*************************** * CBT File 434 Change Log * *************************** CBT509 ?????? 20xx 01/11/2025 - Updated the COLADD edit macro to ignore commas if DECimal data is being added. CBT508 December 2024 11/01/2024 - Added the TWOPAK25 job. This is the same as the TWOPAK24 job and can be used to create a "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.4 or z/OS 2.5 system. The difference is that this version uses DFDSS (ADRDSSU) instead of FDRCOPY as FDR is no longer available to me. Also adding in / copying of FDR into the rescue system is also removed. and this version now requires a single 3390-9 volume regadless of the name "TWOPAK*". A larger geometry volume can be used of course and may even be needed depending on local files used and any desired changes to the JES2 spool size, SMF, page datasets etc. 11/01/2024 - Added the CRPL edit macro. This edit macro can be used to create or replace a member in the current PDS that is being EDITed or VIEWed and then EDIT that member. 11/01/2024 - Added the VIEWREP edit macro. Using the macro / issuing the "VIEWREP" command from an ISPF view session will replace the contents of the PDS member or flat file currently being viewed in ISPF. CBT507 August 2024 02/20/2024 - Updated doc references in RXINTRO (Introduction To REXX word document) and wording in the $RXINTRO instructions that explain how to extract it. CBT506 December 2023 05/01/2023 - IPLINFO Updates: 1) Add JES2 node offset and JES3 FMIDs for z/OS 2.5. 2) Add IPA updates for z/OS 2.5: CRYPCTRS. CBT505 April 2023 03/24/2023 - Updated RXSTOR64 to expand the following fields from 7 to 9 bytes (from 6 to 7 digit numbers): "ALLOC MEM", "GUARDED MEM", "HWM MEM" & "SHARE HWM". CBT503 July 2022 12/27/2021 - Updated ONEPAK22 with a note that it could be used with z/OS 2.4 and removed IOEDFSXP from AUTHPGM in IKJTSO00 parmlib member (SYS1.SIOALMOD wasn't in the sample to start with). Also removed references to NETVTM.SCNMLPA1 (NETVIEW) since that library is not required. Also made some JES2PARM changes but they aren't related to z/OS 2.2 though z/OS 2.4. 12/27/2021 - Updated comments in TWOPAK22 to indicate that the zFS root will not fit on a single 3390-3 volume and using 3390-9 is recommended. Also updated comments about required customization for TCPIP access. Added HMCS and SYSCONS to the sample CONSOL00 member that is built. 12/27/2021 - Updated comments in TWOPAK23 to indicate that the zFS root will not fit on a single 3390-3 volume and using 3390-9 is recommended. Also updated comments about required customization for TCPIP access. Added HMCS and SYSCONS to the sample CONSOL00 member that is built. Also made some JES2PARM changes but they aren't related to z/OS 2.3. 12/27/2021 - Added the TWOPAK24 job. This is an update to the TWOPAK23 job and can be used to create a "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.4 driving system. CBT500 Dec 2020 09/30/2020 - Changed the DSLISTSV CLIST to make STATS creation a parm instead of hard coded to NO (which is the default still). 09/24/2020 - IPLINFO Updates: 1) Add JES2 node offset and JES3 FMIDs for z/OS 2.4. 2) Add IPA updates for z/OS 2.4: RUCSA and BOOST. 3) Changed the max symbol length in the Symbol display from 10 (8 max + ampersand and period) to 18 for z/OS 2.2 and above (16 max + ampersand and period). CBT499 May 2020 05/06/2020 - Added the SDSFPRT program. This program uses the SDSF REXX environment to take all or selected output from the spool and copy it to a PDS via SDSF "PRINT" commands. CBT498 December 2019 08/28/2019 - Updated the SDSF@DR REXX to change the "ST" panel invocation from: Address SDSF "ISFEXEC ST (DELAYED ALTERNATE)" to Address SDSF "ISFEXEC ST (DELAYED)" in case no alternate panel is defined. By default both primary and alternate fields are merged if an alternate exists anyway. 07/01/2019 - Added the DSLISTSV and MEMLSTSV CLIST and REXX EXEC. 06/17/2019 - For z/OS 2.3 and above, added IPA updates for SMFTBUFF, OSPROTECT, ICSF and ICSFPROC. SMFTBUFF was added via APAR OA52828. OSPROTECT was added via APAR OA54807. ICSF / ICSFPROC was added via APAR OA55378. 06/17/2019 - Updated the "GET_CPCSI" code in IPLINFO for a larger offset into IRALCCT to get the CPC SI info for all z/OS 2.3 systems. The previous change only did it for a z14, but the fix is also needed for z13. The problem is that I don't know what APAR / PTF makes the larger offset required nor if it is processor specific. CBT497 April 2019 04/24/2019 - Added the TWOPAK23 job. This is an update to the TWOPAK22 job and can be used to create a "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.3 driving system. 04/24/2019 Updated the comments in the TWOPAK22 job. Changes from TWOPAK21 were accidentally left out of the comments section. I also removed the comments that stated the job could be also be used for for z/OS 2.3 since there is now a separate sample job for z/OS 2.3. 03/06/2019 - Updated the "GET_CPCSI" code in IPLINFO for a larger offset into IRALCCT to get the CPC SI info for z/OS 2.3 at RSU1812 and above running on a z14 (the offset is an additional 8 bytes). I don't know what PTF(s) broke it or if there is a similar change for OS versions lower than z/OS 2.3. 