Installation Documentation: **************************************************************** Questions: Please email Mark Zelden - Mark's MVS Utilities is also available on the web: **************************************************************** See member $RXINTRO for instructions on using the RXINTRO member EDIT Macros: Copy the macro to any library in the SYSPROC concatenation. If the macro is a REXX, it can also be placed in any library in the SYSEXEC concatenation. The LINETBL sample is in TSO XMIT format. You must use the TSO RECEIVE command to obtain a usable file. For example: TSO RECEIVE INDA('userid.cbt.file434(LINETBL)') (you will be prompted to enter a data set name:) DA('userid.EDMAC.LINETBL') REXX EXECs/CLISTs: Copy the EXEC or CLIST to any library in the SYSPROC concatenation. REXX programs can also be placed in any library in the SYSEXEC concatenation. Many of the REXX EXECs and CLISTS are best used when set up as ISPF commands. The ISPCMDSA CLIST is an example of how to add these commands on a temporary basis without actually modifying the ISPF Command Table (ISPCMDS). This also allows you to create aliases or command abbbreviations without renaming the CLIST/EXEC. eXtended Editor Facility (XEF): XEF is an ISPF dialog application that is used for BROWSING, VIEWING, EDITING, or COMPRESSING a dataset. It allows you to choose a dataset from a menu instead of typing in the entire dataset name. XEF can also be used to obtain DATASET INFORMATION or display a DATASET MEMBER LIST of a partitioned dataset. From the member list you can select members to be BROWSEd, VIEWed, EDITed, DELETEd, RENAMEd, or PRINTed. Using the DSLIST option, a dataset pattern can be entered to display a Data Set List that is like ISPF option 3.4. If the CBT PDS command is installed, XEF can also interface with it. XEF is invoked by selecting the main menu panel - XEFMENU. It can be added to an existing ISPF option panel or is best used when set up as a command in the ISPF Command Table (ISPCMDS). The ISPCMDSA CLIST in this PDS has an example of how to add the XEF command on a temporary basis without actually modifying the ISPF Command Table. XEF Installation Instructions: Add the following CLISTs to a library in the SYSPROC concatenation: XEFCLIST - XEF mainline code XEF - REXX EXEC to invoke XEF (optional if using ISPF command tables or an option menu to invoke XEF) XEFLIBD - Same as XEF CLIST but uses LIBDEFs (optional) Add the following panels to a library in the ISPPLIB concatenation: XEFMENU - XEF Main Menu ** XEFMENUB - Alternate XEF Main Menu (for systems below OS/390 2.10) XEFHELP - XEF Help Panel #1 XEFHELP2 - XEF Help Panel #2 XEFHELP3 - XEF Help Panel #3 XEFHELP4 - XEF Help Panel #4 XEFINF - XEF Dataset Info Panel (SEQ) XEFINFD - XEF Dataset Info Panel (PDS) XEFINFE - XEF Dataset Info Panel (PDSE) XEFINFP - XEF Dataset Info Panel (PDS SMS) XEFINFS - XEF Dataset Info Panel (SEQ SMS) Add the following messages to a library in the ISPMLIB concatenation: XEF00 - XEF Messages ** Note: If you want to run XEF 6.4 on systems below OS/390 2.10 use the XEFMENUB panel instead of XEFMENU. You should rename the panel to XEFMENU during installation. XEF 6.4 will function as it would on systems running OS/390 2.10 or higher, however, no verification is done for valid data set names or patterns when adding the names to the XEF main menu. This should work on any OS/390 system below OS/390 2.10 or MVS/ESA V5 systems (ISPF 4.2 or above is required). ======================================================================= Sample ISPF Commands, Command Usage, and Edit Macro Usage The commands are activated by updating the ISPF Command table. The abbreviations for commands and edit macros are achieved by using the command table or by renaming EXECs/CLISTSs. The ISPCMDSA CLIST is an example of how to add these commands on a temporary basis without actually modifying the ISPF Command Table (ISPCMDS). I S P F C O M M A N D S --------------------------- COMMAND (ABBR.) FUNCTION EXAMPLE(S): --------------- --------------------------- ------------------------- AMBCLIST (AMB) Interactive AMBLIST AMB BLKCLIST (BLK) Interactive BLKDISK BLK FINDMOD (FM) Find what library(s) a FINDMOD IEFBR14 module (or modules) is in FINDMOD ABC* using the LPA/LNKLST FM SMPPROC PROCLIST concatenation or an optional FM A%C* FINDLIST BOTH library search list TSOB BROWSE the output of any TSOB LISTA STA TSO command TSOB PROFILE TSOE EDIT the output of any TSOE LISTA STA TSO command TSOE PROFILE TSOR REVIEW the output of any TSOR LISTA STA TSO command TSOR PROFILE TSOV VIEW the output of any TSOV LISTA STA TSO command TSOV PROFILE XBROWSE (XB) BROWSE a dataset XB 'MY.PDS(ABC*)' XB PDS.NOTCAT USER01 XDSLIST (XD) Display DSLIST (ISPF 3.4) XD (default is USERID.*) XD SYS2.