /* */ /* z/OS V1R12:- Changes none */ /* */ /* z/OS V1R13:- Changes none */ /* */ /* z/OS V2R1 :- 5650-ZOS */ /* */ /* ================================================================ */ WHEN (HWNAME(*)) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('z/OS') STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('TCP/IP BASE') STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('TCP/IP CICS') STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('TCP/IP IMS') STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(DFSMSDSS) STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(DFSMSHSM) STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(DFSMSRMM) STATE(DISABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(DFSMSTVS) STATE(DISABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(GDDM-REXX) STATE(DISABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(JES3) STATE(DISABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('BOOKMGR BUILD') STATE(DISABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(BDTFTF) STATE(DISABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(BDTNJE) STATE(DISABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('C/C++') STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(DFSORT) STATE(DISABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(GDDM-PGF) STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('TOOLKIT DEBUGGER') STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('TOOLKIT DISASSEM') STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('TOOLKIT SUPERC') STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('TOOLKIT XREF') STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('SECURITY SERVER') STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(RMF) STATE(DISABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(SDSF) STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(zEDC) STATE(DISABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('HCM') STATE(ENABLED) PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP') NAME('z/OS') ID(5650-ZOS) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME('INFOPRINT SERVER') STATE(DISABLED) ./ ADD NAME=IKJTSO00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL AUTHCMD NAMES( /* AUTHORIZED COMMANDS */ + AD ADDSD /* RACF COMMANDS */ + AG ADDGROUP /* */ + AU ADDUSER /* */ + ALG ALTGROUP /* */ + ALD ALTDSD /* */ + ALU ALTUSER /* */ + BLKUPD /* */ + CO CONNECT /* */ + DD DELDSD /* */ + DG DELGROUP /* */ + DU DELUSER /* */ + LD LISTDSD /* */ + LG LISTGRP /* */ + LU LISTUSER /* */ + RACDCERT /* */ + RALT RALTER /* */ + RACLINK /* */ + RDEF RDEFINE /* */ + RDEL RDELETE /* */ + RE REMOVE /* */ + RL RLIST /* */ + RVARY /* */ + PASSWORD PW /* */ + PE PERMIT /* */ + SETR SETROPTS /* */ + SR SEARCH /* */ + IRRDPI00 /* */ + MVPXDISP /* TCPIP */ + TRACERTE /* TCPIP */ + PING /* TCPIP */ + NETSTAT /* TCPIP */ + RECEIVE /* TSO COMMANDS */ + TRANSMIT XMIT /* */ + CONSPROF /* ICSF COMMAND */ + RACONVRT CONSPROF /* */ + LISTB LISTBC /* */ + LISTD LISTDS /* */ + SE SEND /* */ + SYNC /* */ + TESTAUTH TESTA /* */ + PARMLIB IKJPRMLB /* */ + IEBCOPY /* */ + BINDDATA BDATA /* DMSMS COMMANDS */ + LISTDATA LDATA /* */ + SETCACHE SETC /* */) /* */ AUTHPGM NAMES( /* AUTHORIZED PROGRAMS */ + ICHUT100 /* */ + ICHUT200 /* */ + ICHUT400 /* */ + ICHDSM00 /* */ + IRRDSC00 /* */ + IRRUT100 /* */ + IRRUT200 /* */ + IRRUT400 /* */ + IRRDPI00 /* */ + GIMSMP /* SMPE */ + IOEGRWAG /* DFS */ + IOENEWAG /* DFS */ + IOESALVG /* DFS */ + IOEBAK /* DFS */ + IOEBOS /* DFS */ + IOECM /* DFS */ + IOEDCEER /* DFS */ + IOEDFSXP /* DFS */ + IOEFTS /* DFS */ + IOEMAPID /* DFS */ + IOESCOUT /* DFS */ + IOEUDBG /* DFS */ + IOEAGFMT /* DFS */ + IOEAGSLV /* DFS */ + IOEZADM /* DFS */ + ICADCT /* FIREWALL */ + ICADDCT /* FIREWALL */ + ICADCFGS /* FIREWALL */ + ICADPFTP /* FIREWALL */ + ICADFTPD /* FIREWALL */ + ICADSLOG /* FIREWALL */ + ICADSOCK /* FIREWALL */ + ICADSOXD /* FIREWALL */ + ICADSTAK /* FIREWALL */ + ICADIKED /* FIREWALL */ + IEBCOPY /* */ + MVPXDISP /* TCPIP */ + CSFDAUTH /* ICSF PGM */) /* */ NOTBKGND NAMES( /* COMMANDS WHICH MAY NOT BE */ + /* ISSUED IN THE BACKGROUND */ + OPER OPERATOR /* */ + TERM TERMINAL /* */) /* */ AUTHTSF NAMES( /* PROGRAMS TO BE AUTHORIZED */ + /* WHEN CALLED THROUGH THE */ + /* TSO SERVICE FACILITY. */ + GIMSMP /* SMPE */ + ICQASLI0 /* */ + IKJEFF76 /* */ + IEBCOPY /* */ + CSFDAUTH /* ICSF SF */) /* */ SEND /* SEND COMMAND DEFAULTS */ + OPERSEND(ON) /* */ + USERSEND(ON) /* */ + SAVE(ON) /* */ + CHKBROD(OFF) /* */ + LOGNAME(SYS1.BRODCAST) /* */ ALLOCATE /* ALLOCATE COMMAND DEFAULT */ + DEFAULT(OLD) /* */ TRANSREC /* ALLOCATE COMMAND DEFAULT */ + NODESMF((*,*)) /*ALLOCATE COMMAND DEFAULT*/ + CIPHER(YES) /* */ + SPOOLCL(B) /* */ + OUTWARN(50000,15000) /* */ + OUTLIM(5000000) /* */ + VIO(SYSALLDA) /* */ + LOGSEL(LOG) /* */ + LOGNAME(MISC) /* */ + DAPREFIX(TUPREFIX) /* */ + USRCTL(NAMES.TEXT) /* */ + SYSOUT(*) /* */ ./ ADD NAME=ISFPRM00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL /***********************/ /* SDSFAUX PARMS */ /***********************/ CONNECT AUXSAF(NOFAILRC4) /*******************************************/ /* OPTIONS Statement - Global SDSF Options */ /*******************************************/ OPTIONS ATHOPEN(YES), /* Use authorized open for datasets */ DCHAR('?'), /* Command query character */ DSI(NO), /* Bypass ENQ for dynamic allocation */ FINDLIM(5000), /* Maximum lines to search for FIND */ IDBLKS(4096), /* HASPINDX blocksize */ JESDATA(VERSIONS), /* Use checkpoint versioning */ LINECNT(55), /* Print lines per page */ LOGLIM(0), /* OPERLOG search limit in hours */ MENUS(ISF.SISFPLIB), /* PANELS DATASET NAME FOR TSO */ NIDBUF(5), /* Number of haspindx buffers */ NSPBUF(5), /* Number of spool buffers */ SCHARS('*%'), /* Generic and placeholder characters */ SCRSIZE(1920), /* Maximum screen size */ SYSOUT(A), /* Default print sysout class */ TIMEOUT(5), /* Communications timeout in seconds */ TRACE(C000), /* Default trace mask */ TRCLASS(A), /* Default trace sysout class */ UNALLOC(NO) /* Do not free dynalloc data sets */ /***************************************/ /* GROUP ISFSPROG - System Programmers */ /***************************************/ GROUP NAME(ISFSPROG), /* Group name */ TSOAUTH(JCL), /* USER MUST HAVE JCL, OPER, ACCT */ ACTION(ALL), /* All route codes displayed */ ACTIONBAR(YES), /* Display the action bar on panels */ APPC(ON), /* Include APPC sysout */ AUPDT(2), /* Minimum auto update interval */ AUTH(LOG,I,O,H,DA,DEST,PREF, /* Authorized functions */ SYSID,ABEND,ACTION,INPUT, FINDLIM,ST,INIT,PR,TRACE, ULOG,MAS,SYSNAME,LI,SO,NO,RSYS, PUN,RDR,JC,SE,RES,SR,SP, ENC,PS), CMDAUTH(ALL), /* Commands allowed for all jobs */ CMDLEV(7), /* Authorized command level */ CONFIRM(ON), /* Enable cancel confirmation */ CTITLE(ASIS), /* Allow mixed case column titles */ CURSOR(ON), /* Leave cursor on last row processed */ DADFLT(IN,OUT,TRANS,STC,TSU,JOB), /* Default rows shown on DA */ DATE(MMDDYYYY), /* Default date format */ DATESEP('/'), /* Default datesep format */ DISPLAY(OFF), /* Do not display current values */ DSPAUTH(ALL), /* Browse allowed for all jobs */ GPLEN(2), /* Group prefix length */ ILOGCOL(1), /* Initial display column in log */ ISYS(LOCAL), /* Initial system default */ LANG(ENGLISH), /* Default language */ LOGOPT(OPERACT), /* Default log option */ OWNER(NONE), /* Default owner */ RSYS(NONE), /* Initial system default for wtors */ UPCTAB(TRTAB2), /* Upper case translate table name */ VALTAB(TRTAB), /* Valid character translate table */ VIO(SYSALLDA) /* Unit name for page mode output */ /********************************/ /* Define default SDSF Codepage */ /********************************/ TRTAB CODPAG(SDSF) VALTAB(TRTAB) UPCTAB(TRTAB2) ./ ADD NAME=IRRPRM00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL DATABASE_OPTIONS SYSPLEX(NOCOMMUNICATIONS) DATASETNAMETABLE ENTRY PRIMARYDSN('SYS1.RACF.PRIMARY') BACKUPDSN('SYS1.RACF.BACKUP') UPDATEBACKUP(NOSTATS) BUFFERS(255) ./ ADD NAME=IZUPRM00,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL AUTOSTART(CONNECT) ./ ADD NAME=JES2PARM,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL /*****PROPRIETARY-STATEMENT*******************************************/ /* */ /* LICENSED MATERIALS-PROPERTY OF IBM */ /* THIS SAMPLE IS "RESTRICTED MATERIALS OF IBM" */ /* */ /* */ /*****END-OF-PROPRIETARY-STATEMENT************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* SYNTAX RULES for JES2 Initialization Statements: */ /* */ /* - Statements may be coded free-form in Columns 1 through 71 */ /* - Column 72 may be used for a Continuation Character, but is */ /* NOT Required. A trailing comma indicates continuation. */ /* - Comments and Blanks may appear anywhere before, after, or */ /* in-between statements, parameters, and delimiters. */ /* - Comments are NOT allowed within a range. */ /* - Comments must be bounded by the slash-asterisk, */ /* asterisk-slash type delimiters. */ /* - Statements must have at least one parameter coded on the */ /* same line as the statement name. */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* NOTES on the Format of this Member: */ /* */ /* - The Order of Statements is Alphabetical within the following */ /* categories: */ /* - ALL Initialization Statements, showing new statements, */ /* new and changed operands, etc. */ /* - An abbreviated list of statements and operands ADDED */ /* in the JES2 SP 4.1.0 and later releases */ /* - An abbreviated list of statements and operands CHANGED */ /* in the JES2 SP 4.1.0 and later releases */ /* - An abbreviated list of statements and operands DELETED */ /* in SP 2.2.0 JES2 or later releases. */ /* - An abbreviated list of statement operands which cannot */ /* be changed without a COLD start. */ /* */ /* COLUMN layouts of the following statements are as follows: */ /* STMT PARAMETER=DEFAULT, COMMENTS CHG-CODE*/ /* */ /* 1- 8 - Statement Name */ /* 10-29 - Parameters set to default values */ /* ›› - Indicates there is no default, or the default is */ /* based on other parameters. */ /* @@ - Indicates the default should not be taken blindly.*/ /* 30-60 - Comments */ /* 62-69 - How the Parameter can be changed. One or more of the */ /* following flags will appear in the change code list. */ /* They are listed in order of flexibility and power, but */ /* these capabilities are not hierarchical. For example, */ /* some parameters can be changed only by cold starts */ /* and commands. */ /* */ /* a - can be added by $ADD */ /* o - can be altered by operand $T */ /* r - can be removed by $DEL */ /* h - can be altered/added by a hot start */ /* (if no H, the parm is ignored during hot start) */ /* w - can be altered/added by JES2 Warm or Quick Start */ /* n - can be altered/added by a JES2 */ /* All Member Warm Start */ /* c - can be altered/added by JES2 Cold Start */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* NOTE: Changing ANY of the following parameters will prevent a */ /* JES2 Warmstart; they can ONLY be changed on a COLDSTART */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* CKPTDEF DSNAME= */ /* JOBDEF JOBNUM= */ /* NJEDEF OWNNODE= */ /* OUTDEF JOENUM= */ /* SPOOLDEF BUFSIZE=, DSNAME=, RECINCR=, SPOOLNUM=, TGNUM=, */ /* TRKCELL=, VOLUME= */ /* TPDEF RMTNUM= */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /* *---------------------------------------* * Checkpoint Parameters * *---------------------------------------* */ CKPTDEF CKPT1=(DSNAME=SYS1.VSY2PKA.HASPCKPT, /* NAME FOR CKPT &DSNPRFX onc*/ VOLSER=SY2PKA, /* SYS1.HASPCKPT ONC*/ INUSE=YES), /* onc*/ CKPT2=(DSNAME=SYS1.VSY2PKA.HASPCKP2, /* NAME FOR CKPT &DSNPRFX onc*/ VOLSER=SY2PKA, /* SYS1.HASPCKP2 ONC*/ INUSE=NO), /* ONC*/ DUPLEX=OFF, /* NO DUPLEXING &CHKPT2 nc*/ LOGSIZE=2, /* nc*/ MODE=DUPLEX, /* NO DUPLEXING &CHKPT2 ohwnc*/ VERSIONS=(NUMBER=0, /* Number of checkpoint versions ohwnc*/ /* JES2 will maintain-0 indicates */ /* JES2 will determine the maximum */ /* number of versions to maintain. */ /* (added SP410) */ /* Related to APPLCOPY */ WARN=80), /* Threshold percentage at which ohwnc*/ /* operator is to be notified. */ /* (added SP410) */ VOLATILE=(ONECKPT=WTOR, /* Specifies JES2 should issue WTOR to */ /* determine action if one CKPT is on a */ /* volatile coupling facility */ /* (added in SP510) ohwnc*/ ALLCKPT=WTOR) /* Specifies JES2 should issue WTOR to */ /* determine action if all CKPTs are on */ /* volatile coupling facilities */ /* (added in SP510) ohwnc*/ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /* *--------------------------------------* | Checkpoint Space Definitions | *--------------------------------------* */ CKPTSPACE BERTNUM=2000, /* Number of BERTs oc*/ /* (added in OS/390 R4) */ BERTWARN=80 /* $HASP050 threshold for BERTs ohwnc*/ /* (added in OS/390 R4) */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /* *---------------------------------------* * Compaction Table Definitions * *---------------------------------------* */ COMPACT NAME=JESDATA, /* NAME OF COMPACTION TABLE hwnc*/ NUMBER=10, /* Compaction Table Number hwnc*/ /* Table Definition hwnc*/ CHARS=(16, /* - Number of Master Characters hwnc*/ F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6, /* - MASTER CHARACTERS hwnc*/ F7,F8,F9,A,E,I,D6, /* - MASTER CHARACTERS hwnc*/ E4,40,X) /* - MASTER CHARACTERS hwnc*/ /* */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /* *--------------------------------------* * CONSOLE PARAMETERS * *--------------------------------------* */ CONDEF AUTOCMD=20, /* Number of Auto Cmds hwnc*/ BUFNUM=9999, /* Number of CMBs ohwnc*/ BUFWARN=80, /* Warning Threshold % ohwnc*/ CMDNUM=999, /* Maximum number of CMBs for JES2 ownc*/ /* commands from common storage ownc*/ /* (added in SP510) ownc*/ CONCHAR=$, /* Console Cmd Character ohwnc*/ DISPLEN=64, /* $SCAN Cmd/init Display Length ohwnc*/ DISPMAX=100, /* $SCAN Cmd/init Max Lines ohwnc*/ MASMSG=200, /* Number of Queued Msgs ohwnc*/ RDIRAREA=Z, /* Default console out-of-line ohwnc*/ /* area (added SP410) ohwnc*/ RDRCHAR=$, /* Reader Cmd Character ohwnc*/ SCOPE=SYSTEM /* Specifies scope of command wnc*/ /* prefix (added SP410) */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /* *--------------------------------------* * DEBUG PARAMETERS * * (revised by OW05639) * * Do not use unless necessary * *--------------------------------------* */ DEBUG CKPT=NO, /* Verify integrity of checkpoint ohwnc*/ MISC=NO, /* Count certain JES2 events ohwnc*/ STORAGE=NO, /* Verify GETWORKed areas ohwnc*/ SYMREC=NO, /* Issue $WTO with SYMREC ohwnc*/ /* (added OS110) */ VERSION=NO /* Verify integrity of ckpt vers ohwnc*/ /* */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /* *---------------------------------------* * Default Estimated Sysout Bytes/Job * *---------------------------------------* */ ESTBYTE NUM=99999, /* 99999000 Bytes for 1st Message ohwnc*/ INT=99999, /* then 99999000 Byte Intervals ohwnc*/ OPT=0 /* Allow Jobs to Continue ohwnc*/ /* */ /* *---------------------------------------* * Default Estimated Execution Time * *---------------------------------------* */ ESTIME NUM=2, /* 2 minutes for 1st Message ohwnc*/ INT=1, /* then at 1 minute Intervals ohwnc*/ OPT=NO /* No HASP308 message ohwnc*/ /* */ /* *---------------------------------------* * Default Estimated Sysout Lines/Job * *---------------------------------------* */ ESTLNCT NUM=12, /*12000 LINES FOR 1ST MESSAGE ohwnc*/ INT=6000, /* THEN AT 6000 LINE INTERVALS ohwnc*/ OPT=0 /* Allow Jobs to Continue ohwnc*/ /* */ /* *---------------------------------------* * Default Estimated Sysout Pages/Job * *---------------------------------------* */ ESTPAGE NUM=40, /* 40 PAGES FOR 1ST MESSAGE ohwnc*/ INT=10, /* THEN AT 10 PAGE INTERVALS ohwnc*/ OPT=0 /* Allow Jobs to Continue ohwnc*/ /* */ /* *---------------------------------------* * Default Estimated Sysout Cards/Job * *---------------------------------------* */ ESTPUN NUM=100, /* 100 Cards for 1st Message ohwnc*/ INT=2000, /* then at 2000 Card Intervals ohwnc*/ OPT=0 /* Allow Jobs to Continue ohwnc*/ /* */ /* *---------------------------------------* * Functional Subsystem Definition * *---------------------------------------* */ FSS(PRINTOFF) /* FSS TOKEN FOR PRINTERNN FSS= aownc*/ /* PROC=PRINT, FSS PROCEDURE TO START FSA ownc*/ /* HASPFSSM=HASPFSSM FSS Load Module FSS Support ownc*/ /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * Logical Initiator Definitions * *--------------------------------------* */ INITDEF PARTNUM=12 /* NUMBER OF INITIATORS &MAXPART wnc*/ /* */ /*--------------------------------------*/ /* Logical Initiators */ /*--------------------------------------*/ INIT(1) NAME=1, /* INITIATOR NAME wnc*/ CLASS=A, /* INITIAL JOB CLASSES ownc*/ START /* Start Automatically wnc*/ /* */ INIT(2) NAME=2, /* INITIATOR NAME wnc*/ CLASS=AB, /* INITIAL JOB CLASSES ownc*/ START=YES /* Start Automatically wnc*/ /* */ INIT(3) NAME=3, /* INITIATOR NAME wnc*/ CLASS=ABC, /* INITIAL JOB CLASSES ownc*/ START=YES /* Start Automatically wnc*/ /* */ INIT(4) NAME=4, /* INITIATOR NAME wnc*/ CLASS=ABCDE, /* INITIAL JOB CLASSES ownc*/ START=YES /* Start Automatically wnc*/ /* */ INIT(5) NAME=5, /* INITIATOR NAME wnc*/ CLASS=ABCD, /* INITIAL JOB CLASSES ownc*/ START=NO /* */ /* */ INIT(6) NAME=6, /* INITIATOR NAME wnc*/ CLASS=ABCD, /* INITIAL JOB CLASSES ownc*/ START=NO /* */ /* */ INIT(7) NAME=7, /* INITIATOR NAME wnc*/ CLASS=ABCD, /* INITIAL JOB CLASSES ownc*/ START=NO /* */ /* */ INIT(8) NAME=8, /* INITIATOR NAME wnc*/ CLASS=ABCD, /* INITIAL JOB CLASSES ownc*/ START=NO /* */ /* */ INIT(9) NAME=9, /* INITIATOR NAME wnc*/ CLASS=ABCD, /* INITIAL JOB CLASSES ownc*/ START=NO /* */ /* */ INIT(10) NAME=10, /* INITIATOR NAME wnc*/ CLASS=ABCD, /* INITIAL JOB CLASSES ownc*/ START=NO /* */ /* */ INIT(11) NAME=11, /* INITIATOR NAME wnc*/ CLASS=ABCD, /* INITIAL JOB CLASSES ownc*/ START=NO /* */ /* */ INIT(12) NAME=12, /* INITIATOR NAME wnc*/ CLASS=ABCD, /* INITIAL JOB CLASSES ownc*/ START=NO /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * Internal Readers * *--------------------------------------* */ INTRDR AUTH=(JOB=YES, /* Allow Job cmds ownc*/ DEVICE=NO, /* Allow Device Cmds ownc*/ SYSTEM=YES), /* Allow System Cmds ownc*/ /* (pre-SP420 AUTH=0 for all 3 */ /* subparameters) */ BATCH=YES, /* Allow batch jobs to use wnc*/ /* internal readers */ /* (added SP420) */ CLASS=A, /* Default Job Class ownc*/ HOLD=NO, /* Don't Hold Jobs Read ownc*/ HONORLIM=NO, /* Do output excession for INTRDR ownc*/ /* (added by OW06743) */ PRTYINC=0, /* Don't Prty Age Jobs wnc*/ PRTYLIM=15, /* Limit Job Prty to 15 wnc*/ TRACE=NO /* Allow Tracing ownc*/ /* (added SP420) */ /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * Job Class Characteristics * *--------------------------------------* */ JOBCLASS(*) AUTH=ALL, /* All commnds accepted hwnc*/ ACCT=NO, /* Account not required hwnc*/ BLP=NO, /* BLP ignored hwnc*/ COMMAND=VERIFY, /* verify commands hwnc*/ COPY=NO, /* not TYPRUN=COPY hwnc*/ HOLD=NO, /* not TYPRUN=HOLD hwnc*/ IEFUJP=YES, /* take SMF Job Purge Exit hwnc*/ IEFUSO=YES, /* take SYSOUT Excess Exit hwnc*/ JOURNAL=YES, /* Journal this Job Class hwnc*/ LOG=YES, /* Print JES2 JOB LOG hwnc*/ MSGLEVEL=(1,1), /* msg level hwnc*/ OUTDISP=(HOLD,HOLD), /* Disposition of System Output hwnc*/ /* normal termination and abnormal */ /* termination (added SP410) */ /* (pre-SP410=CONDPURG) */ OUTPUT=YES, /* Produce Output for Job hwnc*/ PERFORM=000, /* SRM Performance Group 0 hwnc*/ PGMRNAME=NO, /* Pgmrname not required hwnc*/ PROCLIB=00, /* Use //PROC00 DD hwnc*/ QHELD=NO, /* Hold jobs prior to execution ohwnc*/ /* (added by APAR OW06439) */ RESTART=NO, /* No Requeue (XEQ) on IPL hwnc*/ SCAN=NO, /* Not TYPRUN=SCAN hwnc*/ TIME=(1440,0), /* Job Step Time hwnc*/ /* (format changed SP410) */ TYPE6=YES, /* Produce SMF 6 Records hwnc*/ TYPE26=YES /* Produce SMF 26 Records hwnc*/ /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * Job Characteristics * *--------------------------------------* */ JOBDEF ACCTFLD=OPTIONAL, /* Acct'g Field Optional &RJOBOPT ohwnc*/ DUPL_JOB=DELAY, /* Don't allow jobs with duplicate */ /* names to execute concurrently onc*/ /* (added OS130) */ JOBNUM=1000, /* Job Queue Size &MAXJOBS(1 c*/ JOBWARN=80, /* Warning Threshold % &MAXJOBS(2 onc*/ PRTYHIGH=10, /* Upper Limit for Aging &PRIHIGH onc*/ PRTYJECL=YES, /*PRIORITY JECL Supported &PRIOOPT ohwnc*/ PRTYJOB=YES, /* PRTY= ON JOB NOT SUP'D &PRTYJOB ohwnc*/ PRTYLOW=5, /* Lower Limit for Aging &PRILOW onc*/ PRTYRATE=0, /* Prty Aging Rate X/Day &PRIRATE onc*/ RANGE=(1-9999) /* Local Job Number Range &JRANGE oc*/ /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * Default PRTY Calculations * *--------------------------------------* */ JOBPRTY(1) PRIORITY=9, /* Job Prty=9 if &RPRI1 ohwnc*/ TIME=2 /* < 2 min. exec. time &RPRT1 ohwnc*/ /* */ JOBPRTY(2) PRIORITY=8, /* Job Prty=8 if < 5 min. &RPRI2 ohwnc*/ TIME=5 /* etc. ohwnc*/ /* */ JOBPRTY(3) PRIORITY=7, /* Job Prty=7 if <15 min. &RPRI2 ohwnc*/ TIME=15 /* etc. ohwnc*/ /* */ JOBPRTY(4) PRIORITY=6, /* Job Prty=6 if nolim &RPRI2 ohwnc*/ TIME=1440 /* etc. ohwnc*/ /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * Identify JES2 APPLIDs to VTAM * *--------------------------------------* */ LOGON(1) APPLID=JES2, /* ACCESS CONTROL BLOCK (ACB) NAME ohwnc*/ LOG=Y, /* Monitor VTAM interface (Y) ohwnc*/ /* or discontinue monitoring (N) */ TRACEIO=NO /* Trace I/O Activity (YES) ohwnc*/ /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * TP Line for RJE/NJE * * SNA Line * *--------------------------------------* */ LINE(1) UNIT=SNA /* LOGICAL LINE 1 ohwnc*/ /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * Multi-Access Spool * *--------------------------------------* */ MASDEF SHARED=NOCHECK, /* MULTI ACCESS SPOOL NOCHECK ohwnc*/ DORMANCY=(100,500), /* ohwnc*/ HOLD=100, /* ohwnc*/ LOCKOUT=1200 /* ohwnc*/ /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * NJE Definitions * *--------------------------------------* */ NJEDEF DELAY=120, /* Max. Msg Delay Time ohwnc*/ HDRBUF=(LIMIT=100, /* Number of NJE header + trailer ohwnc*/ /* buffers */ WARN=80), /* Warning Threshhold ohwnc*/ JRNUM=2, /* Number of job receivers hwnc*/ JTNUM=2, /* Number of job xmitters hwnc*/ LINENUM=5, /* Number of lines for NJE hwnc*/ MAILMSG=NO, /* Don't automatically issue ohwnc*/ /* notification message */ MAXHOP=0, /* Num. of iterations to limit hwnc*/ /* hoping in network */ /* 0 means no hop counting */ NODENUM=50, /* Max. number of NJE nodes nc*/ OWNNODE=1, /* this node's number c*/ PATH=1, /* number of paths hwnc*/ RESTMAX=8000000, /* Max. resistance tolerance ohwnc*/ RESTNODE=150, /* this node's resistance ohwnc*/ RESTTOL=300, /* Alt. resistance tolerance ohwnc*/ SRNUM=2, /* number of sysout receivers hwnc*/ STNUM=2, /* number of sysout xmitters hwnc*/ TIMETOL=30 /* Time variation between clocks ohwnc*/ /* Times are in 1/100 sec. unless spec'd*/ /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * Offlaod Data Set * *--------------------------------------* */ OFFLOAD1 DSN=SYS1.OFFLOAD /* DATA SET NAME DSN ohwnc*/ /* No. of Devices (units) UNITCT ohwnc*/ /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * JES2 Options Definition * *--------------------------------------* */ OPTSDEF LIST=NO, /* Do not copy following init. hwnc*/ /* stmts. to HARDCOPY console */ LOG=NO, /* Do not copy following init stmts hwnc*/ /* to printer defined on HASPLIST */ SPOOL=NOVALIDATE /* Do not validate track group map nc*/ /*--------------------------------------*/ /* The following options can only */ /* be overridden when the JES2 */ /* initialization process is in */ /* CONSOLE mode. */ /*--------------------------------------*/ /* CKPTOPT=HIGHEST * Use highest checkpoint to hwnc*/ /* * restart */ /* CONSOLE=YES * Prompt for more init. stmts. hwnc*/ /* LISTOPT=NO * Support LIST start option hwnc*/ /* LOGOPT=YES * Support LOG start option hwnc*/ /* RECONFIG=YES * Allow op to specify RECONFIG hwnc*/ /* REQMSG=YES * Display HASP400 message hwnc*/ /* */ /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * Output Class Attributes $$a * *--------------------------------------*/ OUTCLASS(A) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* Truncate trailing blanks wnc*/ OUTDISP=(WRITE,WRITE), /* OUT disp PRINT ownc*/ OUTPUT=PRINT, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ OUTCLASS(B) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* Truncate trailing blanks wnc*/ OUTDISP=(WRITE,WRITE), /* OUT disp PRINT ownc*/ OUTPUT=PUNCH, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ OUTCLASS(C) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* Truncate trailing blanks wnc*/ OUTDISP=(WRITE,WRITE), /* OUT disp PRINT ownc*/ OUTPUT=PRINT, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ OUTCLASS(D) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS wnc*/ OUTDISP=(WRITE,WRITE), /* OUT disp PRINT ownc*/ OUTPUT=PRINT, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ OUTCLASS(H) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS wnc*/ OUTDISP=(HOLD,HOLD), /* HOLD disp HOLD ownc*/ OUTPUT=PRINT, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ OUTCLASS(J) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS wnc*/ OUTDISP=(WRITE,WRITE), /* OUT disp PRINT ownc*/ OUTPUT=PRINT, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ OUTCLASS(K) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS wnc*/ OUTDISP=(HOLD,HOLD), /* OUT disp PRINT ownc*/ OUTPUT=PRINT, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ OUTCLASS(L) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS wnc*/ OUTDISP=(WRITE,WRITE), /* OUT disp PRINT ownc*/ OUTPUT=PRINT, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ OUTCLASS(O) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS wnc*/ OUTDISP=(HOLD,HOLD), /* OUT disp PRINT ownc*/ OUTPUT=PRINT, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ OUTCLASS(X) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS wnc*/ OUTDISP=(HOLD,HOLD), /* OUT disp PRINT ownc*/ OUTPUT=PRINT, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ OUTCLASS(Z) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS wnc*/ OUTDISP=(HOLD,HOLD), /* OUT disp PRINT ownc*/ OUTPUT=DUMMY, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ OUTCLASS(5) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS wnc*/ OUTDISP=(PURGE,PURGE), /* OUT disp PRINT ownc*/ OUTPUT=DUMMY, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ OUTCLASS(9) BLNKTRNC=YES, /* TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS wnc*/ OUTDISP=(PURGE,PURGE), /* OUT disp PRINT ownc*/ OUTPUT=DUMMY, /* Print Class PRINT wnc*/ TRKCELL=YES /* Track-Cell this Class NOTRKCEL wnc*/ /* */ /* *--------------------------------------* * Output Characteristics * *--------------------------------------* */ OUTDEF COPIES=30, /* MAX. COPIES ALLWD &JCOPYLM ohwnc*/ DMNDSET=NO, /* No Demand Setup &DMNDSET wnc*/ JOENUM=1500, /* MAX. OF JOES &NUMJOES(, c*/ JOEWARN=80, /* Warning Threshold &NUMJOES(,% ohwnc*/ OUTTIME=CREATE, /* Specifies when JOE time saved ohwnc*/ /* (added SP410) */ PRTYHIGH=255, /* Ceiling for PRTY Aging --- ohwnc*/ PRTYLOW=0, /* Floor for PRTY Aging --- ohwnc*/ PRTYOUT=NO, /* No PRTY= on // OUTPUT &PRTYOUT ohwnc*/ PRYORATE=0, /* Don't priority age ohwnc*/ SEGLIM=100, /* Max. number output segments ownc*/ STDFORM=STD, /* Default Forms ID &STDFORM wnc*/ USERSET=NO /* No User Demand-Setup &USERSET wnc*/ /* */ /* *---------------------------------------* * Default Output Priority * *---------------------------------------* */ /* based on records (line mode) */ /* or pages (page mode) */ OUTPRTY(1) PRIORITY=144, /* OUTPUT PRTY IS 144 IF &XPRI1 ohwnc*/ RECORD=2000, /* < 2000 RECORDS (LINE) &XLIN1 ohwnc*/ PAGE=50 /* OR < 50 PAGES (PAGE) &XPAG1 ohwnc*/ /* */ OUTPRTY(2) PRIORITY=128, /* OUTPUT PRTY IS 128 IF &XPRI1 ohwnc*/ RECORD=5000, /* < 5000 RECORDS (LINE) &XLIN1 ohwnc*/ PAGE=100 /* OR <100 PAGES (PAGE) &XPAG1 ohwnc*/ /* */ OUTPRTY(3) PRIORITY=112, /* OUTPUT PRTY IS 112 IF &XPRI1 ohwnc*/ RECORD=15000, /* <15000 RECORDS (LINE) &XLIN1 ohwnc*/ PAGE=300 /* OR <300 PAGES (PAGE) &XPAG1 ohwnc*/ /* */ OUTPRTY(4) PRIORITY=96, /* OUTPUT PRTY IS 96 IF &XPRI1 ohwnc*/ RECORD=16677215, /* < MAX RECORDS (LINE) &XLIN1 ohwnc*/ PAGE=16677215 /* OR Z  SAREA39 GRPBOX1  TMPROWS,TMPSHDW                                     ZEXI   EnterZto Terminate using log/list defaults )AREA SAREA39 0 Settings Terminal and user parameters  1 View Display source data or listings  2 Edit Create or change source data  3 Utilities Perform utility functions  4 Foreground Interactive language processing  5 Batch Submit job for language processing  6 Command Enter TSO or Workstation commands  7 Dialog Test Perform dialog testing  9 IBM Products IBM program development products  10SCLM SW Configuration Library Manager  11Workplace ISPF Object/Action Workplace  S SDSF System Display and Search Facility  H HCD Hardware Configuration Definition  I ISPF Shell Unix System Services ISPF Shell  )INIT .ZVARS = '(ZCMD ZEXX)' .HELP = ISR00003 &ZPRIM = YES &ZEXX = 'X' &ZEXI = ' ' .CURSOR = ZCMD &TMPROWS = &ZSDATA &TMPSHDW = &ZSSHDW IF (&ZHILITE = YES OR &ZGUI ^= &Z) .ATTRCHAR(19)='PAS(ON) COLOR(WHITE)' .ATTRCHAR(1A)='PAS(ON) COLOR(RED)' .ATTRCHAR(1B)='PAS(ON) COLOR(BLUE)' .ATTRCHAR(1C)='PAS(ON) COLOR(GREEN)' .ATTRCHAR(1D)='PAS(ON) COLOR(PINK)' .ATTRCHAR(1E)='PAS(ON) COLOR(YELLOW)' .ATTRCHAR(1F)='PAS(ON) COLOR(TURQ)' IF (&ZGUI ^= &Z) &ZPASICON = 'ON' &ZPASTEXT = 'OFF' IF (&ZSCREEN = '1') VGET (ZSAREA1) &ZSAREA = &ZSAREA1 GOTO A IF (&ZSCREEN = '2') VGET (ZSAREA2) &ZSAREA = &ZSAREA2 GOTO A IF (&ZSCREEN = '3') VGET (ZSAREA3) &ZSAREA = &ZSAREA3 GOTO A IF (&ZSCREEN = '4') VGET (ZSAREA4) &ZSAREA = &ZSAREA4 GOTO A ELSE VGET (ZSAREA5) &ZSAREA = &ZSAREA5 A: &zcstf = 0 /* initialize Status AB unavail flags */ IF (&ZSAREA = 'OFF') &zcstf = 1 ELSE &ZPASICON = 'OFF' &ZPASTEXT = 'ON' VGET (ZSCML ZSCBR ZSCED ZTAPPLID) PROFILE /* @V6A*/ IF (&ZSCML = ' ') &ZSCML = 'PAGE' /* @V6A */ IF (&ZSCBR = ' ') &ZSCBR = 'PAGE' /* @V6A */ IF (&ZSCED = ' ') &ZSCED = 'PAGE' /* @V6A */ IF (&ZTAPPLID = ' ') &ZTAPPLID = 'ISR' VPUT (ZSCML ZSCBR ZSCED ZTAPPLID) PROFILE /* @V6A*/ &ZHTOP = ISR00003 /* TUTORIAL TABLE OF CONTENTS */ &ZHINDEX = ISR91000 /* TUTORIAL INDEX - 1ST PAGE */ &ZSCLMPRJ = &Z /* TUTORIAL INDEX - 1ST PAGE @L1A*/ IF (&ZLOGO = 'YES') /* CK@MJC*/ IF (&ZSPLIT = 'NO') /* Not in split screen @L5A*/ IF (&ZCMD = &Z) /* No command pending @L5A*/ IF (&ZLOGOPAN ^= 'DONE') /* No logo displayed yet @L5A*/ .MSG = ISRLO999 /* Set logo information @L5A*/ .RESP = ENTER /* Simulate enter @L5A*/ &ZLOGOPAN = 'DONE' /* @L5A*/ &ZCLEAN = 'NO' /* @L5A*/ IF (&ZCMD ^= &Z) &ZLOGOPAN = 'DONE' /* command pending @L5A*/ VPUT (ZLOGOPAN) SHARED /* @L5A*/ IF (&ZSPLIT = 'YES') &ZLOGOPAN = 'DONE' VPUT (ZHTOP,ZHINDEX,ZSCLMPRJ) PROFILE IF (&ZCSTF = 1) /* Status area = None */ &ZIMGNAM ='ISPFGIFL' &ZIMGROW =3 ELSE &ZIMGNAM ='ISPFGIFS' &ZIMGROW =15 &ZIMGCOL =56 &GRPBOX1 = '' IF (&ZCSTF='0') .ATTR(GRPBOX1) = 'WIDTH(22) DEPTH(13)' ELSE .ATTR(GRPBOX1) = 'WIDTH(0)' .ATTR(ZEXI)='PADC(NULLS) PAS(&ZPASICON) CSRGRP(99)' .ATTR(ZEXX)='PAS(&ZPASTEXT) CSRGRP(99)' )REINIT .CURSOR = ZCMD VGET (ZTAPPLID) PROFILE /* Z41@MEA*/ IF (&ZTAPPLID = ' ') &ZTAPPLID = 'ISR' /* Z41@MEA*/ )PROC IF (&ZCSTF='1') .ATTR(GRPBOX1) = 'WIDTH(0)' IF (.CURSOR = TMPROWS AND &ZCMD = ' ') &ZSAR =TRANS(&ZSCREEN 1,&ZSAREA1 2,&ZSAREA2 3,&ZSAREA3 4,&ZSAREA4 *,&ZSAREA5) IF (&ZSAR = 'CAL','UPS','SES') &ZCMD = 'SP' &ZCMDWRK = TRUNC(&ZCMD,'.') &ZTRAIL=.TRAIL &ZSEL = TRANS (TRUNC (&ZCMD,'.') 0,'PGM(ISPISM) SCRNAME(SETTINGS)' 1,'PGM(ISRBRO) PARM(ISRBRO01) SCRNAME(VIEW)' 2,'PGM(ISREDIT) PARM(P,ISREDM01) SCRNAME(EDIT)' 3,'PANEL(ISRUTIL) SCRNAME(UTIL)' 4,'PANEL(ISRFPA) SCRNAME(FOREGRND)' 5,'PGM(ISRJB1) PARM(ISRJPA) SCRNAME(BATCH) NOCHECK' 6,'PGM(ISRPTC) SCRNAME(CMD)' 7,'PGM(ISPYXDR) PARM(&ZTAPPLID) SCRNAME(DTEST) NOCHECK' 9,'PANEL(ISRDIIS) ADDPOP' 10,'PGM(ISRSCLM) SCRNAME(SCLM) NOCHECK' 11,'PGM(ISRUDA) PARM(ISRWORK) SCRNAME(WORK)' S,'PANEL(ISFSDOP2) NEWAPPL(ISF) &SCRNM' SD,'PANEL(ISFSDOP2) NEWAPPL(ISF) &SCRNM' SDSF,'PANEL(ISFSDOP2) NEWAPPL(ISF) &SCRNM' H,'CMD(%CBDCHCD) NEWAPPL(CBD) PASSLIB' HC,'CMD(%CBDCHCD) NEWAPPL(CBD) PASSLIB' HCD,'CMD(%CBDCHCD) NEWAPPL(CBD) PASSLIB' I,'CMD(ISHELL) SCRNAME(ISHELL)' ISH,'CMD(ISHELL) SCRNAME(ISHELL)' X,EXIT SP,'PGM(ISPSAM) PARM(PNS)' ' ',' ' *,'?') IF (&ZCMD = 'S') &ZSEL = 'PGM(ISFISP) NOCHECK NEWAPPL(ISF) &SCRNM' IF (&ZCMD = 'S.') &ZSEL = 'PGM(ISFISP) NOCHECK NEWAPPL(ISF) &SCRNM' IF (&ZCMD = 'SD') &ZSEL = 'PGM(ISFISP) NOCHECK NEWAPPL(ISF) &SCRNM' IF (&ZCMD = 'SD.') &ZSEL = 'PGM(ISFISP) NOCHECK NEWAPPL(ISF) &SCRNM' IF (&ZCMD = 'SDSF') &ZSEL = 'PGM(ISFISP) NOCHECK NEWAPPL(ISF) &SCRNM' IF (&ZCMD = 'SDSF.') &ZSEL = 'PGM(ISFISP) NOCHECK NEWAPPL(ISF) &SCRNM' &ZTRAIL=.TRAIL )PNTS FIELD(ZPS01001) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(0) FIELD(ZPS01002) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(1) FIELD(ZPS01003) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(2) FIELD(ZPS01004) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(3) FIELD(ZPS01005) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(4) FIELD(ZPS01006) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(5) FIELD(ZPS01007) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(6) FIELD(ZPS01008) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(7) FIELD(ZPS01009) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(9) FIELD(ZPS01010) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(10) FIELD(ZPS01011) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(11) FIELD(ZPS01012) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(S) FIELD(ZPS01013) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(H) FIELD(ZPS01014) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(I) FIELD(ZEXI) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(X) DEPTH(2) IMAGE(ISPEXIT) PLACE(L) FIELD(ZEXX) VAR(ZCMD) VAL(X) )END /* 5694-A01 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP 1982, 2001 */ /* ISPDTLC Release: 5.2. Level: PID */ /* z/OS 01.02.00. Created - Date: 10 Mar 2001, Time: 14:17 */ ./ ENDUP @# //***************************************************************** //* UPDATE TCPPARMS WITH REQUIRED MEMBERS //***************************************************************** //UTCPPR21 EXEC PGM=IEBUPDTE,PARM=NEW,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSUT2 DD DSN=SYS1.TCPPARMS,DISP=SHR, // UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=SY2PKA //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DATA,DLM=@# ./ ADD NAME=PROFILE,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL ; ; PROFILE.TCPIP ; ============= ; ; This is a sample configuration file for the TCPIP address space ; ; SMP/E name: EZAEB025, alias SAMPPROF in target library SEZAINST ; ; COPYRIGHT = NONE ; ; Notes: ; ; - The device configuration, home and routing statements MUST be ; changed to match your hardware and software configuration. ; ; - Lines beginning with semi-colons are comments. To use a line ; for your configuration, remove the semi-colon. ; ; - For more information about this file, see the IP Configuration Guide ; ; ====================================================================== ; General TCP/IP address space configuration ; ====================================================================== ; ; ARPAGE: Specifies the number of minutes between creation or ; revalidation of an LCS ARP table entry and the deletion of the ; entry. ; ARPAGE 20 ; ; ; GLOBALCONFIG: Provides settings for the entire TCP/IP stack ; GLOBALCONFIG NOTCPIPSTATISTICS ; ; IPCONFIG: Provides settings for the IP layer of TCP/IP. ; ; Example IPCONFIG for single stack/single system: ; IPCONFIG DATAGRAMFWD VARSUBNETTING SYSPLEXROUTING ; ; Example IPCONFIG for automatic activation of inter-stack dynamic XCF ; and Same Host (IUTSAMEH) links ; ; IPCONFIG DYNAMICXCF 2 ; ; ; SOMAXCONN: Specifies maximum length for the connection request queue ; created by the socket call listen(). ; SOMAXCONN 10 ; ; ; TCPCONFIG: Provides settings for the TCP layer of TCP/IP. ; RESTRICTLOWPORTS limits access to ports below 1024 ; to APF authorized or superuser applications. ; TCPCONFIG TCPSENDBFRSIZE 64K TCPRCVBUFRSIZE 64K ;CHG ;TCPCONFIG TCPSENDBFRSIZE 16K TCPRCVBUFRSIZE 16K SENDGARBAGE FALSE TCPCONFIG RESTRICTLOWPORTS ; ; ; UDPCONFIG: Provides settings for the UDP layer of TCP/IP ; RESTRICTLOWPORTS limits access to ports below 1024 ; to APF authorized or superuser applications. ; UDPCONFIG RESTRICTLOWPORTS ; ; ; ====================================================================== ; Hardware definitions ; ====================================================================== ; ; DEVICE: Defines name (and sometimes device number) for various types ; of network devices ; LINK: Defines a network interface to be associated with a particular ; device ; ; ; DEVICE and LINK for CTC devices ; ; DEVICE CTC1 CTC D00 AUTORESTART ; LINK CTCD00 CTC 0 CTC1 ; ; DEVICE and LINK for HYPERchannel A220 devices: ; ; DEVICE HCH1 HCH E00 AUTORESTART ; LINK HCHE00 HCH 1 HCH1 ; ; DEVICE and LINK for LAN Channel Station and OSA devices: ; DEVICE: Defines name and hexadecimal device number for an IBM 8232 ; LAN channel station (LCS) device, and IBM 3172 Interconnect ; Controller, an IBM 2216 Multiaccess Connector Model 400, ; an IBM FDDI, Ethernet, or Token Ring OSA, or an IBM ATM OSA-2 ; in LAN emulation mode ; LINK: Defines a network interface link associated with an LCS ; device; may be for Ethernet Network, Token-Ring Network or ; PC Network, or FDDI. ; ; Example: LCS1 is a 3172 model 1 with a Token Ring and Ethernet ; adapter ; ; DEVICE LCS1 LCS BA0 AUTORESTART ; LINK TR1 IBMTR 0 LCS1 ; LINK ETH1 ETHERNET 1 LCS1 ; ; Example: LCS2 is a 3172 model 2 with a FDDI adapter ; ; DEVICE LCS2 LCS BE0 AUTORESTART ; LINK FDDI1 FDDI 0 LCS2 ; ; DEVICE and LINK for MPCIPA QDIO Devices: ; ; Example: MPCIPA1 is either an IBM OSA-Express Gigabit Ethernet ; or QDIO Fast Ethernet adapter ; ; DEVICE MPCIPA1 MPCIPA NONROUTER AUTORESTART ; LINK MPCIPALINK1 IPAQENET MPCIPA1 ; ; Example: MPCIPA2 is either an IBM OSA-Express Gigabit Ethernet ; or QDIO Fast Ethernet adapter, configured as the PRIMARY router ; ; DEVICE MPCIPA2 MPCIPA PRIROUTER AUTORESTART ; LINK MPCIPALINK2 IPAQENET MPCIPA2 ; ; DEVICE and LINK for MPCPTP devices: ; ; DEVICE MPCPTP1 MPCPTP AUTORESTART ; LINK MPCPTPLINK MPCPTP MPCPTP1 ; ; DEVICE and LINK for CLAW devices: ; ; DEVICE RS6K CLAW 6B2 HOST PSCA NONE 26 26 AUTORESTART ; LINK IPLINK1 IP 0 RS6K ; ; DEVICE and LINK for SNA LU0 links: ; ; DEVICE SNALU0 SNAIUCV SNALINK LU000000 SNALINK AUTORESTART ; LINK SNA1 SAMEHOST 1 SNALU0 ; ; DEVICE and LINK for SNA LU 6.2 links: ; ; DEVICE SNALU621 SNALU62 SNAPROC AUTORESTART ; LINK SNA2 SAMEHOST 1 SNALU621 ; ; DEVICE and LINK for X.25 NPSI connections: ; ; DEVICE X25DEV X25NPSI TCPIPX25 AUTORESTART ; LINK X25LINK SAMEHOST 1 X25DEV ; ; DEVICE and LINK for 3745/46 Channel DLC Devices: ; ; DEVICE CDLC1 CDLC C00 AUTORESTART ; LINK CDLCLINK CDLC 1 CDLC1 ; ; DEVICE and LINK for MPC OSA Fast Ethernet Devices: ; ; DEVICE MENET1 MPCOSA AUTORESTART ; LINK ENETLINK OSAENET 0 MENET1 ; ; DEVICE and LINK for MPC OSA FDDI Devices: ; ; DEVICE MFDDI1 MPCOSA AUTORESTART ; LINK FDDILINK OSAFDDI 0 MFDDI1 ; ; ; CISCO CIP ;CHG ; ; on SM02SYSB using dr4 ; DEVICE CISCO CLAW AD0 SM02DR4 CIPTCP NONE 20 20 4096 4096 ;CHG ; LINK SM02CIP IP 0 CISCO ;CHG ; ; on SM03SYSW using dr4 DEVICE CISCO CLAW AD0 SM03DR4 CIPTCP NONE 20 20 4096 4096 ;CHG LINK SM03CIP IP 0 CISCO ;CHG ; ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Virtual device definitions ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; DEVICE and LINK for Virtual Devices (VIPA): ; ; DEVICE VDEV1 VIRTUAL 0 ; LINK VLINK1 VIRTUAL 0 VDEV1 ; ; Dynamic Virtual Devices can be defined on this system. This system ; can serve as backup for Dynamic Virtual Devices on other systems. ; A predefined range will allow Dynamic Virtual Devices to be defined ; by IOCTL or Bind requests. ; ; VIPADYNAMIC ; Define two dynamic VIPAs on this stack: ; VIPADEFINE ; ; Define this stack as backup for these dynamic VIPAs on ; other TCP/IP stacks: ; VIPABACKUP 100 ; VIPABACKUP 80 ; VIPABACKUP 60 ; VIPABACKUP 40 ; ; VIPARANGE DEFINE ; ENDVIPADYNAMIC ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ATM hardware definitions ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ATMLIS: Describes characteristics of an ATM logical IP subnet (LIS). ; ; DEVICE and LINK for ATM devices: (See below) ; ; ATMPVC: Describes a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to be used by an ; ATM link. ; ; ATMARPSV: Designates the ATMARP server that will resolve ATMARP ; requests for a logical IP subnet (LIS). ; ; ATMLIS LIS1 ; DEVICE OSA1 ATM PORTNAME PORT1 ; LINK LINK1 ATM OSA1 LIS LIS1 ; ATMPVC PVC1 LINK1 ; ATMARPSV ARPSV1 LIS1 PVC PVC1 ; ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Other device statements ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; START: Starts a device that is currently stopped. ; ; START LCS1 ; START LCS2 START CISCO ;CHG ; ; ; TRANSLATE: Indicates a relationship between an internet address and ; the network address on a specified link. ; ; TRANSLATE ; FDDI FF0000006702 FDDI1 ; HCH FF0000005555 HCHE00 ; ; ; ====================================================================== ; HOME addresses ; ====================================================================== ; ; HOME: Provides the list of home IP addresses and associated link names ; ; - The LOOPBACK statement of should only be used if the ; installation has applications that require this old loopback ; address. The current stack uses as the loopback ; address. ; HOME ; SM02CIP ; CHG SM03CIP ; CHG ; LOOPBACK ; TR1 ; ETH1 ; FDDI1 ; SNA1 ; CTCD00 ; HCHE00 ; MPCIPALINK1 ; MPCPTPLINK ; MPCIPALINK2 ; IPLINK1 ; SNA2 ; X25LINK ; VLINK1 ; CDLCLINK ; LINK1 ; ENETLINK ; FDDILINK ; ; ; PRIMARYINTERFACE: Specifies which link is designated as the default ; local host for use by the GETHOSTID() function. ; ; - If PRIMARYINTERFACE is not specified, then the first link in ; the HOME statement is the primary interface, as usual. ; ; PRIMARYINTERFACE TR1 ; PRIMARYINTERFACE SM02CIP ; CHG PRIMARYINTERFACE SM03CIP ; CHG ; ; ====================================================================== ; Routing configuration ; ====================================================================== ; ********************************************************************** ; * Use either BEGINRoutes / ROUTE / ROUTE DEFAULT / ENDRoutes ; * (z/OS 1.2 and above) ; * or GATEWAY / (route definition) / DEFAULTNET ; ********************************************************************** ; ====================================================================== ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Static routing ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; BEGINRoutes: Defines static routes to the IP route table. ; BEGINRoutes ; ; Direct Routes - Routes that are directly connected to my interfaces. ; ; Destination Subnet Mask First Hop Link Name Packet Size ; ;ROUTE = TR1 MTU 2000 ;ROUTE = ETH1 MTU 1500 ;ROUTE = FDDI1 MTU 4000 ;ROUTE HOST = SNA1 MTU 2000 ;ROUTE = SM02CIP MTU 4096 ;CHG ROUTE = SM03CIP MTU 4096 ;CHG ; ; ; Indirect Routes - Routes that are reachable through routers on my ; network. ; ; Destination Subnet Mask First Hop Link Name Packet Size ; ;ROUTE TR1 MTU 2000 ;ROUTE HOST ETH1 MTU 1500 ; ; Default Route - All packets to an unknown destination are routed ; through this route. ; ; Destination Subnet Mask First Hop Link Name Packet Size ; ;ROUTE DEFAULT FDDI1 MTU DEFAULTSIZE ;ROUTE DEFAULT SM02CIP MTU 4096 REPL;CHG ROUTE DEFAULT SM03CIP MTU 4096 REPL;CHG ENDRoutes ; ; ; GATEWAY ; CHG ; ; Direct Routes - Routes that are directly connected to my interfaces. ; Network First Hop Link Name Packet Size Subnet Mask Subnet Value ; ; 172.19 = SM02CIP 4096 ;CHG ; DEFAULTNET SM02CIP 4096 0 ;CHG ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Dynamic routing ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; BSDROUTINGPARMS: Defines the characteristics of each link defined at ; the host over which OROUTED will send routing information to ; adjacent routers running the RIP protocl and which NCPROUTE will ; send transport PDUs to client NCPs. ; ; - OMPROUTE is the recommended routing daemon. It does not use ; BSDROUTINGPARMS. ; ; - OROUTED users must define BSDROUTINGPARMS. ; ; - Use of the GATEWAY statement (static routes) with the OMPROUTE ; OROUTED routing daemons is not recommended. ; ; BSDROUTINGPARMS TRUE ; Link name MTU Cost metric Subnet Mask Dest address ; TR1 2000 0 0 ; ETH1 1500 0 0 ; FDDI1 4000 0 0 ; VLINK1 DEFAULTSIZE 0 0 ; CTCD00 65527 0 ; ENDBSDROUTINGPARMS ; ; ; ====================================================================== ; Application configuration ; ====================================================================== ; ; AUTOLOG: Supplies TCPIP with the procedure names to start and the ; timeout value to use for a hung procedure during AUTOLOG. ; AUTOLOG 5 ; FTPD JOBNAME FTPD1 ; FTP Server FTP JOBNAME FTP1 ; FTP Server ;CHG ; LPSERVE ; LPD Server ; NAMED ; Domain Name Server ; NCPROUT ; NCPROUTE Server ; OROUTED ; OROUTED Server ; OSNMPD ; SNMP Agent Server ; PORTMAP ; Portmap Server (SUN 3.9) ; PORTMAP JOBNAME PORTMAP1 ; USS Portmap Server (SUN 4.0) ; RXSERVE ; Remote Execution Server ; SMTP ; SMTP Server ; SNMPQE ; SNMP Client ; TCPIPX25 ; X25 Server ENDAUTOLOG ; ; ; PORT: Reserves a port for specified job names ; ; - A port that is not reserved in this list can be used by any user. ; If you have TCP/IP hosts in your network that reserve ports ; in the range 1-1023 for privileged applications, you should ; reserve them here to prevent users from using them. ; The RESTRICTLOWPORTS option on TCPCONFIG and UDPCONFIG will also ; prevent unauthorized applications from accessing unreserved ; ports in the 1-1023 range. ; ; - A PORT statement with the optional keyword SAF followed by a ; 1-8 character name can be used to reserve a PORT and control ; access to the PORT with a security product such as RACF. ; For port access control, the full resource name for the security ; product authorization check is constructed as follows: ; EZB.PORTACCESS.sysname.tcpname.safname ; where: ; EZB.PORTACCESS is a constant ; sysname is the MVS system name (substitute your sysname) ; tcpname is the TCPIP jobname (substitute your jobname) ; safname is the 1-8 character name following the SAF keyword ; ; When PORT access control is used, the TCP/IP application ; requiring access to the reserved PORT must be running under a ; USERID that is authorized to the resource. The resources ; are defined in the SERVAUTH class. ; ; For an example of how the SAF keyword can be used to enhance ; security, see the definition below for the FTP data PORT 20 ; with the SAF keyword. This definition reserves TCP PORT 20 for ; any jobname (the *) but requires that the FTP user be permitted ; by the security product to the resource: ; EZB.PORTACCESS.sysname.tcpname.FTPDATA in the SERVAUTH class. ; ; - The BIND keyword is used to force a generic server (one that ; binds to INADDR_ANY) to bind to the specific IP address that ; is specified following the BIND keyword. This capability could ; be used, for example, to allow OE telnet and telnet 3270 servers ; to both bind to TCP port 23. The IP address that follows bind ; must be in IPv4 dotted decimal format and may be any valid ; address for the host including VIPA and dynamic VIPA addresses. ; ; The special jobname of OMVS indicates that the PORT is reserved ; for any application with the exception of those that use the Pascal ; API. ; ; The special jobname of * indicates that the PORT is reserved ; for any application, including Pascal API socket applications. ; ; The special jobname of RESERVED indicates that the PORT is ; blocked. It will not be available to any application. ; ; The special jobname of INTCLIEN indicates that the PORT is ; reserved for internal stack use. ; ; PORT 7 UDP MISCSERV ; Miscellaneous Server - echo 7 TCP MISCSERV ; Miscellaneous Server - echo 9 UDP MISCSERV ; Miscellaneous Server - discard 9 TCP MISCSERV ; Miscellaneous Server - discard 19 UDP MISCSERV ; Miscellaneous Server - chargen 19 TCP MISCSERV ; Miscellaneous Server - chargen 20 TCP * NOAUTOLOG ; FTP Server ; 20 TCP * NOAUTOLOG SAF FTPDATA ; FTP Server ; 21 TCP FTPD1 ; FTP Server ;CHG 21 TCP FTP1 ; FTP Server ;CHG ; 23 TCP INTCLIEN ; Telnet 3270 Server ;not supported 1.9 23 TCP TN3270 ; Telnet 3270 Server ; 23 TCP INETD1 BIND ; OE telnet server 25 TCP SMTP ; SMTP Server 53 TCP NAMED ; Domain Name Server 53 UDP NAMED ; Domain Name Server 111 TCP PORTMAP ; Portmap Server (SUN 3.9) 111 UDP PORTMAP ; Portmap Server (SUN 3.9) ; 111 TCP PORTMAP1 ; Unix Portmap Server (SUN 4.0) ; 111 UDP PORTMAP1 ; Unix Portmap Server (SUN 4.0) 135 UDP LLBD ; NCS Location Broker 161 UDP OSNMPD ; SNMP Agent 162 UDP SNMPQE ; SNMP Query Engine 512 TCP RXSERVE ; Remote Execution Server 514 TCP RXSERVE ; Remote Execution Server ; 512 TCP * SAF OREXECD ; OE Remote Execution Server ; 514 TCP * SAF ORSHELLD ; OE Remote Shell Server 515 TCP LPSERVE ; LPD Server 520 UDP OROUTED ; OROUTED Server 580 UDP NCPROUT ; NCPROUTE Server 750 TCP MVSKERB ; Kerberos 750 UDP MVSKERB ; Kerberos 751 TCP ADM@SRV ; Kerberos Admin Server 751 UDP ADM@SRV ; Kerberos Admin Server 1933 TCP ILMTSRVR ; IBM LM MT Agent 1934 TCP ILMTSRVR ; IBM LM Appl Agent 3000 TCP CICSTCP ; CICS Socket ; ; ; PORTRANGE: Reserves a range of ports for specified jobnames. ; ; In a common INET (CINET) environment, the port range indicated by ; the INADDRANYPORT and INADDRANYCOUNT in your BPXPRMxx parmlib member ; should be reserved for OMVS. ; ; The special jobname of OMVS indicates that the PORTRANGE is reserved ; for ANY OE socket application. ; ; The special jobname of * indicates that the PORTRANGE is reserved ; for any socket application, including Pascal API socket ; applications. ; ; The special jobname of RESERVED indicates that the PORTRANGE is ; blocked. It will not be available to any application. ; ; The SAF keyword is used to restrict access to the PORTRANGE to ; authorized users. See the use of SAF on the PORT statement above. ; ; ; PORTRANGE 4000 1000 TCP OMVS ; PORTRANGE 4000 1000 UDP OMVS ; PORTRANGE 2000 3000 TCP RESERVED ; PORTRANGE 5000 6000 TCP * SAF RANGE1 ; ; SACONFIG: Configures the TCP/IP SNMP subagent ; SACONFIG ENABLED COMMUNITY public AGENT 161 ; ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Configure Network Access Control ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Network access contol can be used to restrict the destinations ; that TCP/IP users are allowed to send to. The NETACCESS ; group contains a list of IP destinations that may be subnetworks ; or specific hosts. The subnetwork mask can be specified as a ; number of significant bits or in dotted decimal notation. ; ; A 1-8 character name follows the IP address and subnet mask and ; is used as the right-most qualifier in the security product ; resource name. ; ; For network access control, the full resource name for the ; security product authorization check is constructed as follows: ; ; EZB.NETACCESS.sysname.tcpname.resname ; where: ; EZB.NETACCESS is a constant ; sysname is the MVS system name (substitute your sysname) ; tcpname is the TCPIP jobname (substitute your jobname) ; resname is the 1-8 character name following the subnet mask. ; ; When network access control is used, the TCP/IP application ; requiring access to the restricted subnet or host must be running ; under a USERID that is authorized to the resource. The resources ; are defined in the SERVAUTH class. See the EZARACF sample for ; examples of the RACF definitions. ; ;NETACCESS ; SUBNET1 ; Subnet address ; HOST1 ; Specific host address ; SUBNET2 ; Subnet address ; SUBNET3 ; Subnet address ;DEFAULT 0 DEFZONE ; Optional Default security zone ;ENDNETACCESS ; ; ; ; ====================================================================== ; Diagnostic data statements ; ====================================================================== ; ; - For optimum performance, use of tracing should be limited to when ; required for problem analysis. ; ; ITRACE: Controls TCP/IP run-time tracing ; ; ITRACE ON CONFIG 1 ; ITRACE OFF SUBAGENT ; ; ; PKTTRACE: Controls the packet trace facility in TCP/IP. ; ; PKTTRACE ABBREV=200 LINKNAME=TR1 PROT=ICMP IP=* ; SRCPORT=5000 DESTPORT=161 ; ; ; SMFCONFIG: Provides SMF logging for Telnet, FTP, TCP API and TCP ; stack activity. ; ; - The SMF record types for TCP/IP records are 118 and 119. ; ; For Type 118 records specify: ; ; SMFCONFIG TCPINIT TCPTERM FTPCLIENT TN3270CLIENT TCPIPSTATISTICS ; ; For Type 119 records specify: ; ; SMFCONFIG ; TYPE119 TCPINIT TCPTERM FTPCLIENT TN3270CLIENT TCPIPSTATISTICS ; IFSTATISTICS PORTSTATISTICS TCPSTACK UDPTERM ; ; For all Type 118 and Type 119 records specify: ; ; SMFCONFIG TCPINIT TCPTERM FTPCLIENT TN3270CLIENT TCPIPSTATISTICS ; TYPE119 TCPINIT TCPTERM FTPCLIENT TN3270CLIENT TCPIPSTATISTICS ; IFSTATISTICS PORTSTATISTICS TCPSTACK UDPTERM ; ; ; SMFPARMS: Logs the use of TCP by applications using SMF log records. ; However, use of the SMFCONFIG statement is recommended instead. ; ; ; ====================================================================== ; Other statements ; ====================================================================== ; ; DELETE: Removes an ATMARPSV, ATMLIS, ATMPVC, device, link, port or ; portrange. This statement is typically done via an obey file, not ; in an initial profile. ; ; STOP: Stops a device. If used, this statement is typically put in ; an obey file, not in an initial profile. ; ; INCLUDE: Causes another data set that contains profile configuration ; statements to be included at this point. ; ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ./ ADD NAME=TNPROF,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL ; This is a sample configuration file for the TN3270E Telnet server ; ; TNPROF is in target library SEZAINST ; ; COPYRIGHT = NONE ; ; Notes: ; ; - The BEGINVTAM section MUST be changed to match your VTAM ; configuration. ; ; - Lines beginning with semi-colons are comments. To use a line ; for your configuration, remove the semi-colon. ; ; - For more information about this file, see the IP Configuration ; Guide and IP Configuration Reference. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Optional Global Configuration affects all ports ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- TelnetGlobals LUSESSIONPEND ; On termination of a Telnet server connection, ; the user will redrive application lookup ; instead of having the connection dropped. MSG07 ; Sends a USS error message to the client if an ; error occurs during session establishment ; instead of dropping the connection. TimeMark 14400 ; No IP activity for 4 hours, send timemark. ScanInterval 3600 ; Check for IP activity every 1 hour CHECKCLIENTCONN 3 ; User initiated Keepalive. Existing connections ; have 3 seconds to respond. ; Define logon mode tables to be the defaults shipped with the ; latest level of VTAM TELNETDEVICE 3278-3-E NSX32703 ; 32 line screen - ; default of NSX32702 is 24 TELNETDEVICE 3279-3-E NSX32703 ; 32 line screen - ; default of NSX32702 is 24 TELNETDEVICE 3278-4-E NSX32704 ; 48 line screen - ; default of NSX32702 is 24 TELNETDEVICE 3279-4-E NSX32704 ; 48 line screen - ; default of NSX32702 is 24 TELNETDEVICE 3278-5-E NSX32705 ; 132 column screen- ; default of NSX32702 is 80 TELNETDEVICE 3279-5-E NSX32705 ; 132 column screen - ; default of NSX32702 is 80 CodePage TNSTD TNSTD ; Linemode use TN standard translation ; Inactive 10800 ; No SNA terminal activity for 3 hours, drop. ; KeepInactive 10800 ; No SNA session on KeepOpen ACB for 3 hours, ; ; drop. ; PrtInactive 10800 ; No SNA printer activity for 3 hours, drop. ; MaxReceive 10000 ; Limit input record length lower than 65K ; MaxReqSess 50 ; Allow up to 50 new sessions in 10 seconds ; MaxRuChain 1000 ; Allow for Printer chains but limit max ; MaxVTAMSendQ 100 ; Allow 100 RPLs to queue to VTAM ; SMFINIT TYPE119 ; SMF type 119 record subtype 20 ; SMFTERM TYPE119 ; SMF type 119 record subtype 21 ; Format Long ; Ensure display format is always long ; TCPIPJOBNAME TCPIP ; Set affinity to a single TCPIP stack. ; ; Must be set at startup and can not be changed. ; TNSAConfig ; Start up TN SNMP subagent ; Enabled ; Subagent must be enabled ; Agent 161 ; Specify agent port to contact ; Cachetime 30 ; Rebuild MIB info if older than 30 seconds ; CRLLDAPServer ; Define CRL LDAP server for secureport ; CRLLDAP.RALEIGH.IBM.COM 389 ; ENDCRLLDAPSERVER EndTelnetGlobals ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Required Port Configuration affects the specified port ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- TelnetParms ; Standard TN3270E Telnet server port Port 23 ; WLMClusterName ; Define WLM name for this port ; TN3270E ; Must have TCPIPJOBNAME coded to use WLM ; EndWLMClusterName EndTelnetParms ; TelnetParms ; DBCS port and destination IP address ; Port 23, ; DBCSTransform ; Use DBCS transform to mimic SNA ; DBCSTrace ; Get additional trace from DBCS ; EndTelnetParms ; TelnetParms ; ATTLS defined secure port ; TTLSPort 2023 ; ; ConnType Any ; Client chooses secure or nonsecure connection. ; NACUserid User1 ; Set up Network Access based on User1 ; EndTelnetParms ; TelnetParms ; TN defined secure port ; Secureport 992 ; Default ConnType is Secure ; Keyring SAF TNsafkeyring ; Must be defined in Security server. ; ClientAuth SAFCERT ; Do certificate/userid client authentication ; Encryption ; Specify allowed ciphers and order ; SSL_NULL_MD5 ; SSL_3DES_SHA ; SSL_DES_SHA ; EndEncryption ; SSLtimeout 10 ; Wait 10 seconds for Handshake completion ; SSLv2 ; Allow SSLv2 security ; EndTelnetParms ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Required Mapping definitions ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- BeginVTAM ; Mapping for basic and TTLS ports. Port 23 ; 23, DEFAULTLUS ; Define LUs to be used for general users. ;T000AA00..T111ZZFB..FNNNAAXB ;CHG TCPE0001..TCPE0099 ;CHG ENDDEFAULTLUS LuGroup LugDBCS ; LUs for DBCS DLU001..DLU250 ; Maximum 250 DBCS connections allowed EndLuGroup ; DEFAULTAPPL TSO ;CHG ; Default application for all TN3270(E) clients LINEMODEAPPL TSO ; Send all line-mode terminals directly to TSO. ALLOWAPPL TSO* DISCONNECTABLE ; Allow all users access to TSO applications. ; TSO uses unique applications for each session ; which all begin with TSO. Use TSO* to cover ; all TSO sessions. ; If a session is closed, disconnect the user ; rather than log off the user. ALLOWAPPL * ; Allow access to all applications. USSTCP EZBTPUST ; Send out the default TN USS table LuMap LugDBCS DestIP, ; This DestIP uses LugDBCS EndVTAM ; BeginVTAM ; Mapping statements for SecurePorts ; Port 2023 992 ; DEFAULTLUS ; Define LUs to be used for general users. ; S000AA00..S111ZZFB..FNNNAAXB ; ENDDEFAULTLUS ; DefaultLUsSpec ; Define LUs for clients that specify LU name. ; SP500..SP999 ; EndDefaultLUsSpec ; DEFAULTAPPL TSO SNA1 ; Default application for all TN3270(E) ; ; clients connecting to SNA1 link. ; LINEMODEAPPL TSO ; Send all line-mode terminals directly to TSO. ; ; ALLOWAPPL TSO* DISCONNECTABLE ; Allow all users access to TSO ; ALLOWAPPL * ; Allow access to all other applications. ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SuperSession Logon Manager may do CLSDST Pass to next appl ; Wait 5 seconds for the session manager bind. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ALLOWAPPL SuprSess QSESSION,5 ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Restrict access to the IMS application. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LuGroup IMSUser2 ; IM000..IM499 ; EndLuGroup ; RESTRICTAPPL IMS CertAuth AllowPrinter ; ; If the userid was derived from a certificate ; ; do not request a userid/password. ; ; Printers can not supply a userid/password ; ; so allow printers that request this appl. ; ; Only 3 users can use IMS. ; USER USER1 ; Allow user1 access. ; LU S111MSAQ ; Assign USER1 LU TCPIMS01. ; USER USER2* ; Wildcard user2* accesses the defined LU pool. ; LUG IMSUser2 ; Allow 500 LUs ; USER USER3 ; Allow user3 access from 3 Telnet sessions, ; ; each with a different reserved LU. ; LU S123AB3R LU S456CD9D LU S789EFC3 ; ; USSTCP EZBTPUST ; Map USS table to ip address. ; USSTCP EZBTPUST SNA1 ; Map USS table to linkname SNA1. ; INTERPTCP EZBTPINT SNA1 ; Interpret table will be used with SNA1. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The first USS table is a 3270 format table for TN3270 mode clients ; that can not accept SCS format data. ; The second table is an SCS format used by TN3270E mode clients. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; USSTCP EZBTPUST,EZBTPSCS ; All other connections ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Optional ParmsGroup configuration statements affect mapped client ; identifiers. The list below is not a complete list. ; Create new ParmsGroups as needed with selected statements and map ; to the appropriate client identifier. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ParmsGroup PGSample ; BinaryLinemode ; Do not translate linemode ascii. ; ConnType Basic ; Allow Basic (nonsecure) connections. ; Debug Detail ; Get detailed debug information. ; ExpressLogon ; Support the Express Logon function. ; FullDataTrace ; Trace all data. ; KeepLU 120 ; Keep the LU associated with the client ID for ; ; 2 minutes. ; OldSolicitor ; Put the cursor on the userid request line. ; NoRefreshMsg10 ; Do not refresh the MSG10 screen. Leave blank. ; NoSequentialLU ; Get the first available LU in the group. ; SimClientLU ; Postpone LU assignment until Appl is chosen. ; SingleAttn ; Reduce double ATTN to a single ATTN to VTAM. ; SNAExt ; Support SNA extensions if client capable. ; TKOGenLU 5 ; Allow Generic takeover of the connection ; ; after waiting 5 seconds. ; TKOSpecLURecon 5 ; Allow Specific takeover of the connection and ; ; session after waiting 5 seconds. ; NoTN3270E ; Negotiate down from TN3270E to TN3270 mode. ; UnlockKeyboard ; Specify when to send unlock keyboard to client ; AfterRead ; - After forwarding a Read command. ; NoTN3270Bind ; - Do not send clear screen or unlock keyboard ; ; when the appl bind is received. ; EndParmsGroup ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set up Debug for a single client ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ParmsGroup PGDebug ; Debug Detail Console ; FullDataTrace ; EndParmsGroup ; ParmsMap PGDebug ; Get Debug info for this client. ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DefaultPrt will be used if the printer client does not specify an ; LU name. ; DefaultPrtSpec will be used when a printer does specify the LU name ; to be used. ; In either case the printer will immediately establish a session ; with IMS02. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DefaultPrt ; Printer does not specify an LU name. ; P500..P999 ; EndDefaultPrt ; DEFAULTPRTSPEC ; Printer specifies the LU name. ; P001..P099 ; ENDDEFAULTPRTSPEC ; PrtDefaultAppl IMS02 ; Establish a session with IMS02. ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define a printer LU group for printers connecting to IP address ; and and and immediately establish ; a session with CICS02. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DestIPGroup DIP6X ; ; EndDestIPGroup ; PrtGroup PrtGrp65 ; PRT6501..PRT6599 ; EndPrtGroup ; PrtMap PrtGrp65 DIP6X DefAppl CICS02 ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Associated Printer setup ; - The user must specify the LU name or LU group to use this LuMap ; statement. ; - The printer group is associated with the terminal group. ; - The terminal logon will default to CICS01. ; - The printer logon will default to CICS01. The PrtDefaultAppl ; statement is necessary. The LuMap-DefAppl applies only to the ; terminal. ; - Both connections will be affected by the statements coded in ; ParmsGroup PGDrop. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IPGroup IPASCPRT ; ; EndIPGroup ; LuGroup LUGRP1 ; TCPM0001..TCPM0999 ; TCPM1001 ; ENDLuGroup ; PrtGroup PrtGRP1 ; PCPM0001..PCPM0999 ; PCPM1001 ; ENDPrtGroup ; ParmsGroup PGDrop ; DropAssocPrinter ; Drop printer when terminal dropped. ; EndParmsGroup ; LuMap LUGRP1 IPASCPRT Specific DefAppl CICS01 PMAP PGDrop PrtGRP1 ; PrtDefaultAppl CICS01 IPASCPRT ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set up Performance monitoring based on the client hostname. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; HNGroup HNGrpIBM ; **.RALEIGH.IBM.COM ; EndHNGroup ; ; MonitorGroup MonGrp1 ; Average ; Collect data for averages ; Buckets ; Collect transaction counts by time ; Boundary1 25 ; Bucket times are smaller than defaults ; Boundary2 50 ; Boundary3 100 ; Boundary4 250 ; EndMonitorGroup ; MonitorMap MonGrp1 HNGrpIBM ; ; EndVTAM ./ ADD NAME=TCPDATA,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL ;*********************************************************************** ; * ; Name of Data Set: TCPIP.DATA * ; * ; COPYRIGHT = NONE. * ; * ; This data, TCPIP.DATA, is used to specify configuration * ; information required by TCP/IP client and server programs. * ; * ; * ; Syntax Rules for the TCPIP.DATA configuration data set: * ; * ; (a) All characters to the right of and including a ; or # will * ; be treated as a comment. * ; * ; (b) Blanks and are used to delimit tokens. * ; * ; (c) The format for each configuration statement is: * ; * ; keyword value * ; * ; where is an optional label that can be * ; specified before a keyword; if present, then the keyword- * ; value pair will only be recognized if the SystemName matches * ; the name of the MVS system. * ; SystemName is derived from the MVS image name. Its value should* ; be the IEASYSxx parmlib member's SYSNAME= parameter value. * ; The SystemName can be specified by either restartable VMCF * ; or the subsystem definition of VMCF in the IEFSSNxx member of * ; PARMLIB. * ; * ; For SMTP usage use the NJENODENAME statement in the SMTP * ; configuration data set to specify the JES nodename for mail * ; delivery on the NJE network. * ; * ;*********************************************************************** ; ; TCPIPJOBNAME statement ; ====================== ; TCPIPJOBNAME specifies the name of the started procedure that was ; used to start the TCPIP address space. TCPIP is the default for ; most cases. However, for applications which use LE services, the ; lack of a TCPIPJOBNAME statement causes applications that issue ; __iptcpn() to receive a jobname of NULL, and some of these ; application will use INET instead of TCPIP. Although this presents ; no problem when running in a single-stack environment, this can ; potentially cause errors in a multi-stack environment. ; ; If multiple TCPIP stacks are run on a single system, each stack will ; require its own copy of this file, each with a different value for ; TCPIPJOBNAME. ; TCPIPJOBNAME TCPIP ; ; ; HOSTNAME statement ; ================== ; HOSTNAME specifies the TCP host name of this system as it is known ; in the IP network. If not specified, the default HOSTNAME will be ; the name specified by either restartable VMCF or the subsystem ; definition of VMCF in the IEFSSNxx member of PARMLIB. ; If the VMCF name is not available then the IEASYSxx parmlib member's ; SYSNAME= parameter value will be used. ; ; For example, if this TCPIP.DATA data set is shared between 2 ; systems, OURMVSNAME and YOURMVSNAME, then the following 2 lines ; will define the HOSTNAME correctly on each system. ; ; OURMVSNAME: HOSTNAME OURTCPNAME ; YOURMVSNAME: HOSTNAME YOURTCPNAME ; ; No prefix is required if the TCPIP.DATA file is not being shared. ; HOSTNAME EMRG ; ; ; NOTE - Use either DOMAINORIGIN/DOMAIN or SEARCH to specify your domain ; origin value ; ; DOMAINORIGIN or DOMAIN statement ; ================================ ; DOMAINORIGIN or DOMAIN specifies the domain origin that will be ; appended to host names passed to the resolver. If a host name ; ends with a dot, then the domain origin will not be appended to the ; host name. ; DOMAINORIGIN YOUR.COMPANY.COM ; ; ; SEARCH statement ; ================ ; SEARCH specifies a list of 1 to 6 domain origin values that will be ; appended to host names passed to the resolver. If a host name ; ends with a dot, then none of the domain origin values will be ; appended to the host name. ; The first domain origin value specified by SEARCH will be used as the ; DOMAINORIGIN/DOMAIN value. ; ; SEARCH YOUR.DOMAIN.NAME my.domain.name domain.name ; ; ; DATASETPREFIX statement ; ======================= ; DATASETPREFIX is used to set the high level qualifier for dynamic ; allocation of data sets in TCP/IP. ; ; The character string specified as a parameter on ; DATASETPREFIX takes precedence over the default prefix of "TCPIP". ; ; The DATASETPREFIX parameter can be up to 26 characters long ; and the parameter must NOT end with a period. ; ; For more information please see "Dynamic Data Set Allocation" in ; the IP Configuration Guide. ; DATASETPREFIX SYS1.TCPIP ; ; ; MESSAGECASE statement ; ===================== ; MESSAGECASE MIXED indicates to some servers, such as FTPD, that ; messages should be displayed in mixed case. MESSAGECASE UPPER ; indicates that all messages should be displayed in uppercase. Mixed ; case strings that are inserted in messages will not be uppercased. ; ; If MESSAGECASE is not specified, mixed case messages will be used. ; ; MESSAGECASE MIXED ; MESSAGECASE UPPER ; ; ; NSINTERADDR or NAMESERVER statement ; =================================== ; NSINTERADDR or NAMESERVER specifies the IP address of the name server. ; LOOPBACK ( specifies your local name server. If a name ; server will not be used, then do not code an NSINTERADDR statement ; or NAMESERVER statement. ; ; The NSINTERADDR or NAMESERVER statement can be repeated up to sixteen ; times to specify alternate name servers. The name server listed first ; will be the first one attempted. ; ; NSINTERADDR ; ; ; NSPORTADDR statement ; ==================== ; NSPORTADDR specifies the foreign port of the name server. ; 53 is the default value. ; ; NSPORTADDR 53 ; ; ; RESOLVEVIA statement ; ==================== ; ; RESOLVEVIA specifies how the resolver is to communicate with the ; name server. TCP indicates use of TCP connections. UDP indicates ; use of UDP datagrams. The default is UDP. ; RESOLVEVIA UDP ; ; ; RESOLVERTIMEOUT statement ; ========================= ; RESOLVERTIMEOUT specifies the time in seconds that the resolver ; will wait for a response from the name server (either UDP or TCP). ; The default is 30 seconds. ; RESOLVERTIMEOUT 10 ; ; ; RESOLVERUDPRETRIES statement ; ============================ ; ; RESOLVERUDPRETRIES specifies the number of times the resolver ; should try to connect to the name server when using UDP datagrams. ; The default is 1. ; RESOLVERUDPRETRIES 1 ; ; ; LOOKUP statement ; ================ ; LOOKUP indicates the order of name and address resolution. DNS means ; use the DNSs listed on the NSINTERADDR and NAMESERVER statements. ; LOCAL means use the local host tables as appropriate for the ; environment being used (UNIX System Services or Native MVS). ; ; LOOKUP DNS LOCAL ; ; ; LOADDBCSTABLES statement ; ======================== ; LOADDBCSTABLES indicates to the FTP server and FTP client which DBCS ; translation tables should be loaded at initialization time. Remove ; from the list any tables that are not required. If LOADDBCSTABLES is ; not specified, no DBCS tables will be loaded. ; ; LOADDBCSTABLES JIS78KJ JIS83KJ SJISKANJI EUCKANJI HANGEUL KSC5601 ; LOADDBCSTABLES TCHINESE BIG5 SCHINESE ; ; ; SOCKDEBUG statement ; =================== ; Use the SOCKDEBUG statement to turn on the tracing of TCP/IP C and ; REXX socket library calls. ; This command is for debugging purposes only. ; ; SOCKDEBUG ; ; ; SOCKNOTESTSTOR statement ; ======================== ; SOCKTESTSTOR is used to check socket calls for storage access errors ; on the parameters to the call. SOCKNOTESTSTOR stops this checking ; and is better for response time. SOCKNOTESTSTOR is the default. ; ; SOCKTESTSTOR ; SOCKNOTESTSTOR ; ; ; TRACE RESOLVER statement ; ======================== ; TRACE RESOLVER will cause a complete trace of all queries to and ; responses from the name server or site tables to be written to ; the user's joblog. This command is for debugging purposes only. ; ; TRACE RESOLVER ; ; ; OPTIONS statement ; ================= ; Use the OPTIONS statement to specify the following: ; DEBUG ; Causes resolver debug messages to be issued. This is equivalent to ; TRACE RESOLVER ; NDOTS:n ; Indicates the number of periods (.) that need to be contained in a ; domain name for it to be considered a fully qualified domain name ; ; OPTIONS NDOTS:1 DEBUG ; ; ; SORTLIST statement ; ================== ; Use the SORTLIST statement to specify the ordered list (maximum of 4) ; of network numbers (subnets or networks) for the resolver to prefer ; if it receives multiple addresses as the result of a name query. ; ; SORTLIST ; ; ; TRACE SOCKET statement ; ====================== ; TRACE SOCKET will cause a complete trace of all calls to TCP/IP ; through the C socket library. ; This statement is for debugging purposes only. ; ; TRACE SOCKET ; ; ; ALWAYSWTO statement ; =================== ; ALWAYSWTO causes messages for some servers, such as SMTP and LPD, ; to be issued as WTOs. Specifying YES can cause excessive operator ; console messages to be issued. ; ALWAYSWTO NO ; ALWAYSWTO YES ; ; Obsolete statements ; =================== ; The following statements no longer have any effect when included in ; this file: ; SOCKBULKMODE ; SOCKDEBUGBULKPERF0 ; ; End of file. ; ./ ADD NAME=FTPDATA,LEVEL=00,SOURCE=0,LIST=ALL ;*********************************************************************** ; * ; Name of File: tcpip.SEZAINST(FTPSDATA) * ; * ; Descriptive Name: FTP.DATA (for OE-FTP Server) * ; * ; SMP/E Distribution Name: EZAFTPAS * ; * ; Copyright: Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * ; * ; "Restricted Materials of IBM" * ; * ; 5694-A01 * ; * ; (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1977, 2001 * ; * ; US Government Users Restricted Rights - * ; Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by * ; GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. * ; * ; Status: CSV1R2 * ; * ; This FTP.DATA file is used to specify default file and disk * ; parameters used by the FTP server. * ; * ; Note: For an example of an FTP.DATA file for the FTP client, * ; see the FTCDATA example. * ; * ; Syntax Rules for the FTP.DATA Configuration File: * ; * ; (a) All characters to the right of and including a ; will be * ; treated as a comment. * ; * ; (b) Blanks and are used to delimit tokens. * ; * ; (c) The format for each statement is: * ; * ; parameter value * ; * ; * ; The FTP.DATA options are grouped into the following groups in * ; this sample FTP server FTP.DATA configuration data set: * ; * ; 1. Basic configuration options (timers, conditional options, etc.)* ; 2. Anonymous support options * ; 3. Welcome banners, login messages, and directory information * ; files * ; 4. Defaults for MVS data set creation * ; 5. Codepage conversion options * ; 6. Jes interface options * ; 7. DB2 (SQL) interface options * ; 8. SMF recording options * ; 9. Security options * ; 10. Debug (trace) options * ; * ; For options that have a pre-selected set of values, a (D) indicates* ; the default value for the option. * ; * ; Options that can be changed via SITE commands are identified * ; with an (S). * ; * ;*********************************************************************** ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 1. Basic server configuration options - ; Server timeout values, conversion options, ; and conditional processing options ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESSERRORMSGS FALSE ; (S) Detailed Access Error Replies ; TRUE = Send detailed access error ; replies to the client ; FALSE = Do not send detailed ; access error replies ; to the client ASATRANS FALSE ; (S) Conversion of ASA print ; control characters ; TRUE = Use C conversion ; FALSE = Do not convert (D) AUTOMOUNT TRUE ; (S) Automatic mount of unmounted ; DASD volumes ; TRUE = Mount volumes (D) ; FALSE = Do not mount volumes AUTORECALL TRUE ; (S) Automatic recall of ; migrated data sets ; TRUE = Recall them (D) ; FALSE = Do not recall them AUTOTAPEMOUNT TRUE ; Automatic mount of unmounted ; tape volumes ; TRUE = Mount volumes (D) ; FALSE = Do not mount volumes BUFNO 5 ; (S) Specify number of access ; method buffers ; Valid range is from 1 through ; 35 - default value is 5 CHKPTINT 0 ; (S) Specify the checkpoint interval ; in number of records. ; NB: checkpointing only works ; with datatype EBCDIC and block ; or compressed transfer mode. ; 0 = no checkpoints (D) CONDDISP CATLG ; (S) Disposition of a new data set ; when transfer ends prematurely ; CATLG = Keep and catalog (D) ; DELETE = Delete data set ;DEST USER14@MVSL ; (S) NJE destination of files that ; are stored on this FTP server. ; There is no default. If the ; option is specified, files are ; sent to the specified destination ; instead of being stored on the ; FTP server. DIRECTORYMODE FALSE ; (S) Specifies how to view the MVS ; data set structure: ; FALSE = All qualifiers below ; (D) CWD are treated as ; entries in the directory ; TRUE = Qualifiers immediately ; below the CWD are treated ; as entries in the ; directory ;EXTENSIONS MDTM ; Enable MDTM FTP command ; support. ; Default is disabled. ;EXTENSIONS REST_STREAM ; Enable stream restart ; support. ; Default is disabled. ; EXTENSIONS SIZE must be enabled ; also. ;EXTENSIONS SIZE ; Enable SIZE FTP command ; support. ; Default is disabled. ; NB: Enabling this support ; may have a negative effect ; on performance. ;EXTENSIONS UTF8 ; Enable RFC 2640 support. ; Default is disabled. ; Control connection starts as ; 7bit ASCII and switches to UTF-8 ; encoding when LANG command ; received. CCXLATE and CTRLCONN ; are ignored. FILETYPE SEQ ; (S) Server mode of operation ; SEQ = transfer data sets or ; files (D) ; JES = submit jobs or retrieve ; JES output ; SQL = submit queries to DB2 INACTIVE 300 ; The time in seconds a control ; connection is allowed to stay ; inactive before it is closed by ; the server. ; Default value is 300 seconds. ; A value of zero disables the ; inactivity timer check. ISPFSTATS FALSE ; TRUE = create/update PDS ; statistics ; FALSE =does not create/update ; PDS statistics MIGRATEVOL MIGRAT ; (S) Migration volume volser to ; identify migrated data sets ; under control of non-HSM ; storage management products. ; Default value is MIGRAT. ;MVSURLKEY MVSDS ; URL identifier for references ; to MVS data sets - example: ; ftp://host/MVSDS/'USER1.DS1' ; MVSDS is the identifier that ; is used by the WebSphere server. ; There is no default value. ;PORTCOMMAND ACCEPT ; ACCEPT = accept all PORT commands ; REJECT = reject all PORT commands ;PORTCOMMANDPORT UNRESTRICTED ; UNRESTRICTED = accept PORT ; commands with all ; PORT numbers ; NOLOWPORTS = reject PORT ; commands with PORT ; numbers less than ; 1024. ;PORTCOMMANDIPADDR UNRESTRICTED ; UNRESTRICTED = accept PORT ; commands with all ; IP addresses ; NOREDIRECT = reject PORT commands ; with IP addresses ; other than the ; client that sent the ; PORT command QUOTESOVERRIDE TRUE ; (S) How to treat quotes at the ; beginning or surrounding file ; names. ; TRUE = Override current working ; directory (D) ; FALSE = Treat quotes as part of ; file name RDW FALSE ; (S) Specify whether Record ; Descriptor Words (RDWs) are ; discarded or retained. ; TRUE = Retain RDWs and transfer ; as part of data ; FALSE = Discard RDWs when ; transferring data (D) STARTDIRECTORY MVS ; Initial resource type access ; MVS = MVS data sets (D) ; HFS = HFS files ;TRACE ; Enable tracing to SYSLOGD ; Please note that there are no ; parameters. (See Debug options ; below.) TRAILINGBLANKS FALSE ; (S) How to handle trailing blanks ; in fixed format data sets during ; text transfers. ; TRUE = Retain trailing blanks ; (include in transfer) ; FALSE = Strip off trailing ; blanks (D) UMASK 027 ; (S) Octal UMASK to restrict setting ; of permission bits when creating ; new hfs files ; Default value is 027. ;WLMCLUSTERNAME ftpgroup ; Use the WLMCLUSTERNAME Statement ; to instruct the FTP Daemon to ; register in a DNS/WLM ; Sysplex Connection Balancing ; Group ; There is no default value. WRAPRECORD FALSE ; (S) Specify what to do if no new-line ; is encountered before reaching ; the MVS data set record length ; limit as defined by LRECL when ; transferring data to MVS. ; TRUE = Wrap data to new record ; FALSE = Truncate data (D) ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 2. Anonymous support ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;ANONYMOUS GUEST/xxxxxxxx ; Allow anonymous login ; Use user ID GUEST and ; xxxxxxxx as password ; SURROGATE can be used as password ANONYMOUSLEVEL 1 ; Enable R10 Anonymous support ; 1 = CS OS/390 V2R5 level (D) ; 2 = APAR PQ28980 level ; 3 = CS OS/390 V2R10 level ; The following options in the ; anonymous section of this sample ; FTP.DATA only apply to ; ANONYMOUSLEVEL 3 - if you have ; configured a lower level, these ; options will not be in effect. ;EMAILADDRCHECK NO ; EmailAddrCheck for Anonymous ; NO = No check (D) ; WARNING = Issue warning message ; FAIL = Fail login request ;ADMINEMAILADDR user@host.my.net ; FTP administrator email address. ; The substitution value for the ; %E magic cookie in banner, ; login, and info files. ;ANONYMOUSHFSFILEMODE 000 ; If an anonymous user is allowed ; to create new files, these files ; will be created with these ; permission bits. The anonymous ; user is not allowed to use a ; SITE CHMOD command. ; Default value is 000. ;ANONYMOUSHFSDIRMODE 333 ; If an anonymous user is allowed ; to create new directories, these ; directories will be created with ; these permission bits. The ; anonymous user is not allowed to ; use a SITE CHMOD command. ; Default value is 333 -wx-wx-wx ;ANONYMOUSFILEACCESS HFS ; Is the anonymous user allowed ; to access MVS data sets or HFS ; files or both. ; HFS = HFS files only (D) ; MVS = MVS data sets only ; BOTH = HFS files and MVS data ; sets ;ANONYMOUSFILETYPESEQ TRUE ; Is the anonymous user allowed ; to use filetype=seq? ; TRUE = Yes (D) ; FALSE = No ;ANONYMOUSFILETYPEJES FALSE ; Is the anonymous user allowed ; to use filetype=jes? ; TRUE = Yes ; FALSE = No (D) ; ;ANONYMOUSFILETYPESQL FALSE ; Is the anonymous user allowed ; to use filetype=sql? ; TRUE = Yes ; FALSE = No (D) ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 3. Welcome banner, login message, and directory information files ; ; The welcome banner is displayed at connection. ; Login message is displayed after successful login. ; Info files and data sets are displayed when CD'ing to the path. ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;BANNER /etc/ftpbanner ; File-path for welcome banner - ; both anonymous and real user ;ANONYMOUSLOGINMSG /etc/ftpanonlogin ; File-path for login message ; for anonymous user ;LOGINMSG /etc/ftplogin ; File-path for login message ; for real user ;ANONYMOUSMVSINFO README ; Anonymous MVS info file LLQ ;MVSINFO README ; Real user MVS info file LLQ ;ANONYMOUSHFSINFO readme* ; Anonymous HFS info file-mask ; login ;HFSINFO readme* ; Real user HFS info file-mask ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 4. Default MVS data set creation attributes ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- BLKSIZE 6233 ; (S) New data set allocation blocksize ;DATACLASS SMSDATA ; (S) SMS data class name ; There is no default ;MGMTCLASS SMSMGNT ; (S) SMS mgmtclass name ; There is no default ;STORCLASS SMSSTOR ; (S) SMS storclass name ; There is no default ;DCBDSN MODEL.DCB ; (S) New data set allocation ; model dcb name - must be a ; fully-qualified data set name ; There is no default DIRECTORY 27 ; (S) Number of directory blocks in ; new PDS/PDSE data sets. ; Default value is 27. ; Range is from 1 to 16777215. LRECL 256 ; (S) New data set allocation lrecl. ; Default value is 256. ; Valid range 0 through 32760. PRIMARY 1 ; (S) New data set allocation ; primary space units according ; to the value of SPACETYPE. ; Default value is 1. ; Valid range 1 through 16777215. RECFM VB ; (S) New data set allocation ; record format. ; Default value is VB. ; Value may be specifed as certain ; combinations of: ; A - ASA print control ; B - Blocked ; F - Fixed length records ; M - Machine print control ; S - Spanned (V) or Standard (F) ; U - Undefined record length ; V - Variable length records RETPD ; (S) New data set retention ; period in days. ; Blank = no retention period (D) ; 0 = expire today ; Valid range 0 through 9999. ; NB: Note the difference between ; a blank value and a value ; of zero. SECONDARY 1 ; (S) New data set allocation ; secondary space units according ; to the value of SPACETYPE. ; Default value is 1. ; Valid range 1 through 16777215. SPACETYPE TRACK ; (S) New data set allocation ; space type. ; TRACK (D) ; BLOCK ; CYLINDER UCOUNT ; (S) Sets the unit count for an ; allocation. ; If this option is not specified ; or is specified with a value of ; blank, the unit count attribute ; is not used on an allocation (D) ; Valid range is 1 through 59 or ; the character P for parallel ; mount requests ;UNITNAME SYSDA ; (S) New data set allocation unit ; name. ; There is no default. VCOUNT 59 ; (S) Volume count for an ; allocation. ; Valid range is 1 through 255. ; Default value is 59. ;VOLUME WRKLB1,WRKLB2 ; (S) Volume serial number(s) to ; use for allocating a data set. ; Specify either a single volser ; or a list of volsers ; separated with commas ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 5. Text codepage conversion options ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;CCXLATE envqual ; Control connection translate ; specification. If CTRLCONN is ; also specified, CCXLATE is ; ignored. ; The specified value is used to ; construct the name of an ; environment variable: ; _FTPXLATE_envqual and use the ; assigned value as a reference to ; a translate table data set. ;CTRLCONN 7BIT ; (S) ASCII code page for ; control connection. ; 7BIT is the default if CTRLCONN ; is not specified AND no TCPXLBIN ; translation table data set found. ; Can be specified as any iconv ; supported ASCII codepage, such ; as IBM-850 ;SBDATACONN (IBM-1047,IBM-850) ; (S) file system/network transfer ; code pages for data connection. ; Either a fully-qualified MVS ; data set name or HFS file name ; built with the CONVXLAT utility - ; HLQ.MY.TRANS.DATASET ; /u/user1/my.trans.file ; Or a file system codepage name ; followed by a network transfer ; codepage name according to iconv ; supported codepages - for example ; (IBM-1047,IBM-850) ; If the SYSFTSX DD-name is present ; it will override SBDATACONN. ; If neither SYSFTSX nor ; SBDATACONN are present, std. ; search order for a default ; translation table data set will ; be used. ;XLATE envqual ; Data connection translate ; specification. If SBDATACONN is ; also specified, XLATE is ; ignored. ; The specified value is used to ; construct the name of an ; environmen variable: ; _FTPXLATE_envqual and use the ; assigned value as a reference to ; a translate table data set. ;UCSHOSTCS code_page ; (S) Specify the EBCDIC code set ; to be used for data conversion ; to or from Unicode. ; If UCSHOSTCS is not specified, ; the current EBCDIC codepage ; for the data connection is used. UCSSUB FALSE ; (S) Specify whether Unicode-to-EBCDIC ; conversion should use the EBCDIC ; substitution character or ; cause the data transfer to be ; terminated if a Unicode ; character cannot be converted to ; a character in the target ; EBCDIC code set ; TRUE = Use substitution char ; FALSE = Terminate transfer (D) UCSTRUNC FALSE ; (S) Specify whether the transfer ; of Unicode data should be ; aborted if truncation ; occurs at the MVS host ; TRUE = Truncation allowed ; FALSE = Terminate transfer (D) ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 6. JES interface options ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- JESLRECL 80 ; (S) Lrecl of jobs submitted to JES. ; Default value is 80. ; Valid range from 1 through 254. JESPUTGETTO 600 ; Number of seconds in JesPutGet ; state (number of seconds server ; will wait between submitting a ; job and retrieving its output. ; Default value is 600 seconds. ; Valid range 0 through 86400. JESRECFM F ; (S) Recfm of jobs submitted to JES. ; F = Fixed length (D) ; V = Variable length (use only ; with JES3 systems) JESINTERFACELEVEL 1 ; Functional level of the JES ; interface ; 1 = Interface works as it did ; prior to OS/390 V2R10 (D) ; 2 = Interface works according ; to the enhanced support ; in OS/390 V2R10 JESENTRYLIMIT 200 ; (S) Maximum number of JES entries ; to include in DIR listings while ; in JES mode (LEVEL 2) ; Default value is 200. ; Valid range is 1 through 1024. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 7. DB2 (SQL) interface options ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- DB2 DB2 ; (S) DB2 subsystem name ; The default name is DB2 DB2PLAN EZAFTPMQ ; DB2 plan name for FTP Server ; The default name is EZAFTPMQ SPREAD FALSE ; (S) SQL spreadsheet output format ; TRUE = Spreadsheet format ; FALSE = Not spreadsheet ; format (D) SQLCOL NAMES ; (S) SQL output headings ; NAMES = Use column names (D) ; LABELS = Use column labels ; ANY = Use label if defined, ; else use name ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 8. SMF recording options ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;SMF STD ; SMF records use standard subtypes ; Specify either SMF STD - or ; individual subtypes below. ; (The values used in this sample ; for the individual subtypes are ; the standard values - the values ; that will be used if you specify ; SMF STD). ;SMFAPPE 70 ; SMF record subtype for the ; APPEND subcommand ;SMFDEL 71 ; SMF record subtype for the ; DELETE subcommand ;SMFEXIT ; Load SMF user exit FTPSMFEX ; Please note that there are no ; parameters. If SMFEXIT is not ; specified, no exit will be ; loaded. ;SMFJES ; SMF recording when filetype=jes ; Please note that there are no ; parameters. If SMFJES is not ; specified, SMF recording while ; in filetype=jes mode will not be ; done. ;SMFLOGN 72 ; SMF record subtype when ; recording logon failures ;SMFREN 73 ; SMF record subtype for the ; RENAME subcommand ;SMFRETR 74 ; SMF record subtype for the ; RETR subcommand ;SMFSQL ; SMF recording when filetype=sql ; Please note that there are no ; parameters. If SMFSQL is not ; specified, SMF recording while ; in filetype=sql mode will not be ; done. ;SMFSTOR 75 ; SMF record subtype for the ; STOR and STOU subcommands ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 9. Security options ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;EXTENSIONS AUTH_GSSAPI ; Enable Kerberos authentication ; Default is disabled. ;EXTENSIONS AUTH_TLS ; Enable TLS authentication ; Default is disabled. ;SECURE_FTP ALLOWED ; Authentication indicator ; ALLOWED (D) ; REQUIRED ;SECURE_LOGIN NO_CLIENT_AUTH ; Authorization level indicator ; NO_CLIENT_AUTH (D) ; REQUIRED ; VERIFY_USER ;SECURE_CTRLCONN CLEAR ; Minimum level of security for ; the control connection ; CLEAR (D) ; SAFE ; PRIVATE ;SECURE_DATACONN CLEAR ; Minimum level of security for ; the data connection ; NEVER ; CLEAR (D) ; SAFE ; PRIVATE ;SECURE_PBSZ 16384 ; Kerberos maximum size of the ; encoded data blocks ; Default value is 16384 ; Valid range is 512 through 32768 ; Name of a ciphersuite that can be passed to the partner during ; the TLS handshake. None, some, or all of the following may be ; specified. The number to the far right is the cipherspec id ; that corresponds to the ciphersuite's name. ;CIPHERSUITE SSL_NULL_MD5 ; 01 ;CIPHERSUITE SSL_NULL_SHA ; 02 ;CIPHERSUITE SSL_RC4_MD5_EX ; 03 ;CIPHERSUITE SSL_RC4_MD5 ; 04 ;CIPHERSUITE SSL_RC4_SHA ; 05 ;CIPHERSUITE SSL_RC2_MD5_EX ; 06 ;CIPHERSUITE SSL_DES_SHA ; 09 ;CIPHERSUITE SSL_3DES_SHA ; 0A ;KEYRING name ; Name of the keyring for TLS ; It can be the name of an hfs ; file (name starts with /) or ; a resource name in the security ; product (e.g., RACF) ;TLSTIMEOUT 100 ; Maximum time limit between full ; TLS handshakes to protect data ; connections ; Default value is 100 seconds. ; Valid range is 0 through 86400 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 10. Debug (trace) options ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;DEBUG ALL ; activate all traces ;DEBUG BAS ; active basic traces (marked with *) ;DEBUG FLO ; function flow ;DEBUG CMD ; * command trace ;DEBUG PAR ; parser details ;DEBUG INT ; * program initialization and termination ;DEBUG ACC ; access control errors (logging in) ;DEBUG UTL ; utility functions ;DEBUG FSC(1) ; * file services ;DEBUG SOC(1) ; * socket services ;DEBUG JES ; special JES processing ;DEBUG SQL ; special SQL processing ;DEBUG SEC ; security trace ./ ENDUP @# //***************************************************************** //* LIST THE SY2PKA MASTER CATALOG //***************************************************************** //LIST22 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * LISTC CATALOG(SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA) ALL /* //***************************************************************** //* CLEANUP - REMOVE SSA AND EXPORT DISCONNECT SY2PKA MCAT //***************************************************************** //CLEAN23 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=4M,COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DEL TARGSYS ALIAS EXP SYS1.MCAT.VSY2PKA DISCONNECT /*