01/03/2019 - Added a "REVerse" mode to CMD34 to process the data set list in reverse order. "REVerse" mode is useful when you are trying to delete GDGs plus the GDG base(s) in the data set list, otherwise the command will fail against the GDG base since there are still GDGs that exist in the base. CBT496 November 2018 10/12/2018 - Added the ONEPAK22/TWOPAK22 jobs. These are updates to the ONEPAK21/TWOPAK21 jobs and can be used to create a "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.2 driving system. They should work for z/OS 2.3 also with no changes. 10/12/2018 - Updated the SDSF@DR REXX to check for "*BOTTOM OF DATA REACHED*" so it is not displayed as an error message from XDC. I'm not sure when IBM added this as the code was written in 2009. It may have been in z/OS 2.1. CBT495 January 2018 12/01/2017 - IPLINFO Updates: 1) Add IPA updates for z/OS 2.3: RACF, FXE & IZU. 2) Add JES2 node offset and JES3 FMIDs for z/OS 2.3. 3) Fix catalog information display in IPL section when LOADxx SYSCAT definition is blank / using defaults for SYS% to SYS1 conversion (col. 16) and/or alias name level (col. 17). 4) Change RACF version information to match the z/OS version instead of the FMID for z/OS 2.2 and above. RCVTVRMN always has 7791 starting with z/OS 2.2 which is not correct. 5) Add "AUX" undocumented alias for the "PAGE" option. 04/29/2017 - Added RXSMF30 program. This is a REXX sample to read SMF 30 records to produce a job accounting report. CBT492 August 2016 10/11/2016 - IPLINFO Updates: 1) Add IPA updates for z/OS 2.2: SMFLIM & IEFOPZ. 2) Add JES2 node offset and JES3 FMIDs for z/OS 2.2. 3) Add some additional SMS information from the SMS SSI Vector Table. 4) Add "EDIt" option that can be specified as the 3rd parm to edit the output, similar to the Nobrowse option. Also changed the check in the XLATE_NONDISP subroutine from "> '00'x" to ">= '00'x" after seeing a subsystem with x'00' as part of the name in the edited output (and the ISPF warning about invalid / non-display characters). 5) Add 2G page information to LFAREA display in the VMAP section. 6) Fixed a rounding problem in the "FORMAT_MEMSIZE" subroutine for sizes over 1024G that should be displayed using "M" instead. The problem was seen in the HVSHARE display in the VMAP section. 08/27/2016 - Add 2G page information to LFAREA display in RXSTOR64 and also added a "NODETAIL" option so only system wide totals are displayed for HVSHARE/HVCOMMON/LFAREA. 08/27/2016 - Fixed a rounding problem in the "FORMAT_MEMSIZE" subroutine for sizes over 1024G that should be displayed using "M" instead in the following EXECs: IPLINFO, RXSTOR64, REXXSTOR 08/21/2016 - Added a "Showdups" option to the DELDUPS edit macro which will show the duplicate lines instead of deleting them. CBT491 July 2016 05/15/2016 - Add code to LOGRREXX to remove LS_ALLOCAHEAD(0) if system is not z/OS 2.2. The parm is added to lower level systems after OA44680 for z/OS 2.2 toleration. 04/04/2016 - IPLINFO Updates: 1) Reverted change from 3/12/2015 that changed the method of finding the real storage online at IPL for z/OS 2.1 and above. IBM opened APAR OA48094 to fix the original problem. 2) Add an undocumented option alias: SSN for SUBsystems. 04/04/2016 - Updated the assembler ASIDLIST and JOBCHECK programs to support the ASVT in 31-bit storage which is available via DIAGxx CBLOC in z/OS 2.1 and above. CBT490 November 2015 05/21/2015 - Change IPLINFO LFAREA display in z/OS 2.1 and above to include PAGEABLE1M allocations. Before the change these are incorrectly reported as 4K allocations on z/OS 2.1. 05/21/2015 - Change RXSTOR64 LFAREA total display in z/OS 2.1 and above to include PAGEABLE1M allocations. Before the change these are incorrectly reported as 4K allocations on z/OS 2.1. 05/20/2015 - Fix truncation of "PARESZSL" in the IPLINFO page data set display to support the number of slots possibly defined on a 3390-54. 05/14/2015 - Add offset change into IRALCCT for CPC SI info as a comment in IPLINFO for z/OS 1.13 with z13 maintenance applied. 03/12/2015 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Change method of finding online storage at IPL time for z/OS 2.1 and above as CVTRLSTG was not always correct. A field from the RIT is used instead. 2) Add code to show SCM (Storage Class Memory) usage to the "PAGE" section similar to "D ASM,SCM" output for z/OS 2.1 and above. 01/29/2015 - Updated the REXXMEM memory display utility to work with 64-bit addresses. Using 64-bit addresses requires z/OS 2.1 or above. CBT489 November 2014 10/27/2014 - Added the ONEPAK21/TWOPAK21 jobs. These are updates to the ONEPAKZD/TWOPAKZD jobs and can be used to create a "rescue" system from a z/OS 2.1 driving system. CBT488 June 2014 05/07/2014 - IPLINFO updates for z/OS 2.1: 1) Updated GET_CPCSI code for larger offset into IRALCCT to get the CPC SI info for z/OS 2.1. 2) Added JES2 node offset and JES3 FMIDs for z/OS 2.1. 3) IPA additions for z/OS 2.1 - 5 IEASYSxx PARMs: PAGESCM, WARNUND, HZS, GTZ and HZSPROC. 05/07/2014 - Updated the REXXMEM help panel. 05/07/2014 - Updated the SMPDELF sample job for deleting an SMP/E function. 05/07/2014 - Updated $SNGLTSO doc related to JES3 for z/OS 2.1. 