*.PROCLIB XD SYS2.NOTCAT USER01 XEDIT (XE) EDIT a dataset XE 'MY.PDS(ABC*)' XE PDS.NOTCAT USER01 XEF xXtended Editor Facility XEF XLISTC (XL) IDCAMS LISTCAT ALL - Output XL 'MY.VSAM.FILE' goes into a browse dataset ** Type XL next to DSN on ISPF Opt. 3.4 XMEMLIST (XM) Show a dataset member list XM 'MY.PDS(ABC*)' XM PDS.NOTCAT USER01 XVIEW (XV) VIEW a dataset (ISPF V4) XV 'MY.PDS(ABC*)' XV PDS.NOTCAT USER01 I S P F E D I T M A C R O S ----------------------------------- COMMAND (ABBR.) FUNCTION --------------- ----------------------------------------------------- COLADD Total numbers in a specified column range. An optional parameter of "HEX", "ZONE", "PACK", or "BIN" is needed to add hexadecimal, zoned decimal, packed decimal, or binary data. "DEC" is the default addition type. The operation can optionally be limited to specific lines if labels are used. Excluded lines are omitted from the operation. EXAMPLES: COLADD 10 25 ; COLADD 33 40 HEX .A .B COLADD 1 4 PACK ; COLADD 10 20 BIN COLUTIL 1) MOVE, COPY, or SWAP columns to a new location - move is the default. 2) SHIFT columns right or left. 3) CUT (copy) data from specific colimns into the ISPF Default Clipboard. This data can then be used with PASTE later on. The operation can optionally be limited to specific lines if labels are used. Excluded lines are omitted from the operation. MOVE EX: COLUTIL 10 20 5 ; COLUTIL 10 14 35 MOVE .A .B COPY EX: COLUTIL 10 20 5 COPY; COLUTIL 10 14 35 C .A .B SWAP EX: COLUTIL 10 20 5 SWAP; COLUTIL 10 14 35 S .A .B SHIFT EX: COLUTIL LEFT 3 ; COLUTIL R 5 .A .B CUT EX: COLUTIL CUT 50 60; COLUTIL CUT 20 25 .A .B DB Delete all lines from the line the cursor is on to the bottom line. This can also be used as a line command with the help of Doug Nadel's LMAC program. Doug's site - For z/OS 1.8 and above, LMAC should be downloaded from IBM's ISPF web site: DELDUPS Sort and delete all duplicate lines. The duplicate search can optionally be limited to specific columns. EX: DELDUPS ; DELDUPS 10 15 DELX Delete everything but a certain string. The search can optionally be limited to specific columns. EX: DELX VOL= DELNX Delete all of a certain string. The search can optionally be limited to specific colimns. EX: DELNX UNIT=SILO 5 16 DT Delete all lines from the line the cursor is on to the top line. This can also be used as a line command with the help of Doug Nadel's LMAC program. Doug's site - For z/OS 1.8 and above, LMAC should be downloaded from IBM's ISPF web site: EXCL Exclude all of a certain string. the search can optionally be limited to specific columns. EX: EXCL UNIT=SYSDA FILL Fill column(s) with characters. The fill can optionally be limited to specific lines if labels are used. Excluded lines are omitted from the operation. EXAMPLE: FILL 1 2 '/' ; FILL 2 7 'DELETE' .A .B INCL Include only a certain string. The search can optionally be limited to specific columns. EX: INCL ' JOB' 10 20 INSLINE (INS) Insert a character string or previously "CUT" data from the ISPF Default Clipboard either after or before every line. The insert can optionally be limited to specific lines if labels are used. Excluded lines are omitted from the operation. AFTER EXAMPLES: INSLINE '// DISP=SHR' A INSLINE PASTE A .FROM .TO BEFORE EXAMPLES: INSLINE ' DELETE + ' B .FROM .TO INSLINE PASTE B PREFIX (PRE) Add a character string prefix to the beginning of a line before the first non blank character, shifting data to the right. The prefix can optionally be limited to specific lines if labels are used. Excluded lines are omitted from the operation. EXAMPLE" PREFIX "'" ; PRE 'DSN=' .A .B PREFIX2 (PRE2) Add a character string prefix to the beginning of a line before the first non blank character. The prefix can optionally be limited to specific lines if labels are used. Excluded lines are omitted from the operation. EXAMPLE: PREFIX2 "'" ; PRE2 'DELETE ' .A .B SUFFIX (SUF) Add a character string suffix to the end of a line after the last non blank character. The suffix can optionally be limited to specific lines if labels are used. Excluded lines are omitted from the operation. EXAMPLE: SUFFIX "'" ; SUF ',DISP=SHR' .A .B SW Switch from VIEW to EDIT and visa versa. For use with sequential files it requires XVIEW/XEDIT or a similar EXEC/CLIST. ZBROWSE (ZB) BROWSE the dataset on the line that the cursor is at. This can also be used as a line command with the help of Doug Nadel's LMAC program. Doug's site - For z/OS 1.8 and above, LMAC should be downloaded from IBM's ISPF web site: ZEDIT (ZE) EDIT the dataset on the line that the cursor is at. This can also be used as a line command with the help of Doug Nadel's LMAC program. Doug's site - For z/OS 1.8 and above, LMAC should be downloaded from IBM's ISPF web site: ZVIEW (ZV) VIEW the dataset on the line that the cursor is at (ISPF V4) This can also be used as a line command with the help of Doug Nadel's LMAC program. Doug's site - For z/OS 1.8 and above, LMAC should be downloaded from IBM's ISPF web site: