Creating ONEPAK / TWOPAK Systems Using DFSMSdss Instead of FDRCOPY ------------------------------------------------------------------ I often get emails from people about my ONEPAK and TWOPAK jobs stating that they don't have FDR and asking if I have a version that uses DFSMSdss or some other method. The answer, is "NO" as I do not want to maintain multiple versions and virtually 100% of all the shops I've ever worked at or consulted for had FDR available. However, DFSMSdss can easily be used (although adding the SSA prefix to the data set names is not as easy to do as it is with FDR). Below is an example of what needs to be done to modify my ONEPAK and TWOPAK jobs to use DFSMSdss instead of FDRCOPY. Obviously this is just a sample of a few data sets and all of the required data sets need to be added to the "INCLUDE" list and "RENAMEUNCONDITIONAL" list. //COPY EXEC PGM=ADRDSSU,REGION=4M //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //OUT DD VOL=SER=SYS1PK,UNIT=SYSALLDA,DISP=OLD //SYSIN DD * COPY DATASET - (INCLUDE( - SYS1.ISF.SISFEXEC - SYS1.ISF.SISFLINK - SYS1.ISF.SISFLOAD - )) - OUTDDNAME(OUT) - RENAMEUNCONDITIONAL - ( - (SYS1.ISF.SISFEXEC, - TARGSYS.SYS1.ISF.SISFEXEC) - (SYS1.ISF.SISFLINK, - TARGSYS.SYS1.ISF.SISFLINK) - (SYS1.ISF.SISFLOAD, - TARGSYS.SYS1.ISF.SISFLOAD) - ) - CATALOG - SHARE TOL(ENQF) ALLD(*) REPLACE SPHERE ALLE PROCESS(SYS1) FORCE /*