05/01/2014 - Added LFAREA system totals into the VMAP section of IPLINFO similar to the "D VS,LFAREA" operator display output. 11/22/2013 - Added code to IPLINFO to split the "Supported Subsystem Function Codes" display for a given subsystem across multiple lines if needed to avoid truncation. 11/13/2013 - Updated REXXMEM to support indirect storage addressing similar to IPCS. 11/01/2013 - XEF: Changed the check in XEFCLIST for a null data set name in the data set list to be after the code to process the "FIND" option. Version is now 6.4.3 CBT487 October 2013 10/07/2013 - Added "Help" to the following edit macros: COLADD, COLUTIL, DELDUPS, DELNX, DELX, EXCL, FILL, INCL, INSLINE, PREFIX, PREFIX2, SUFFIX. Also added a check into "FILL" to make sure the fill data would fit within the columns specified. 10/07/2013 - Updated the "FIND_LABELS" routine in the following edit macros to a better / simpler version: COLADD, COLUTIL, FILL, INSLINE, PREFIX, PREFIX2, SUFFIX 10/01/2013 - Updated the DELDUPS edit macro to allow labels to be used to limit the range of the operation. 08/23/2013 - Added code to IPLINFO to display the ACF2 data set names currently in use plus removed equal sign from "CLPA=" and "CVIO=" in the IPA display. These parms have no value when specified in IEASYSxx. Also changed the code that checks for CLPA used at IPL time to look at a specific BIT in ASMFLAG2. CBT486 April 2013 01/17/2013 - XEF Changes - version is now 6.4.2: 1) Blank out the saved "F" in the option field if any data sets are found that match the search string. 2) Change XEFMENU panel so the command field is now the "Other DSN" field instead of the option field so options that conflict with scrolling remain in the option field while scrolling the list of data sets (M, D, & P). Also added code to the panel to allow the full option name to be used instead of a single character. For example: "EDIT" instead of "E", "BROWSE" instead of "B" etc. 01/17/2013 - Added additional comments in the source code of IPLHIST that describe how to use it. CBT485 December 2012 10/22/2012 - Changed the method IPLINFO uses to get the RACF primary data set name and also display the backup data set and multiple (split) data sets if they exist. CBT484 July 2012 07/05/2012 - Added the ONEPAKZD/TWOPAKZD jobs. These are updates to the ONEPAKZ8/TWOPAKZ8 jobs and can be used to create a "rescue" system from a z/OS 1.12 or z/OS 1.13 driving system. ONEPAKZ8/TWOPAKZ8 were also updated with some changes to the comments. 06/18/2012 - XEF Changes - version is now 6.4.1: 1) Force "DSLIST" option when a data set is chosen from the menu that contains a pattern. 2) Added delete member confirmation for the XEF member list and also honor the CONFIRM setting. 06/18/2012 - Added delete member confirmation for XMEMLIST and also honor the CONFIRM setting. 06/18/2012 - Added new "LINETBL" table sample for supporting ISPF line macros natively in z/OS 1.13 (ISPF 6.3) and above. 04/10/2012 - Updated the ISPF Considerations section of the $SNGLTSO doc member related to ISPF profile sharing and z/OSMF. 03/19/2012 - IPLINFO Updates: 1) Added JES2 node offset and JES3 FMIDs for z/OS 1.12 and z/OS 1.13. 2) Added new parms to the IPA display: AUTOR for z/OS 1.12 and above and CATALOG / IXGCNF for z/OS 1.13 and above. 3) Remove RTLS from the IPA display for z/OS 1.13 and above. 02/13/2012 - Changed description of SVCESRMX in IPLINFO SVC display of ESRs from "Max Entries" to "Max ESR Num Supported". 01/03/2012 - Added an "SVC" option / display to IPLINFO and made the help panel scrollable. Also added the IPL TOD (GMT) from from the IPA to the IPA section. CBT483 December 2011 08/19/2011 - Added LSQA usage to REXXSTOR and changed the way "Region Available" is calculated. The new method is a better estimation and considers LSQA usage. 08/04/2011 - Fixed 2 errors in IPLINFO identified by the REXX compiler and add a few undocumented option aliases: SSI / SUBsystems for SUB and MEMory for STOrage. 06/27/2011 - Added a FIND option to XEF. The XEF version has been changed from 6.3 to 6.4. CBT482 June 2011 06/06/2011 - Enhanced RXSTOR64 to show LFAREA breakout for 1M and 4K page usage in the totals similar to the "D VS,LFAREA" command on z/OS 1.12 or z/OS 1.10 and z/OS 1.11 with APAR OA31116 appled. 04/15/2011 - Fixed display for HMC LPAR ID to support 2 character hex numbers (LPAR ID > x'F') in IPLINFO. 04/04/2011 - Updated IPLINFO to show the GRS mode (NONE/RING/STAR). 03/04/2011 - Updated the following execs to reference my new web site URL: APFVER, CATSRCH, FINDMOD, IPLINFO, LPROG, REXXMEM, and RXSTOR64. CBT479 August 2010 07/19/2010 - Added an option to IPLINFO to change the delimiter between returned variables from a blank to "user defined" when IPLINFO is called as a REXX function. Also added z/OS 1.11 JES2 node table offset & JES3 FMID. 04/06/2010 - Added the IPLHIST and LASTIPL REXX execs. 03/29/2010 - Added the SDSF@DR program. See source code for details. 03/04/2010 - Added comments to ONEPAKZ8 and TWOPAKZ8 that detail the changes needed to build a z/OS 1.11 system. 02/01/2010 - Added "ZZ" (zAAP on zIIP) display to the IPA section of IPLINFO for z/OS 1.10 and above. 01/06/2010 - Fixed large memory object usage displays in RXSTOR64 for ASID level displays and the total display. The calculations were treating the control block values as 4K pages and converting them to megabytes when they were already in megabytes by definition. CBT478 December 2009 12/22/2009 - Updated LOGRREXX to ignore HLQ(NO_HLQ) when creating define cards. EHLQ(NO_EHLQ) was already being ignored. 09/02/2009 - Added comments to ONEPAKZ8 and TWOPAKZ8 that detail the changes needed to build a z/OS 1.10 system. 08/20/2009 - Changes to TAPESTAK. See comments in source code. 08/14/2009 - Added FVE REXX exec - Fast View/Edit of data sets. This REXX exec is intended to work with ISPF command table entries to create "shortcuts" for VIEWing or EDITing data sets or data set concatenations. There are already examples of adding the command table entries dynamically in the ISPCMDSA CLIST. See the source for full details. 08/14/2009 - Changed the column indicator line in the IPLINFO IPA display from a length of 70 to 72. 06/08/2009 - Updated RXSTOR64 to display ASID level large memory objects for z/OS 1.9 and above (with supporting hardware) and ASID level 64-bit common storage usage for z/OS 1.10 and above. Also added system wide usage summaries for 64-bit shared virtual (HVSHARE), 64-bit large memory objects (large / 1M page support) and 64-bit common storage (HVCOMMON) at the appropriate software levels. 05/29/2009 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Use GDATotalCSAHWM & GDATotalECSAHWM instead of GDACSAHWM & GDAECSAHWM for CSA/ECSA HWM in VMAP section for z/OS 1.10 and above. 2) Add 64-bit common storage display (HVCOMMON) to to VMAP section for z/OS 1.10 and above. 3) Change numeric digits from 12 to 20 and add 64-bit shared storage display (HVSHARE) to VMAP section for z/OS 1.5 and above. 4) Support logical processor add in z/OS 1.10 + z10 in CPU display for "maximum number of CPUs". 5) Removed equal sign from "PRESCPU=" in IPA display. This parm has no values when specified in IEASYSxx. 03/26/2009 - Added $ONEPAK doc member for creating ONEPAK / TWOPAK systems using DFSMSdss instead of FDRCOPY. 03/16/2009 - Changed the wording in the SMF logstream "toleration" message for IPLINFO and added an undocumented alias of "ASM" for the "PAGE" option. 02/20/2009 - Updates to the "FORMAT_MEMSIZE" subroutine in RXSTOR64 and REXXSTOR to allow for the possibility of a MEMLIMIT value greater than 16 exabytes (64-bit max) being stored in the RAX. The problem was reported in RXSTOR64 with Health Checker in z/OS 1.10. 02/09/2009 - Changes to IPLINFO to tolerate SMF LOGSTREAM usage. 01/21/2009 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Added "CPC SI" (STSI information) to the CPC display in the CPU section for z/OS 1.2 and above. 2) Added new IPA fields for z/OS 1.10. 3) Added z/OS 1.10 JES2 node table offset and JES3 FMID. CBT477 January 2009 12/19/2008 - Added new ACBCHECK program. 10/29/2008 - Added a display for HiperDispatch status to the CPU section of IPLINFO for z/OS 1.8 and above. 10/29/2008 - Added additional information to REXXSTOR ("Region Size" and "Max Priv Reg Size") and changed the output display to make it more readable. 10/03/2008 - Changed "arg" to "parse arg" in TSOB, TSOE, TSOV and TSOR to prevent case translation of commands being passed to the execs. 09/12/2008 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Fixed check in IPA for values present in z/OS 1.7 and above. Byte 4 of CVTOSLVL was being checked instead of byte 5. 2) Added LFAREA to the IPA display for z/OS 1.9 and above. 3) Added CADS (MAXCADs) used and HWM displays for z/OS 1.7 and above to the STORage section. 4) Changed "NUMERIC DIGITS" from 10 to 12. 5) Added reconfigurable storage size and potential real storage size to the STORage section. 07/24/2008 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Added CSS ID in the IPL section. 2) Added microcode level in the CPU section. 3) Added real storage increment size and number of increments installed to the storage section. 07/22/2008 - Added better error checking and messages to FINDMOD and also comments about turning "FINDMOD" into "FINDPROC". 06/24/2008 - Updated the ISPF Considerations section of the $SNGLTSO doc member with information about ISPF profile sharing that is available in z/OS 1.9 and above. 06/06/2008 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Added a NOBrowse option so output would not go to an ISPF browse dataset if desired when IPLINFO is invoked from ISPF. 2) Removed the "IPS=" reference from the IPA display for systems at z/OS 1.3 and higher. 3) Indented the output from the "Supported Subsystem Function Codes" display to be consistent with other section output displays. 04/29/2008 - Updated TWOPAKZ8 job to add ZFS support, separate TN3270 from TCPIP and add Unicode. This allows the TWOPAKZ8 job to be used with z/OS 1.7 through z/OS 1.9. Also added comments about creating userids with non-expiring passwords and turning off RACF inactive auto-revoke. 04/29/2008 - Updated comments in ONEPAKZ8 to say it could be used for z/OS 1.7 through z/OS 1.9. Also added comments about creating userids with non-expiring passwords and turning off RACF inactive auto-revoke. CBT476 April 2008 04/16/2008 - Added HLISTB, HLISTBL, HLISTM and HLISTML execs for browsing the output of HLIST BCDS (backup) and HLIST MCDS (migrate) commands for a specific data set or by data set level. 04/16/2008 - Updated LOGRREXX to handle pending changes to logstreams. 03/07/2008 - Updated RXSTOR64 to change the "HIDDEN MEM" column heading to "GUARDED MEM" and added a note about APAR OA02888. 01/30/2008 - Updated TWOPAKZ8 job to create a null SMS configuration. See comments in the job for the reason. CBT475 December 2007 12/13/2007 - Updated LPROG to add the IEASYSxx LNKAUTH setting (either LNKLST or APFTAB) to the LNKLST display heading. 12/04/2007 - Fixed REXX NOVALUE condition in IPLINFO RDATE subroutine. Also made the same change to RDATE and RDATEF even though SIGNAL ON NOVALUE is not used in those versions. 11/28/2007 - Updated CLONERES job and added old version as CLONERSO. 11/12/2007 - Updated IPLINFO for z/OS 1.9 JES2 node offset and JES3 FMID. Also added the IEASYSxx LNKAUTH setting (either LNKLST or APFTAB) to the LNKLST display heading. 10/09/2007 - Added error traps for SYNTAX and NOVALUE conditions to IPLINFO. 10/09/2007 - Updated the following execs that use ISPF panels to use ISPF services to create temporary ISPPLIB PDS members instead of REXX EXECIO: APVFER, CATSRCH, FINDMOD, IPLINFO, LPROG, REXXMEM and RXSTOR64. 08/27/2007 - Fixed an error in RXSTOR64 for displaying shared memory objects. RAXLVSHRNMOMB was coded for a length of 4 when it should have been a length of 8. 08/23/2007 - Added a check to SW to prevent usage when EDIT/VIEW is using the EDIF/VIIF interface. 08/23/2007 - Made a cosmetic change to the "FIND_LABELS" code in the following edit macros: COLADD COLUTIL INSLINE PREFIX PREFIX2 SUFFIX CBT474 August 2007 05/31/2007 - Added CEC MSU, image MSU and 4 hour MSU average usage to the IPLINFO CPU section and a display to show when the LPAR is being "soft capped". Also re-added the code to create the ISPPLIB as a pemanent data set for systems below OS/390 2.10. 05/24/2007 - Added the ONEPAKZ8/TWOPAKZ8 jobs. These are updates to the ONEPAKZ6/TWOPAKZ6 jobs and can be used to create a "rescue" system from a z/OS 1.7 or z/OS 1.8 driving system. 05/07/2007 - Updated INSLINE so it works with strings that contain an ampersand. 05/01/2007 - Changed the following edit macros so they allow the usage of system lables .ZFIRST/.ZF and .ZLAST/.ZL: COLADD COLUTIL FILL INSLINE PREFIX PREFIX2 SUFFIX 04/27/2007 - Added a display of the LOADPARM device address to the IPA section of IPLINFO. 04/27/2007 - Added new EXECs TSOV and TSOR (similar to TSOE/TSOB). TSOR uses the REVIEW command from CBT file 134 or 135 and can be used under native TSO without ISPF. Also updated the ISPCMDSA sample which adds these commands to the ISPF command table. 03/23/2007 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Added z/OS 1.8 JES2 node offset and added the JES3 FMID to the FMID table for z/OS 1.8 JES3. 2) Added a display to show the current status of catalog SYS%-SYS1 conversion and current alias level. 3) Added a customizable date format option. The default option is to now use ISO 8601 format. 03/20/2007 - Fixed ISPCMDSA CLIST to work on current ISPF releases. I'm not sure when it broke. Added one line of code. 03/09/2007 - Updated the following execs that use ISPF panels to create a temporary data set for ISPPLIB instead of a permanent data set: APVFER, CATSRCH, FINDMOD, IPLINFO, LPROG, REXXMEM and RXSTOR64. 02/16/2007 - Updated INCL, EXCL, DELX, and DELNX so they can work with strings that contain an ampersand. 01/23/2007 - Added the CMD34 rexx exec. This exec an be used to issue commands against an ISPF 3.4 type DSLIST. CBT473 January 2007 11/28/2006 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Added the ability to abbreviate all options to 3 or more characters. An error message is now displayed if an invalid option is used instead of defaulting to the "ALL" option. 2) Added a display for the master catalog alias level, the catalog type and SYS% conversion status. 3) Added a display for the local time offset from GMT. 4) Add displays to the CPU section for maximum number of CPUs and the number of GPs / zAAPs / zIIPs online at IPL time. 5) Restructured code to use CVT bits to determine OS levels instead of FMIDNUM or PRODNAME. 6) Added SYSNAME/GRSNAME to banner at top of displays. 7) Added new LPA, LNKLST and APF display options. 8) Increased the number of variables that can be returned from 10 to 20 when IPLINFO is called as a REXX function. 11/14/2006 - Updated RXSTOR64 and REXXSTOR for new MEMLIMIT source that was added via IBM APAR OA14391. 10/30/2006 - Added code to RXSTOR64 to bypass ASIDs marked as in-use that don't have a valid RAX. CBT472 September 2006 09/06/2006 - Fixed problem with RACF version formatting in IPLINFO on some systems with zIIP support installed. 08/25/2006 - Updated IPLINFO to include the ACF2 version in the version section for systems running CA-ACF2. 07/28/2006 - Updated IPLINFO to indicate a zIIP engine in the CPU section and changed the MIPS calculation to exclude zIIP engines. 07/24/2006 - Updated REXXSTOR to display the MEMLIMIT source. 06/20/2006 - Added the ability to specify an "*" for the member name to process all members with AMBCLIST / AMBPANEL. 04/03/2006 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Added a SMF data set usage display. 2) Support for PRESCPU parm in the IPA for z/OS 1.5 and z/OS 1.6 systems with OA09649 applied. 3) IPA additions for z/OS 1.7 (CEE, DRMODE, PRESCPU). 4) Added code for JES2 node offset for z/OS 1.7 JES2. 5) Added the JES3 FMID to the FMID table for z/OS 1.7 JES3. 6) Fixed bug in IPA PARMLIB display when there were more than 9 PARMLIBs in the concatenation. CBT471 February 2006 01/20/2006 - Added "HIDE EXCLUDED" to the INCL and EXCL edit macros for z/OS 1.6 and above. 01/05/2006 - Removed ILM parms from IEASYS00 in the ONEPAKZ6 and TWOPAKZ6 jobs. CBT470 December 2005 11/18/2005 - Added the LMPREXX edit macro. This edit macro helps manage CA LMP keys. 11/17/2005 - Updated IPLINFO to display the MIF ID in the IPL section. 11/07/2005 - Updated the SW edit macro to check for changed data prior to switching and added a "FORCE" option. 11/04/2005 - Added RXSTOR64 exec to display 64-bit MEMLIMIT and storage use for all ASIDs running in the system. 11/03/2005 - Changed IPLINFO to make x'00' a valid display character and changed the check of the architecture level from the IPA to PSA in the common section. 11/01/2005 - Updated REXXSTOR to display the MEMLIMIT for z/OS 1.2 and above. Also update the REXXSTOJ JCL example. 10/27/2005 - Updated the ISPF Considerations section of the $SNGLTSO doc member to document caveats related to sharing or not sharing the ISPF profile data set. Also updated the JES2 section with notes about NOTIFY=USERID in a JES2 MAS. 10/05/2005 - Updated CATSRCH to add a period as the last ARG to fix a problem if more than one space is used between the first ARG (filter) and the second ARG (catalog name). CBT469 July 2005 07/08/2005 - Added the CLONERES job. This is a sample jobstream to clone a two volume sysres set and SMP/E target zones. 06/23/2005 - Added the SMPDELF job. This is a sample job to remove a FMID from a set of SMP/E zones and libraries. 06/22/2005 - Updated the REXX function support in IPLINFO to return up to 10 variables instead of only 1 variable. 06/14/2005 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Added an ASID usage display. 2) Added REXX function support (see source for details). 3) Added "(WLM)" to IRD/WLM managed CPUs in CPU display. 4) Added check for CVTVERID (user software version) and display it in the version section if present. 5) Support for greater than 16 CPs with z/OS 1.6 and above. CPU number is now displayed in hex and also as 2 digits on z/OS 1.6 and above (similar to the D M=CPU operator command). 06/08/2005 - Updated RDATE to support dates up to 12/31/2172 and added RDATEF which is a REXX function version of RDATE. Also copied updated RDATE version into IPLINFO, RACFUDEL, and TAPESTAK. 05/09/2005 - Added the ONEPAKZ6/TWOPAKZ6 jobs. These are updates to the ONEPAKZ3/TWOPAKZ3 jobs and can be used to create a "rescue" system from a z/OS 1.6 driving system. 04/28/2005 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Added display in CPU section to indicate a zAAP engine and changed the MIPS calculation to not include zAAP engines. 2) Changed the system ID display message to indicate that the GRS system id is the SYSNAME and the SMF system ID is the SID. 04/01/2005 - Fixed bug in DELDUPS2 when trying to work with columns that don't span the entire record. 02/14/2005 - Added new XDSLIST REXX exec (command). Also updated the ISPCMDSA sample. 02/14/2005 - XEF Changes: Added an additional sample invocation REXX exec for XEF that uses LIBDEFs called XEFLIBD. Removed obsolete code from the )INIT section of XEFMENU. Also provided an alternate menu panel - XEFMENUB - for XEF 6.3 that can be used on any OS/390 system below OS/390 2.10 or MVS/ESA V5 (ISPF 4.2 or above is required). However, no verification is done for valid data set names or patterns when adding the names to the XEF main menu. CBT468 February 2005 02/10/2005 - Added a DSLIST option to XEF with support for data set name patterns. The version has been changed from 6.2 to 6.3 and OS/390 2.10 (ISPF V5) or above is now required. XEF 6.2 is still available in TSO XMIT format as member XEFV62. CBT467 January 2005 12/31/2004 - Added the SW edit macro which allows you to switch an ISPF VIEW session into EDIT and visa versa. 11/03/2004 - Update to LOGRREXX to prevent possible truncation of some define logstream parameters. JCL was modified also. 10/26/2004 - Added new JOBCHKRX and ASIDLRX programs. These are REXX versions of JOBCHECK and ASIDLIST. 10/21/2004 - Added USERID and SYSID to XEF Menu title line. 09/16/2004 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Added HVSHARE to IPA display for z/OS 1.5. 2) Remove any ILM parms from IPA display for z/OS 1.5. 3) Fix HMC LPAR number code in IPL section when CPU(0) is offline (broke when code was changed for z990). 4) Change VMAP to show storage from "the top down" instead of from "the bottom up". An option is given to show it the old way (for now) if desired. See the comments in the source code. 08/25/2004 - Updated the ISPF Considerations section of the $SNGLTSO doc member to state that ISPF exit 16 is no longer required at z/OS 1.5 and above since the configuration table now supports the use of Static System Symbols. 08/24/2004 - Added RELADDR=ASNEEDED to SPOOLDEF in ONEPAKZ3/TWOPAKZ3. 08/24/2004 - Added new LOGRREXX program. CBT466 July 2004 07/14/2004 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Added a check for VTAM being active prior to trying to display the VTAM version. 2) Added the JES2 node offset for z/OS 1.5 JES2. 3) Added the JES3 FMID to the FMID table for z/OS 1.5 JES3. CBT464 February 2004 01/20/2004 - Added the REXXSTOJ sample JCL for running the REXXSTOR REXX exec in batch. CBT462 September 2003 09/02/2003 - Updated IPLINFO to change the method of displaying the LPAR number. The LPAR number in the CSD control block may not match the HMC defined number on a z990 (T-REX). 09/02/2003 - Updated console definitions in ONEPAKZ3 and TWOPAKZ3 jobs. Both consoles had a name of MASTER. CBT461 July 2003 07/11/2003 - Updated the ONEPAKZ3 sample job and added the TWOPAKZ3 sample job to create a two pack rescue system. TWOPAKZ3 is the same as ONEPAKZ3, but also includes Unix System Services, TCP/IP and ISHELL. 07/07/2003 - IPLINFO updates: 1) Added VTAM NETID and SSCPNAME in the version section. 2) Added the RACF primary data set name or Top Secret security file data set name in the version section. 3) Added high water marks for SQA,ESQA,CSA, and ECSA to VMAP section (OS/390 R10 and above). CBT460 June 2003 05/15/2003 - Fixed IPLINFO "sysplex system number" display when more than 9 systems are in the sysplex. 05/12/2003 - Changed CATSRCH to show all volsers instead of only three volsers. Also changed panel for ISPF display output to use &ZWIDTH to support a mod 5 terminal. CBT459 April 2003 04/04/2003 - Added "LINK" as a valid option for LPROG display of the LNKLST in addition to the "LNK" option. CBT458 April 2003 01/16/2003 - Fix JES2 node display for z/OS 1.4 in IPLINFO. Also added JES3 z/OS 1.4 FMID to JES3 FMID/VERSION table for running IPLINFO from Unix System services. CBT456 January 2003 01/08/2003 - Fixed bad comment in REXXSCAN (sample JCL had a "/*" in it so a second "*/" was needed in the comment). 01/02/2003 - Added the ONEPAKZ3 job. This is a sample jobstream to build a one pack "rescue" system from a z/OS 1.3 driving system. CBT454 November 2002 11/07/2002 - IPLINFO Updates: 1) Add additional parms to the IPA display that have been added by IBM up to z/OS 1.3. 2) Sort the IPA parms. Had to add a sort subroutine and re-write the code that splits up page data set names to multiple lines. 3) Removed "This was system number ?? added to the sysplex" message for a LOCAL sysplex. - Updated APFVER to show the system name and time of execution in the output header display line. 10/28/2002 - Fixed bug in member pattern support for XEF PDS option. CBT453 October 2002 10/23/2002 - Added sysplex information to the IPL section of IPLINFO: "This was system number ?? added to the sysplex". 10/15/2002 - Updated ZBROWSE, ZEDIT, and ZVIEW edit macros to work with quoted data set names. Also added some additional documentation on usage within the source code. 10/04/2002 - Added the ISPF internal version level (ZENVIR) back into the ISPF version display of IPLINFO. CBT451 September 2002 09/04/2002 - IPLINFO Updates: 1) Add product (OS/390 or z/OS) to DFSMS level in version display. 2) Add product name back into OS version display. 3) Strip blanks from ISPF level in version display. - Updated $SNGLTSO doc member and added new JES2 usermod sample (UMJES012) for z/OS 1.2 and above. CBT450 August 2002 08/18/2002 - Fixed some typos in $ROOTSHR (RDRW changed to RDWR). 08/02/2002 - IPLINFO Updates: 1) Fix for JES2 version display for z/OS when running IPLINFO from Unix System Services. 2) Added JES3 z/OS 1.2 FMID to JES3 FMID table for running IPLINFO from Unix System services. 3) Added support for Unicode in the IEASYSxx display section of the IPA (UNI=). 4) Added some blank lines for readability in the various IPA display sections. CBT449 July 2002 06/11/2002 - Updated TAPESTAK to change the format of TMSUPDTE control cards to use YYYY/DDD format. The old YYDDD format is no longer valid. - Updated the $SNGLTSO doc member and added information for using "RMF ISPF Dialogs" and "Other ISPF Applications" to the ISPF Considerations section. Also Updated the UMJES01 sample usermod to use a relative branch instruction which is needed for OS/390 R10 JES2 and above. - Cosmetic changes to IPLINFO. No new functions or fixes. CBT447 May 2002 05/22/2002 - IPLINFO Updates: 1) Remove the display of potential real storage size and expanded storage size for 64-bit systems. 2) Added a display of the system mode (z/Architecture or ESA/390) and ARCHLVL to the "IPL" section for systems running OS/390 R10 and above. 3) Fixed a bug in subsystem function code display. 05/15/2002 - Converted XEDIT, XBROWSE, XVIEW, and XMEMLIST from CLIST to REXX. Fully qualified data set names are now optional, regardless of the TSO PROFILE PREFIX setting. PREFIX.DATA.SET.NAME will be tried first, then DATA.SET.NAME for data sets that are not fully qualified. Fixed bug in ZEDIT, XEDIT, XMEMLIST, and XEFCLIST edit recovery code. CBT445 May 2002 04/19/2002 - Fixed bug in COLADD for total message when the total is not a whole decimal number. Also added an AVG display if extended help is chosen after invocation (normally PF1). CBT444 April 2002 03/19/2002 - Changed IPLINFO to get the master catalog information from the IPA instead of CAXWA in OS/390 R4 and above. CBT442 February 2002 01/30/2002 - Updated the INSLINE edit macro to allow inserting data from the ISPF Default Clipboard via "PASTE". CBT441 January 2002 01/18/2002 - Updated the $SNGLTSO doc member and added a GRS / MIM Considerations section. 01/11/2002 - Updated IPLINFO to correct security software display for some OS/390 R10 systems not running RACF. Also made a cosmetic change to the IPL LOAD PARM display. CBT440 December 2001 11/09/2001 - Added the INDIRECR REXX exec. 10/31/2001 - Updated IPLINFO to show the used amounts of CSA, SQA, ECSA, ESQA, and the amount of SQA/ESQA conversion to CSA/ECSA in the VMAP section. CBT439 November 2001 10/18/2001 - Updated ZBROWSE, ZEDIT, and ZVIEW edit macros to work with data sets not specified with "DSN=" or "DSNAME=" as long as the cursor is on the start of the data set. 09/20/2001 - Updated IPLINFO to prevent garbage display of the IODF token if the token is unavailable, and also prevent the display of the CPC Node Descriptor if it is unavailable. 09/07/2001 - Added the REXXMEM REXX exec. CBT438 August 2001 08/01/2001 - Updated CATSRCH to prevent a loop if the work area is not large enough and issue an error message. 07/24/2001 - Updated the $SNGLTSO doc member with SDSF considerations. CBT436 June 2001 06/13/2001 - Changed IPLINFO to get the master catalog information from the IPA instead of CAXWA in OS/390 R10 and above. 06/04/2001 - Added the VTOCTOT program. 05/31/2001 - Added the REXXSCAN program and the EDMACALL REXX exec. CBT434 May 2001 04/25/2001 - IPLINFO fixes/updates: 1) Added a Subsystem Information section to IPLINFO. 2) Fixed JES version information for systems where JES is not the first subsystem in the SSCVT. 3) Changed method of getting JES3 version if running under Unix System Services. 04/24/2001 - Fixed bug in FINDMOD "BOTH" option. Some libraries in the search list member were not searched if comments were used in the member. 04/13/2001 - Updated the $SNGLTSO doc member. CBT433 March 2001 03/21/2001 - IPLINFO fixes/updates for OS/390 R10: 1) Fixed Virtual Storage Map. The start of the system area has moved from x'1000' to x'2000' in R10. 2) Changed method of getting IODF information. The old method was not working on some R10 systems. 3) Added ARCHLVL value from LOADxx to IPA section for R10. 4) Added CPU version number to CPU display. 5) Cosmetic changes. 03/15/2001 - Updated the $SNGLTSO doc member and added UMJES06 JES3 USERMOD sample. 03/02/2001 - Updated FINDMOD to accept a "BOTH" parameter so both the search list libraries and the LPA & LNKLST are searched. 02/28/2001 - Added the REXXSTOR REXX exec. 02/04/2001 - Added JOB / DOC members: $ROOTSHR, $RXINTRO, $SNGLTSO, $WLMMONO, ISPDFLTS, ISPEX16, UMJES01, ONEPAK43, RXINTRO, SMPBLD1, SMPBLD2, SMPBLD3 CBT432 January 2001 01/23/2001 - Added "ZONE", "PACK", and "BIN" options to the COLADD edit macro in addition to "DEC" and "HEX". 01/17/2001 - Added the "STACK" parameter to LIBDEFs in the following EXECs: APFVER, CATSRCH, FINDMOD, IPLINFO, and LPROG. CBT431 December 2000 12/22/2000 - Fixed ASIDLIST to handle more than 999 ASIDs. 12/21/2000 - Fixed possible loop in CATSRCH caused by trying to list an entry that was interrupted during a previous process (message IDC11441I). This only happened when trying to list an entire catalog (HLQ = **). 12/19/2000 - Changed method of getting JES3 information in IPLINFO. 12/13/2000 - Updated TAPESTAK to support high capacity cartridges. CBT430 Novemeber 2000 10/23/2000 - Added code to IPLINFO to check which security package is used (RACF, ACF2, or Top Secret). 09/14/2000 - Added the CATSRCH REXX exec. Also added the optional CATSRCHP panel and CAT invocation exec. CBT429 September 2000 08/28/2000 - Fixed IPLINFO IODF information and JES2 node name for OS/390 2.10. Also fixed IPLINFO JES2 node name for MVS/ESA SP 5 and OS/390 R1. CBT425 June 2000 05/19/2000 - Added the COLADD edit macro. 04/20/2000 - XEF updates. The version has been changed to 6.2. Added dataset information support for SMS controlled datasets. Added 3 panels - XEFINFE, XEFINFP, & XEFINFS. 03/16/2000 - Updated LPROG to check the APF flag in the LNKLST display. Also, entry numbers are now displayed for the LPA, LNKLST, and APF list displays. 03/09/2000 - Updated FINDMOD to allow a member pattern to be specified in the search criteria. 02/29/2000 - Updated RDATE date conversion routine. It now has the ability to convert NNNNN (the number of days from January 1, 1900) to standard date output. 02/07/2000 - Changed IPLINFO to check for a NON-VIO local page data set in the page data set display. Changed IPLINFO to get JES2 node name from $HCCT instead of SYSVAR(SYSNODE). This allows the node name to be displayed under Unix System Services. 01/19/2000 - Added the JOBCHECK program. 12/17/1999 - Fixed "LINES KEPT" total message in DELDUPS. 12/16/1999 - Fixed Y2K problems with TAPESTAK and RACFUDEL. Changed some comments in IPLINFO and RDATE that referenced the century date. CBT422 November 1999 Initial CBT release